Our birthday celebration continues with the results of this week's challenge, the beginning of our fifth year together. Wow! That warms my heart.
The task was to create a monotangle with Maria Thomas' new Spoken. Below you will find beautiful creations and variations, not to mention some very clever plays on words.
Let's take a look ~
The first tile arrived from CZT Ria Matheussen (Belgium) ~
I have made this tile a while ago, a variation on Spoken, just as Maria has drawn in her blogpost.
I like this new tangle very much and combined the pattern with little wild dried flowers, I have found in my neighborhood during a walk.
I enjoyed making this tile and like the combination of Zentangleart and dried flowers.
Tangled Tidbits -
*delicate lines
*very pretty combination of dried flowers and tangles
From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and
here on her blog ~
to the beginning of the 5th year of your wonderful challenges I send you my tile with best wishes from Germany. I enjoyed to draw Marias new Spoken. In my version it reminds me a little of your pattern Paulas Pigtail.
Greetings from Germany
Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you for making that connection, Margarete. It does remind me of Pauline's Pigtail.
*multiple and interlocking tangles
*each has its own unique center
From Tonia C (Rhode Island) ~
This past week I celebrated my b-day and my BFF, April, sent me a 4-pack of Micron Sepia pens. Was very excited and wanted to try them - your IAST #209 challenge seemed perfect. I used Sepia, Black, and Brown Micron .01 pens. #Spoken, #Mooka, #Printemps, and #Bronxcheer. (I realize this was supposed to be a mono-tangle tile, but I couldn't resist). Shaded the black #mooka to show the brown #mooka more. Also tried shading the edges for the first time. Had fun! Thanks for the challenge!
Tangled Tidbits -
Happy Birthday, Tonia!
*pretty combination of sepia and black
*weighted lines
From CZT Meridiana (Massachusetts) and
here on her blog ~
*curved and wavy lines
*detailed aura
From Vonnie Schneider (St. Paul, Minnesota) ~

Tangled Tidbits -
*continuous loops and lines
*deep background and colorful tangle
From Lisette (Switzerland) ~
I was very enthusiastic to try Spoken. But soon this turned out to be one of those tiles I would discard or at least put aside and wait for better times. Somehow I went on and the longer I tangled the more I started to like it - and now I’m quite satisfied. My message to all of you: Don’t give up too early - be it tangling or live if general. ;-) Here is my entry for IAST 209.
Big hugs to everyone
Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you, Lisette. That is sage advice.
*pretty purple gems and accents
*glorious mix of brown, black and white tangles, brown, black, and white tangles
From Susie (Thailand) and
here on her blog ~
From sun to moon … let me guess: stars next? Or a comet? Or even a star constellation? Ah, now here I can think of the one or other.
I love monotangle tiles. Simple and easy as life should be. So here my first try on Spoken and I have to say, I loved every single stroke of it.
Thanks so much, Adele, for yet another enjoyable challenge and have a splendid weekend sorting through all our spoken tiles.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Beadline strokes layered behind graceful double lines of Spoken
*beautiful blues
From Hilary (Chicago) ~
I love the look of Spoken, but I just could not get a decent looking one using straight spokes. So I went to curving lines and my Spoken looks more like Swirling Squid! My squid is swimming through a grid of the pattern Kathy.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's endeavors...
Tangled Tidbits -
*curved and curly lines
*each stroke of Spoken adds an inner band
From Anita A Westin (Dalarna, Sweden) and
here on her blog ~
This is my first tile with Spoken ever. It is an amazing pattern and I am sure I will use it further on. Here comes my tile before I leave for Stockholm!
Tangled Tidbits - Safe travels to you, Anita.
*graceful spokes
*sensational centers - each features white highlights
From Trudi (Woodview, Ontario, Canada) ~
On to the 5th year! Not really sure how I feel about Spoken yet, think I might have to do it more to see if I like it. I used pens, pencils and gel pens on this.
Thank you Adele.
Tangled Tidbits -
*lines diminish in width with each layer
*glowing center gem
From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
I have ‘Spoken’ and it was lots of fun
This is the first time I have coloured a gem on black card, it is not exactly what I wanted but still happy with it.
Tangled Tidbits -
*green gem shines on the black tile
*straight lined Spoken with just a touch of aura
From Lily (Hungary) with a "zenhug" ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*oval, pearlized center and beautiful shading throughout
*elegant spoke spaces filled with contrasting tangles
From Denise Fairbank (New Hampshire) ~
Congratulations on beginning year 5!! Attached is my Spoken tile. I just love this tangle and can't wait to see how everyone puts their own "spin" on it (ha ha--I hardly make funnies!). I decided to use a black zendala tile for an extra challenge this week (a challenge at least for me--I am always so impressed by others' black tiles and how amazing they look!) I kept the spokes to a minimum and added tangles in between. Three original Zentangle tangles--knightsbridge, shattuck, and printemps. Filled the center with fragment C24. Added Joki using a gray General's pastel chalk pencil. Softened the edges by blending green General's pastel chalk. Enjoy!!
