The Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea, have come and gone - and with great fan fare. The closing ceremony featured dancers in black and white with accompanying graphics on the expansive illuminated floor - tangling on a grand scale. It was beautiful.
Speaking of beautiful, the tiles created this week to honor the Olympics are just that. Let's take a look ~
The first tile arrived from Hilary (Chicago) ~
Every week following your ideas, I always end up with something totally different from what I originally intended. I don’t always like my creations, but they are fun to do and a good learning experience. This week I learned that I don’t know the difference between a hexagon and an octagon, so don’t look too carefully at my border!
Thanks again for everything, including my wonderful prize! Your tiny house book is so well done, beautiful pictures and really clear explanations.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Barney center and border variations
*pretty Sand Swirl aura
A very warm welcome to Nord'dzin (Wales, United Kingdom) ~
I have only just found your blog and love a challenge. I find it great to zentangle with others. I am in Wales, UK and have been tangling for a couple of years. Mostly I post my pieces on instagram.
Thanks for challenge #231 - here is my attempt.
Tangled Tidbits -
*detailed Barney, wonderful sense of movement
*alternating red and green and weighted lines for Sand Swirl and Golven
Welcome to our IAST community and welcome to our
Tangled Map ~
From Mariam G. (Port Hueneme, California) ~
Well, in keeping with the theme, I worked on this tile while watching the games last night. It appears that all the swooshing, and turning, and flipping, and falling may have influenced the outcome a tad ('chaos ensued'). But it was fun! And how 'bout that Women's Hockey Team?! Girl Power!
Thanks for the fun challenge, and enjoy the rest of the games.
Tangled Tidbits -
*small and large fields of Barney
*terrific tranzending tangles
A very warm welcome to Sherry Conte (Sanford, Florida) ~
This is my first time entering. I'm still a beginner. I'm home sick all week so, I had time to Zentangle.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Golven filled string lines - angles create wonderful perspective
*darkened areas surrounding Sand Swirl add to sense of depth
Welcome to our IAST community and to our Tangled Map, and a speedy recovery to you, Sherry ~
From Sue Leslie (New Mexico) ~
A snowy day here in northern New Mexico, so a snowy tangle for the Olympics. A little bit of windy sandswirl for the wind they have had. Some snowy looking Barney for all the snow that has fallen and some drifty gloven for the piles of snow both there and here today. This was a fun one. Thanks for all you do to keep our minds sane in the winter!!
Tangled Tidbits -
*pretty snow and swirls and highlights and lovely metaphors
*weighted Barney lines
From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
Attached is my Tile for ‘ It’s A string Thing #231’ Challenge.
Thanks Adele.
Tangled Tidbits -
*interwoven Barney and Golven
*Sand Swirl curls around itself - love that!
From Jutta Gladnigg (Germany) ~
Thank you for this interesting Olympic Games challenge! What came out of this is my track for downhill skiing or ski jumping... A medal always in the (here) center of attraction...
Tangled Tidbits -
*varying lengths, weighted lines, deep shading, make Sand Swirl shine
*beautifully detailed Barney
From Susie (Thailand) ~
I missed last week's deadline, so I hurried up doubled to make sure I have something to send to you this week. I love your 3 medals theme. Sometimes a clever theme makes all the difference and ideas pour in uncontrollably...and sometimes disastrously. However, this tile sports 3 Gold, 15 Silver, and 2 Bronze 'medals'. And one got 2 'medals'.
Thanks for a great challenge, Adele.
Tangled Tidbits -
*gleaming tangles - so many medals!
*Barney variations fade into - or rise from - the tile
From Lisette (Switzerland) ~
Herewith my contribution to the new challenge which I liked very much - thank you, Adele. I chose gold and silver Sandswirls. Unfortunately I have no Bronze pen. Therefore I took the Sakura Stardust Gelly Pen (which unfortunately is almost unvisible in the picture. I hope you don’t mind that I tangled on a Zendala. But the string was kind of begging
Tangled Tidbits -
*glistening gem and tangles beautifully presented on a Zendala
*floating Barney orbs
From Lily (Hungary) ~ is my tile for your weekly challenge.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Golven arcs, center pearl, and striped Sand Swirl
*each center of Barney features one shadowed and shaded triangle - fabulous detail
A very warm welcome to Jane Goddard (Dorking, Surrey, England) ~
I'm a great fan of your blog and regularly try out your weekly challenges, and post them on Mosaic app. I've now figured out how to send them to you. Just love the challenge and the opportunity to try new strings and tangles.
