Happy Monday to you!
This week we explored one curvy (Stiks) and one straight lined (Munchin) tangle along a meandering string. While that may sound simplistic, the results were very detailed.
On a personal note - Over the next few weeks, we get to enjoy a visit from our grandchildren. Since I will be if full "Gramma" mode while still keeping up with our challenges, Tangled Tidbits will return after our summer fun.
The first tile arrived from Sherry Conte (Florida) ~
Stiks was a perfect tangle for this string.
From Lynn G. (Florida) ~
Thank you, Adele.
From Marjan Heemskerk (The Netherlands) ~
I don't use black tiles very much but it was fun to do so.
Greetings from a warm and very dry Holland.
From Juliane Lopes (Florida) ~
Well I think this is a first for me, Adele,...submitting an entry for IAST the day after you posted it!! I actually did most of this last night, and finished the shading this morning. But I'm not 100% convinced it's done...I think I normally would have tried to shade the ovals and circles for Stiks, but using the white on black threw me off a bit, plus they are too small. Any suggestions would be most welcome.
I found that Stiks naturally rolls off the pen much smaller than anticipated - as you will see on my tile below. It helps to over exaggerate them before adding the orbs.)
From Lisette (Switzerland) ~
Thank you for this new challenge with Stikz, the new pattern. When I first saw it, it didn't appeal to me so much. But as so often with Zentangle, as soon as you start drawing and playing with a pattern and get familiar with it, it's great fun. Unfortunately I've neglected Munchin for a long time. It was good to meet this old friend again! Thank you so much for your weekly effort and persistent work.
Hugs from sunny Switzerland
From Ria Matheussen, CZT (Belgium) ~
Here is my entry for your 251 st challenge, a wonderful combination of an older and a new tangle.
This time, I prefered to use only black and white to become more contrasts.
I enjoyed the challenge and thank you very much.
Warm regards from Belgium
From Shirley Wholsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
Thank you, Adele, for this fun challenge,
I have attached my Tile for ‘It’s A String Thing #251’
I missed last week’s festivities for your 250th challenge so hereby my late congratulations and lots of thanks for so many great challenges!
From Hilary (Chicago) ~
First of all, since I didn’t participate last week, let me congratulate you on the awesome accomplishment of 250 challenges. You really are amazing !
Now on to number 251. I followed your string, then divided the sections into triangles. As you probably can tell I was happier doing Munchin than Stiks.
From Sally Whiteman (New Zealand) ~
I really enjoyed these tangles. I had not done Stiks before.
Really cold frosty morning here, ideal to sit tangling while waiting for the frost to clear.
Many thanks for the challenge.
From Baafke (The Netherlands) ~
This is my entry of this week, it has become a kind of chain.
From Susie (St. Louis, Missouri) ~
From Priscilla DeConte, CZT 28 (Kingston, New York) ~
This was another fun filled challenge...I used one of the tiles I made using combination of brusho and other watercolors for background.
Here is my entry for this week.
Have a blessed one all!
From Anna Houston, CZT (British Columbia, Canada) ~
After a long hiatus during which I merely lurked and marveled at all of the work of all of your talented contributors, I finely decided to dive back in to your challenges. This is my entry for this week.
So good to have you back!)
From Ragged Ray (United Kingdom) ~
Little time, but just enough to send you my tile. And to say how much I love Stiks, so meditative - the way you repeat the same lines with tiny variation and find the tangle taking you on a gentle journey. Lots of Stiks on my tile, but just a tiny taste of Munchin who I still struggle to connect with!
From Nor'dzin (Wales, United Kingdom) ~
Lovely to see the festive tiles from the last challenge.
Here is this week’s. The string immediately told me where Stiks was going! When I scanned it to send to you, I accidentally scanned a negative one. I think it looks really interesting!
Warm wishes to you and all contributors.
From Jane (United Kingdom) ~
Hi Adele, congratulations on 250 challenges, unfortunately I couldn't get to the last one, but will endeavour to keep up again. Ever appreciative of this opportunity to try the different tangles you suggest!
From Karen Herstowski (Atlanta, Georgia) ~
I love this string. It has a great movement which made it so easy to design!
From Gabi (Germany) ~
What a beautiful string this time! I kept it very simple... used just one of the suggested patterns and resisted in using colours.
Have a sunny week
From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and
here on her blog ~
first I didn‘t know exactly how to combine your two given patterns with your string. But I took it easy and drew spontaneously.
A second Variation you can see on my blog under the link: .
Thank you very much for this interesting challenge!
Best wishes from Germany
From Mariam G (Port Hueneme, California) ~
What a great way to start the countdown for the next 250 IAST! Stiks is such a happy little tangle - makes me smile when drawing it! My husband thinks my tile looks like caterpillars and cocoons, and that's just fine with me.
From Laurel Davis, CZT (New York) ~
I started experimenting with Stiks on a practice square and then liked it so much, I added some Munchin (one of my go to tangles) and am now submitting it for your latest challenge.