Tangled Tidbits -
*intriguing results created with chalk pencils on a black zendala - such a unique color
*white tangles shine against the dark back drop
From Aileen (Singapore) and
here on her blog ~
Thanks for this awesome challenge. I don't think I've ever done quite so much pencil work in a tile ever! But I'm loving the outcome. Here's my Spoken monotangle!
Rainbows and raindrops in sunny Singapore
Tangled Tidbits - *so many lovely layers of Spoken
*brilliant gold orbs float over and under the tangle
From Susie (St. Louis, Missouri) ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*variety of line finishes and flourishes
*pleasing mix of lines, Tipple, and shading
From Mariam G (Port Hueneme, California) ~
I'm fairly certain I will be playing with Spoken quite a bit over the next few days! I didn't get started until last night and my first one (white) went out of control, I'm afraid. Not sure it even qualifies as a version of the pattern at this point, but when I finished the inking, it struck me as 'familiar', so I polished it off in the direction it took my mind (shaken, not stirred (-;)
I then grabbed the next available tile, which happened to be black, and it wound up bringing back images of the eclipse, so that's where I left it. Both are simple, but I'm eager to work on a more intricate piece - it was great fun doing these! Thanks again for taking us on a journey with your challenges!
Tangled Tidbits -
*wispy lines - notice that they are single lines - and deep shading
*single layer of curved, doubled lines
*highlights accent the deep, dark center
From Sra (India) ~
Here's my entry for IAST 209. Have a great week!
Embellishment tangles for Spoken: Betweed, Courant (Aura), Fescu, Zinger
Tangled Tidbits -
*grand example of how Spoken can be used as a string, each section filled with pretty tangles
*Zinger tipped lines
From Cha'Co (France) ~
This is my contribution to your IATS #209. It was very interesting for me to work with only one tangle and I loved "Spoken". I am also delighted to have my name on the Tangle Map !
Tangled Tidbits -
*striped and highlighted, light and dark lines, yield an intriguing variation
*curved and straight lined Spoken
From CZT Simone (Germany) ~
I love the new Original tangle Spoken!
I did not have enough time to draw a Spoken- Monotangle this week, but I would like to participate to your challenge .
I attach one of my tiles from May and one from July. If you like them you might use them or one of them in your IAST#209.
Tangled Tidbits -
*grand layering of Spoken
*pretty pink accents and tangles
*simply arua-ed and shaded, Spoken spaces come alive
From CZT Lin H. (Florida) ~
Thanks for the challenge with Spoken, Adele. Love this tangle with metallic pens and white charcoal pencil on a black tile.
Tangled Tidbits -
*multi-layered, thicker lined Spoken
*white adds depth to the layers
From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
What a fun "assignment" for this week — I had been planning to play with Spoken anyway, so it's fun to do it as part of the challenge. I almost emailed and asked you to please do a "tips for tangling." I couldn't quite decide if the "behind" spokes are coming off the circle in the opposite direction, or if they are continuations in the background of the spokes that are already there (if that makes sense). I decided to make them coming off the circle in the opposite direction because that helped me keep track of where I was and where to go next. I particularly liked the non-straight lines, and when I played with that mine wanted to be a flower.
Thank you!
Tangled Tidbits -
I think the answer to your question is that the lines go either way - in any direction of your choosing.
*Mooka-like strokes
*lovely aura, sparkle, and shading
...and it did become a flower :)
From Sharon Fite (California) ~
A bit tricky this Spoken tangle! Especially as a monotangle. I need more practice with straight lines and drawing behind. Will definitely use this one again. Thanks, Adele.
Tangled Tidbits -
*multiple Spoken, incredible layering
*highlighted spokes bring the larger tangle to the foreground
From Jody Genovese, CZT (New York) ~
Here is my #209 tile..just in time. I’m pretending that the ‘caviar’ are centers of many spoken whose spokes are broke. That way it is still a monotangle :o)
I’m also not counting the fringe around the edges as that is not really a tangle. I’m so cheating this week…
I decided to spruce things up and do it on a tile colored with bleeding tissue paper. So much fun if you’ve never tried it.
Hope all is well. Sending thoughts and prayers to all being affected by the hurricane.
Tangled Tidbits -
*three wonderful additions to the challenge
*pretty Phroz-like detail in each Spoken section
From Jill Clements (Tucson, Arizona) ~
This is my first submission to your page. I tried to make it for your fourth b-day celebration with a tile. I finished one but didn't have it done by the deadline.
I have lurked over the last few years and tried to make it for the last few weeks for IAST but couldn't post by Saturday night...
I don't know how many times I tried spoken but I have enough tiles to use as kindling for a small fire. This one really was hard for me. I finally decided to do a bijou tile and ended up with what I am submitting. I am not sure I did it even but here it is.
I have been tangling a few years but more consistently in the last few months as meditation in the mornings to help with a yet diagnosed neurological condition. I believe tangling and yoga are truly helping.
Thanks so much for all you do for the zentangle community and your own site. I can't imagine the amount of time that goes into it. I truly appreciate it. I am going to enjoy following along and participating in as many as I can.
Happy 5th year!