Please find attached my entry for this weeks Olympic string. I enjoyed doing #golven as a border. I used #watercolourbrushpens to add some muted colours, and a few gold dots with gellyroll.
I look forward to contributing in future.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Golven border and added inner border (similar to Verena's above - wonderful how that happens!)
*Barney corners surrounded by Sand Swirl
Welcome to our Tangled Map and to our IAST community, so happy you found us!
From Lin H., CZT (Florida) ~
Thanks for your challenge during these Olympic Games, Adele. I didn’t get the circles logo to fit on my tile but did get my colored pencils out for the Olympic colors. It’s been so much fun watching the games and rooting the athletes on.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Barney grids follow string line angles
*swooping Sand Swirls
What a colorful way to tie in the Olympic theme!
From Jane Rhea (Indiana) ~
All this past week it has been wonderful to see how the Zentangle community has been sharing ideas and expertise to help ease the suffering in Parkland, Florida. Zentangle really can be a gift of comfort.
As always, thank you for a fun and creative challenge! What a good way to mark the closing of the Winter Olympics. Gloven and Barney were new tangles for me, and I know I’ll be drawing them again. I really tried not to think too hard about this tile or plan ahead, but just to enjoy drawing each line. My tangling time was a welcome gift.
Sending a hug
Tangled Tidbits -
*sensational Sand Swirl - shading and highlights, dotted finishes
*black spaces emphasize the tangles
From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
Had a play with all 3 tangles. Initially thought that Sand Swirl looked rather simple, but I ended up getting into a nice rhythm and using it in a monotangle.
Tangled Tidbits -
*softly shaded Sand Swirl filled string sections separated by Olympic colored lines
*Barney filled center orb
From Donna Matoi (Long Beach, California) ~
Here is my tile for this week's IAST#231. I was challenged by Barney, but I hung in there with my wonky lines, but I liked it! And, it was nice to leave some open space!
Tangled Tidbits -
*two pretty variations of Barney
*detailed Sand Swirl and Golven compliment the white spaces
From Sra (India) ~
I like Sand Swirl a lot but simply cannot draw it gracefully. I didn't think the tile done entirely in ink was a bad effort, though. I noticed that I was drawing the tangle much better with a pencil, so decided to one with a pencil background. I was surprised to notice a Tranzending-like effect.
Tangled Tidbits -
*beautiful Golven borders
*Barney floats above Sand Swirl - a treat to view in pen and pencil
From Heidi (Utah) ~
Creating this entry was so relaxing and fun! Golven is a favorite of mine and I really enjoyed playing with it. I tried to follow the string but ...I guess the center circle is still in place. Oh...I drew the string on a page of my sketchbook rather than a tile. The second perl over from the left is the circle from the string. Hahaha!
It reminds me of surf so I titled it Jewels on the Beach.
Thanks for another great challenge! Much fun!
Tangled Tidbits -
*intricately woven Golven
*intermingling Barney and Sand Swirl variations - yum!
From Jody Genovese, CZT (New York) ~
Love the inspiration for this week’s tile. Golven was new to me and really fun. Sandswirl is a favorite, and I had an opportunity to take an illuminated letters class with Sadelle last fall so it’s fun to use a tangle from people you actually know.
Tangled Tidbits -
That is a treat.
*Barney bubbles up around and through Golven and Sand Swirl
*graceful Sand Swirl lines and elegant shading
From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and
here on her blog ~
the combination of your three patterns was a real challenge for me. Thank you very much for this interesting idea! I send you my second version. The first one you can find on my blog...
Best wishes from Germany
Tangled Tidbits -
* 3-D Barney variations, wonderful angels
*black filled spaces and striped details for Sand Swirl
From Beth Gaughan (North Carolina) ~
Here's my tile for IAST 231. I like these tangles, and I look forward to seeing everyone's tiles.