From Kate (United Kingdom) ~
My contribution to this week's challenge. I've lost some of the curves from the string and allowed some of the perfs to escape to make the corners of the Munchin triangles!
From Ingrid (The Netherlands) ~
Here is my tile # 251 for this week.
With lots of love and have a blessed week.
From Anita A Westin (Dalarna, Sweden) and
here on her blog ~
Hello Adele! I couldn´t participate last week, but I saw the wonderful happy results! Here is my tile for 251, which I did enjoy a lot. Thank´s Adele for doing this IAST-challenges! Here are the comments in my blog:
From Trudi (Woodview, Ontario, Canada) ~
Greetings Adele! What a nice exercise this challenge was I really enjoyed doing these two tangles. Thank you.
From Donna Matoi (Long Beach, California) ~
CONGRATULATIONS on 250 IAST! What an accomplishment! Looking forward to the next 250!
So here is mine for #251.
Thank you for your time and efforts to do this every week! I love your new feature “Where I Tangle”. It is so cool to see everyone’s space for creating!
Have a wonderful week!
From Lin H., CZT (Florida) ~
I was so sorry not to be able to submit a tile last week to join in the celebration of your 250th challenge but I was sending you cheers in my mind! I really enjoyed your latest challenge with Stiks which was new for me and Munchin. Maria T. recently posted a tile that she had used a flicking motion with her white charcoal pencil and I tried that on my tile and was pleasantly pleased with the results. I love learning something new.
From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
I really had fun playing with these tangles, individually. However, when I tried to combine them in one tile I couldn't find a way that pleased me. So, I did a monotangle of Stiks.
I experimented with all kinds of variations for the ellipses, including puffier, pointier, very regular, and wonky shapes, and, since I was drawing a bookshelf recently, even very straight like books askew on a shelf ... but ended up very much like the ellipses in the original. Drawing this made me happy in the same way I enjoy one of my favorites, Inapod. In trying to figure out why, I realized that besides the pleasure of drawing orbs and filling negative space with black, I always enjoy sparkling the pods of Inapod, so I sparkled this (eventually they started looking to me like dill pickles). I also remembered Margaret Bremner's post about Tipple, so on one of the strips of Stiks I experimented with placing the orbs so they kind of dropped via gravity.
Thanks for a fun week!

From VenaC (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
Not entirely happy with this but as I am late already it will have to do. Still on holiday in a beautiful spot overlooking the water.
From Jody Genovese, CZT (New York) ~
You are right, Stikz is definitely a fun tangle. I took this one pretty literally and followed the string, but I couldn’t help myself with that tangle.
It reminded me of the xylophone toy we had as kids. Fun tile for me this week. Thank you as always.
From Sue Leslie, CZT 22 (New Mexico) ~
A broken string line of stikz between people at a yard sale today. And some munchin relaxin after the day. A fun day with a new tangle and a favorite tangle plus meeting and talking to lots of people. Some about Zentangle and some about our travel business and inviting them to join us on a fund raiser cruise next April for a veterans group with a zentangle element to it. Best part of the yard sale was selling a couple of my Zentangle bookmarks!.
From Sharon Fite (California) ~
Fun with Stikz and Munchin! I used the Ribbon Theory, so popular from Project Pack 3, and added Mooka with a Copic 0.1 Multliner in Warm Gray. Trying to stay cool!
From Cyndee Pelley (Oklahoma) and
here on her blog ~
Hello and greetings from Oklahoma!
I went a bit crazy this week with Stikz and I'm not sure if it can still be classified as such, but I enjoyed it tremendously! Thank you so much for the longevity with your challenges as we enter another quarter century!
From Sharyn Penna, CZT (Massachusetts) ~
What a great tangle combination!!!
I’m running out of room!!! On the back of my IAST tiles, I record the IAST info and date and then I generally add a couple current events of the week. But this week was so eventful ... and elicited emotions that rivaled your string! Thankfully, tangling the tile untangled my heartstrings a bit.
Cheers to Laurel Spenseller’s Stiks and Maria’s and Rick’s Munchins. And cheers to you for yet another perfect pick of tangles!
A very warm welcome to Tina K (Germany) ~
I would like to join the IAST challenge for the first time.
Here is my tile for #251 Stikz & Munchin
Greetings from Central Germany.
Welcome to our IAST community and to our
Tangled Map, Tina!
This is my tile ~
Stiks started out small and just flowed that way, so I followed along. I added the orbs to Stiks and then spun them in an opposite curving direction. After aura-ing, I used a lighter gray to add Muchin.
I have Jody Genovese to thank for the tip to use Derwent Graphik Graphite pen.
Many thanks for the continued good wishes for reaching 250+ challenges together and to everyone for sending in your lovely tiles and notes.
Thank you to Molly Hollibaugh for Munchin and to Laurel Spenseller for Stiks. We had fun with your terrific tangles.
Check back Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #252!