Tangled Tidbits -
*Tippled, large center
*flowery accents
Welcome to our
tangled map and to our IAST community, Jill! I am happy that you joined us after watching for so long.
From Ute Andresen (Germany) and
here on her blog ~
*simplicity and shading - one large Spoken, top layer shaded inside and lower layers shaded around
*deep dark center repeats in smaller dots
From Marla Mendenhall (California) ~
Major Lifeus Interuptus this week, little time to do much except fret, but at least I have Spoken.
Tangled Tidbits -
I have read that pithy line numerous times and each time it brings a smile. Thank you, Marla.
*alternating light and dark circles
*center Spoken pushed to the back as luscious layers float above it
From Karen Herstowski (Atlanta, Georgia) ~
Spoken is among my favorite patterns. So simple, elegant, and dramatic! I tired to capture the essence of the eclipse with the sun’s burning ring peeking around the moon’s shadow. By bending the lines of the spokes coming from the core, I have made ballet dancers in the background. SPOKEN has spoken to me. Loved doing this one.
Tangled Tidbits -
*beautifully tapered lines
*dancing Spoken - very inventive use of the tangle!
From Felicity Strohfeldt (Velddrif, South Africa) and
here on her blog ~
Tile 209 had to happen in between the other creative juices this weekend. Spoken by Maria Thomas hmmm. I chose the curved path, but the straight and narrow one is on my immediate list. Then I decided to use a combination of your Trella and Flux by Rick Roberts with a spattering of Tipple. The final product two spinning flowers, I dedicate to Spring 2017 putting on a brave show although the earth is so dry.
Sure the results this week are going to make our heads spin too. Also on my blog.
Have a peaceful week all.
Tangled Tidbits -
*swirling and twirling variations - graceful and full of movement
*creative combination of elegant accents
From Karen Buse (California) ~
My husband and I flew to Oregon, where I grew up, to be with my parents who are in their 80's, during the eclipse. We drove about 50 miles to be in the path of totality in Silverton, OR. In my tile I use Blanconova by Tim Lutero to depict the surface of the moon—a bit of artistic license, as you can't see the surface of the moon during the eclipse. The wavy lines I used to represent the corona are more of a technique than a pattern—just a bunch of echo lines around a central curving line in the spaces between the Spoken. We didn't see any stars but we did see Venus, represented here with a single "Ahh." It was a wonderful experience—in the truest sense of the word—and I thank you for the opportunity to create a little bit of art in remembrance of the event.
Tangled Tidbits -
*a beautifully captured memory in an equally beautiful tile
*sharp contrasts of white and black
From CZT Sharyn Penna (Massachusetts) ~
Let the IAST birthday celebrations continue! I've named my tile "the path of totality has spoken" in honor of the eclipse across the US this past week. My tile features CZT Margaret Bremner's Many Moons traveling northwest to southeast, the path the eclipse took. I gave Spoken some Mooka highlights and a few Black Pearls.
Cheers to the start of IAST's fifth year and hearts and prayers to those along the coast of Texas.
Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful nod to Margaret's Many Moons
*multi-layered, Mooka tipped Spoken complete with weighted lines and shading - yum!
From Charlene Peterson (St. Augustine, Florida) ~
I am enclosing 2 tiles. Spoken was so much fun and offered so many possibilities. The colored tile background was done with Koi watercolor brush pens. The white tile was a fun try using metallic gel pens.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Mooka lined Spoken
*rounded corners and wonderful shading
*curl tipped curves
*dotted accents
From VenaC (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
I really rushed doing this one so don't feel entirely happy with the end result. I did enjoy doing the gem from a video tutorial by Anki Helgor.
Tangled Tidbits -
*gorgeous gem center
*light and dark contrasting straight lines - beautiful touch of brown shading
And now...
the tile for honors this week...
was sent in by...
Henrike Bratz, CZT (Germany) ~
...today is my birthday. And after my guests had left, I sat down at my table on the balcony, enjoyed some time on my own and tangled spoken. Spoken was introduced at my CZT seminar in August. So this pattern feels like something special for me. I must confess though that I didn’t use it since then. But today – thinking of the past year, which definitely has been a good one – I tangled away: with a layer in brown ink first, than a layer in sepia ink, then pencil, white charcol, white gelly roll, pencil again, white again and on and on in many layers. I used some enhancers as you can see: aura of course, rounding, perfs. I felt absolutely at ease tangling this tile, because I didn’t have any idea what the outcome would be and it didn’t matter at all. I just went on and on until at some point I knew the tile was finished. I just love these tangling experiences.
Tangled Tidbits -
Now that is a birthday treat if there ever was one. Happy, Happy Birthday, Henrike!
*wisps of white in tangle, enhancers, and highlights
*soft and beautiful mix of color and shading
*gracefully curved lines
Congratulations, Henrike and a very happy birthday to you!
Many thanks to everyone for sending in your precious tiles. You inspire all of us and help build this wonderfully supportive IAST community.
Thank you to Maria Thomas for her spectacular Spoken.
The step out for Spoken can be found here (link) in the Zentangle newsletter. Spoken is also referenced on TanglePatterns.
Check back Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #210 - Our celebration continues!