Tangled Tidbits -
*pearl like center orb
*shading and similar line spaces unites the tangles
From Kate (United Kingdom) ~
My contribution to this week's IAST. I love 'Barney' and decided to go with the circle version this time.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Barney bubbles over a sea of Golven - notice how every curve is shaded
*Sand Swirl curves in all directions
From Laurel Davis, CZT (New York) ~
Thanks for another great challenge, Adele! Golven has always been a favorite of mine.
Tangled Tidbits -
*penciled Sand Swirl with shaded centers
*penciled Barney framed elegantly with aura-ed Golven
From Trudi (Woodview, Ontario, Canada) ~
...My retina is attached again and healing but I'm still not seeing very well so my nose it about an inch from the paper as I draw. I meant for this to be in black and white but suddenly the Sand Swirl was yellow so then I had to throw in silver and bronze.
Tangled Tidbits -
So happy to know you are doing much better and able to tangle.
*curvy frame of Golven weaves in and out of Barney - notice how the inner aura sections are shaded from dark to light
*golden Sand Swirl
From Simone (Volz, Germany) ~
I love your world map and I am so proud to be now a part of it in this wonderful strong oceanwaves. Here ist my picture for this week. Greetings from Germany
And again from Simone ~
when I was sending your the scan yesterday, I was thinking about your wonderful ocean. And my hands just started to colour my picture waterblue. This blue River is not a olympic theme, but my hands could not stop drawing.
Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you for the joyful words, Simone, and the beautiful blue to match.
*Sand Swirl infused Barney
*Golven morphs into Barney
Jane Glotzer (Boulder, Colorado) ~
Here's my take on #231...used only a little bit of a Barney variation and a whole lot of Sand's actually one I've been revisiting lately, so it was a nice surprise to see it in your line up this week...sorry, though, no room for Golven...
And it's a pretty basic take at that...filled in the string created spaces and the interesting borders that happen when the swirl sections are butted up against each other...and I tucked in a couple of my corners...nighty night--:)
Tangled Tidbits -
*softly shaded pearl orb center (our third!)
*each section of the four Sand Swirls sections tangled independently create interesting intersections
From Priscilla DeConti, CZT (New York) ~
HI Adele and all,
This week used 2 of my favorites and one not so much lol
Yet all in all it was a fun time...Filled tile up which I don't usually do...
Thanks for a nice challenge
Tangled Tidbits -
*awesome angles in each string section
*each Barney center carefully shaded
From Pat (Washington State) ~
Thanks for another great challenge
Tangled Tidbits -
* wavy Golven border (our fifth!)
*long, deep Sand Swirl - weighted curves, sparkle, shading, and spaces darkened
From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
Every time I send you a tile I vow not to write so much. Let's see how I do today. I had to do my tile in a hurry because I'm playing at church tomorrow so had to allow time to practice. That actually made the process more spontaneous and fun, rather than striving for perfection or some original and clever variation.
I had a breakthrough on Sandswirl. I discovered I was aura-ing it as you would with Hurry or Ixorus, putting one aura at a time around each element, which creates a stacking or interwoven effect, making it difficult to decide where to shade. So this time I aura-ed one swirl all the way and then another, and liked the result much better. With Golven, although I like the little divots at the sides, when I tried to do them I ended up with something that looked like the Michelin Man, so I omitted them, which makes a more continuous wave from one triangle to the next. I couldn't master the stairsteps-turn-into-hexagons technique that begins Barney (steps 1 and 2), but when I read back on TanglePatterns, I looked at the tangles that were inspirations, and they had a bit simpler way of creating hexagons. The hardest part actually is drawing a smaller hexagon inside the first and ending up with six sides (especially if you try to do it randomly)! I shaded the smaller hexagons a la Pinch, and then tried to shade three edges of the large hexagons (OK the other hard part is remembering WHICH three edges you decided to shade).
Thank you! This was fun! I've enjoyed the Olympics also!

Tangled Tidbits -
"original and clever" - there is no other Sue Agnew kind of tile :)
*long reaches of Sand Swirl with shaded overlaps
*great detail pattern in Barney variation
From Susie (St. Louis, Missouri) ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*grand Olympic medals, colors, and a nod to the USA
*flower-like Golven variation
From Sharon Fite (California) ~
Thanks for this challenge! I was familiar with Gloven and Sand Swirl, but Barney is new to me. Once I got started, the string got away from me, and the barnacles look at bit like soccer balls. But lots of fun, nevertheless! Warm wishes to everyone suffering a cold winter.
Tangled Tidbits -
What fun!
*Golven filled string lines
*two Barney variations - notice how the grid curves downward and gets smaller
From Cyndee Pelley (Oklahoma) and
here on her blog ~
Hi Adele from Oklahoma! I've finally managed to participate again this week!
I sort of mixed the string and Golven with a new lesson from Eni Oken, CZT called Blue Sun and ended up with this not sure it's very Olympic but it worked really well!
Tangled Tidbits -
*colorful layers of Golven create a star burst variation
*pretty details throughout - dots, lines, curls...
From VenaC (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
This is really late. I had a wonderful two week visit from my son and daughter-in-law so didn't get much tangling done. I hadn't done any of these patterns before. I need to do a lot more practising with Barney. Watched quite a bit of the Olympics. The Canadian athletes did so well. Of course I am biased. It was wonderful watching all the athletes from all the different countries.
Tangled Tidbits -
Isn't it grand to have your children visit? And yes, you are entitled to your bias :)
*thin colorful string lines and Barney 'medals'
*softly shaded and striped variations of Sand Swirl
From Ragged Ray (United Kingdom) ~
...I don't think I've ever used Golven before, and Sand Swirl is one I always forget, and Barney is thoroughly new to me. I've used the first two in straightforward ways and Barney broken into little bits. The tile looked fairly cluttered until the magic of the pencil pulled it all together, and made Barney seem to rise up off the page.
Unexpected warmth, unexpected pleasure.
Tangled Tidbits -
..."the magic of the pencil" - lovely thought
*open centers of Barney show tangles below
*sparkled string line adds to sense of movement created by the tangles
From Sharyn Penna, CZT (Massachusetts) ~
Cheers to Olympics celebrations!
This prompt gave me a go. All I saw was chaos on my three abandoned tiles. While this till is overdone on shading, it makes me smile. Golven is one of my favorite tangles. Looking forward to seeing the tile show!
Thank you for one terrific challenge!
Tangled Tidbits -
*Golven, curved and shaded, runs along both sides of each string line - notice the star effect it creates around the center Barney orb
*dainty Sand Swirl lines weave through Golven and into their own dark spaces
From Susan Theron (Velddrif, South Africa) ~
...I enjoyed this challenge.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Barney and Golven blend together beautifully
*delightful details in line and shading
From Felicity Strohfeldt (Velddrif, South Africa) ~
... Thanks for an interesting challenge and for the lovely patterns from Mariet Lustenhouwer, Karry Huen and Sadelle Whitshire.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Barney takes center stage and attention - incredibly detailed variations
*three gorgeous Golven lines
...and our prayers continue for much needed rain...
From Lynn G (Florida) ~
Thank you again for another challenge.
Tangled Tidbits -
*alternating rows of Barney, softly shaded
*golden touch for striped and sparkled Golven
This is my tile ~
I tangled this on a flight to visit Isabella (in college at Belmont Abbey in NC) and John and Melissa (in SC) - a royal treat to see them! Barney became the Olympic rings and a Golven variation followed the aura of them. I may have added color if I had the tools on hand.
Nonetheless, it was a thoroughly relaxing time of tangling.
(And the fifth tile photographed on a Tickled to Tangle frame this week.)
And now...
the tile for honors this week...
was sent in by...
Verena (Germany). She wrote ~
It was very nice to tangle this week. Love it. Best wishes
Tangled Tidbits -
*beautiful Golven border -notice the how the framework lines curve to create petal shaped corners
*rounded corners and shading for each Golven curve
*burst of Barney surrounded by Sand Swirl filled string sections
Congratulations, Verena!
I have a little something coming in the mail for you.
Thank you all very much for sending in your tiles for the rest of us to enjoy and learn from.
Special thanks to the creators of the tangles we used this week ~
Golven by Mariët LustenhouwerSand Swirl by Karry HuenBarney by Sadelle Wiltshire, CZT
Check back Tuesday afternoon for IAST #232!