This week we had fun with a lovely string by Lily Moon, Asian Fans by Suzanne McNeill, CZT (
click here to view my Tips for Tangling) and my Bud and Budlite.
The tiles are just lovely and I must say that I feel like a proud mother to see the beautiful bursts of Bud and Budlite. Let's take a look ~
The first tile arrived from Sarah at
hungrycorgistudio ~
I enjoyed the string and it was able to lean itself to the tangles required really well. Great organic feel with the choices in tangles and a Chinese Fan design deserved a jade green tile. :)
Tangled Tidbits -
*inside aura of Bud
*fine detail lines of Asian Fans
*variation of line weight
This is my tile ~
I set out to highlight Bud and Budlite, but Asian Fans won the day. I found it very relaxing to draw.
From Jessie Plouffe (Connecticut) ~
Happy birthday, Bud! Here is my tile for this week's challenge. The
middle section of the string for Bud perfectly, so I put a large Bud
with auras in that section. I used two variations of Asian Fans on
opposite sides, and then Bud and Bud Lite on the other set of opposite
Tangled Tidbits -
*rounded, petal-like edges of Asian Fans
*sparkled center spirals of Budlite
*wonderful shading, including the shaded inside aura of Bud
From Anita A Westin (Sweden)~
This is so strange. I started with the string 107. And I couldn´t help placing Bud in the middle. It was just made for it. I Went on and landed in the Diva Challenge this week. It just happened. But I enjoyed it very much and I am very pleased with Bud as a solitaire in the middle! Thank you for a really nice challenge!
Tangled Tidbits -
*great blending of the two challenges
*Asian Fans tucked under the center Bud
*marvelous morphing of patterns
From Shelley Aubrey (California) ~
Hi. I just discovered your blog a few days ago. I love it! So, needless to say, this is my first attempt at a tangle challenge. I debated whether to send it in or not, but finally decided to just go for it. I probably should have waited for the Asian Fan tips on Thursday, but I was too excited to get to it. I really enjoyed doing the Asian Fans, but I'm looking forward to the tips, for next time.
Tangled Tidbits -
*deep black background for lengthy Budlites
*stems for Budlite meld with Asian Fans
*perfs along the string lines
From Roslyn Elliott ~
Well, school started and my little pre-k's have really kept me busy! But I'm back! Here is my challenge.

Tangled Tidbits -
and stipple
*shaded lines of Asian Fans
*layered Budlite gives it a Mooka feel
From Marla Mendenhall (California) ~
Adele, great string, great patterns (although I struggled with Asian Fans until I made it my own) and even found a way to give you an extra shout-out with a bit of Lanie and Iza. I'm so pleased with it I don't even want to play with another concept, but it has caused some consternation here at home ...
Oscar: Can you believe she is only drawing one tile for the challenge this week?
Finley: Oh no she isn't.
Oscar: I'm serious as a blocked air-hose.
Finley: Well, I'm not complaining. Our tank's finally clean, although the cats are drinking out of it again. Do you think she's alright?
Oscar: If she's not, it's her own fault for eating my cousin last night.
Finley: You are so not related to salmon.
Oscar: I could be a salmon.
Finley: Yeah, and I'm a shark. Try selling that one to someone who swims outside our ceramic castle, okay? Only an idiot would-
Growler: Bark.
Finley: See? My point exactly.
Tangled Tidbits -
*what a lively menagerie Melody must have :)
*Budlite bedazzled with Tipple
*a lovely Lanie touch for Asian Fans
*elegant shading
From Sandra (Germany) ~
... I liked the string (I rotated it, but you can find it ;-)) and I love the patterns Bud and Budlite :-) I will try them again!
In my blog
Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful orientation of the string
*dark perfs along the border, free floating and sparkled as well
*shading add depth
From Ilse Lukken (The Netherlands) ~
Sometimes, challenges don't fit me... Let's say I'm not a fan of Asian Fans (left and right om my tile) and, well... somehow this influenced my whole tile. It didn't feel very zen...
These things happen, never mind, I posted it on my blog anyway :-)
Tangled Tidbits -
*zen or no zen, the result is beautiful
*thick lines of Asian Fans are repeated in the center Bud
*one Budlite for each corner of the middle string sections
From Juul (France) ~
I liked Bud and Budlite. I just couldn't think of how to shadow them. So I used a little bit of the sepia coloured micron pen ...
Tangled Tidbits -
*great use of Sepia
*pretty blend of Budlite to the right and left of center
*beautiful morphing of Bud and Asian Fans
From Tina Kirchhübel (Germany) ~
This week's challenge was really made for me. When I saw the string and the patterns I had immediately in mind where I want to draw each pattern and I am really satisfied with the result.
My tile you can also find on my blog
Tangled Tidbits -
*the tile reflects the sentiments!
*Budlite string lines with added aura
*super shading
From Beth Gaughan (NC) ~
Happy birthday to your son! (We call our son Bud or Buddy too.)
Tangled Tidbits -
*Asian Fan side sections
*Budlite accents for Bud centers
*shading adds depth to the large center Bud
From Ragged Ray (UK)~
Not for the first time while tangling I started thinking about wallpaper - but for the first time ever I asked myself why - and suddenly I remembered a long told story in my family. As a teenager my aunt was a gifted artist, and apparently she designed some wallpaper based on a piece of classical music (The Polovtsian Dances by Borodin for those in the know!). Sadly the gift and the design were lost over time but perhaps a little of her lives on in me when I tangle!
I think perhaps I got so swept away by my thoughts that my tangling suffered. Budlite is so easy to draw - such a natural shape for the pen to make - but I got sloppy. But no mistakes hey!
Tangled Tidbits -
*a lovely connection of family artists (your aunt lives on in you)
*light double lines of Asian Fans
*rows of overlapping Budlite with shaded background
From Jennifer Sparrow
Thanks for the challenge, Adele! Happy Belated Birthday to Louie!
Using Bud and Budlite for the first time taught me something about myself and my struggles with proprioception, even in drawing! (For more details, see my blog post.) This will help me to slow down even more, especially with the spirals!)

Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful white space
*blending of Bud and Budlite
*light feel for Asian Fans
From Karin (Germany) ~
this is my entry to this week´s challenge.
Congratulations to your son Louie!
Tangled Tidbits -
*perf outlined Budlite
*beautiful Budlite flower with aura and shading
*dark lines of Asian Fans compliment the lighter tangles
A very warm welcome to Linda Hoyt (Arizona) ~
Thank you for your weekly contest. This is my first time participating and I really enjoyed what the challenge brought out of me. I just started tangling in June...
Tangled Tidbits -
*Budlite cluster with shading and aura
*Bud in the waves of Asian Fans (love that!)
*two Budlite in the center string section
From Simone ~
This week´s challenge is to tangle the Patterns Asian Fans, Bud aud Budlite.
Again, three new patterns for me to try.
Thank you , Adele, for the lesson how to draw Asian Fans, so I tried it as you suggested. The Budlite and Bud are very nice with a little practice...
The string of this week is very nice as well.
Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful variations of Bud and Budlite
*detailed curves of Asian Fans
*grand aura and shading in lower center section
From Linda (UK) ~
Three more new tangles for me this week. I really enjoyed playing with Bud and Budlite and will use them again soon.
Tangled Tidbits -
*an arc of Asian Fans and Bud
*sprigs of Budlite
*stunning center of Bud complete with perfs
From Deb Jacob (Wisconsin) ~
Good Morning Adele, thanks for the challenge, loved the string &the tangles.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Asian Fans with perfs for lines
*swatch of Bud and Budlite
*highlights and shading compliment the tangles
From Anna Houston, CZT ~
Hi Adele. Here is this week's tile in honor of your son's birthday. I hope I did these tangles justice!
Tangled Tidbits -
*the tangles are served well :)
*full springs of Budlite - love the layers
*perfs for Asian Fans
*all beautifully shaded
From Ingrid (The Netherlands) ~
Congratulations with your son Louie's birthday. What a handsome young man he is!.
I like the Asian Fans pattern very much and your tangling tips were very helpfull.
I keep wondering why drawing equal wavy lines is so difficult. At least I have a difficulty drawing them.
Loved to draw "Budlite Flowers".
Tangled Tidbits -
*just beautiful Budlite flowers
*neat waves of Asian Fans
*large center of Bud with rounded aura
From Audrie Weisenfelder (Arizona) ~
Here's my response to Challenge #106. Unfortunately, I did it before reading your Tips for Tangling Asian Fans. So mine aren't as precise as they could be. But I'm otherwise happy with the result. It was a fun challenge to do.
It can be found on my blog, Purple Butterfly
Tangled Tidbits -
*great waves of Asian Fans
*Bud and Budlite string lines
*center Bud with thicker lines, shading and aura
From Jane Glotzer (Colorado) ~
I kept this one pretty simple...did the Asian Fan variations first, kind of knowing that center space would be left white (ish)...I kept the fans very simple too, just wanting a slight suggestion of the how the bottom turned out looking like a road! Had fun playing with your Bud and Budlite, but once again, went with pretty basic variations. Simple shading, too. And, guess what? I have a son with an August 18th birthday too!! He just turned 26, so a little older than Bud, but what a nice connection--:)
A very happy birthday to your son, too - what a happy coincidence!
Tangled Tidbits -
*contrasting Bud and Budlight
*large single Asian Fan does resemble a road, an inviting path
*nicely shaded
From Linda Goncalves (Pennsylvania) ~
What an amazing son you have! I loved the videos. Because of watching
them, I thought I should have
a " no problem" attitude about making Asian Fan be the border. I must
say it was not obvious to me but eventually it fell in place. Happy
Birthday Louie!
Tangled Tidbits -
*Asian Fan border comes to pointed corners
*Budlite blooms
*a wavy Bud center
A very warm welcome to Midori, CZT (Florida) ~
i discovered zentangle just this late spring...
with only 4 tangled tiles to my name, the last minute, without any hesitation, i took the big plunge and attended the czt seminar this early summer
i am, FOREVER, grateful for the impromptu chance...
and, now as a rookie czt, i have my very first student...ME!
thank you for creating this wonderful venue!
here is my first tangle submission to 'tickled to tangle' (or anywhere).
there is so much to admire, to process, to aspire and to continue tangling.
Tangled Tidbits -
*congratulations on becoming a CZT and welcome
*seashell like Budlite
*curved stems for Budlite sprigs
From Donna (Pennsylvania) ~
Really enjoyed this weeks challenge.All came together effortlessly, especially when I remembered "when in doubt ..aura "
advise from a wise soul.Thank you for all you do!

Tnagled Tidbits -
*fantastic advice and great aura
*Keeko in Bud
*darkened aura triangular shapes
From Jenny Hopkins (Australia) ~
Okkkaaaaaaayy ... I am not really sure what I ended up with this week. It is a bit of a jumble - but it's the process that matters, right? I enjoyed the tangles, although I had to work hard to stop the little musician inside me from turning all of the Budlites into treble clefs. Would treble clefs have made the tile sound any better?
Thank you for another great challenge and happy birthday, Louie.
Tangled Tidbits -
*dancing stars of Bud complete with shadows
*sparkled and elongated Budlite
* Asian Fans wave through the center Bud
From Michele Wynne ~
Thanks for another challenging challenge. Asian Fans gave me some trouble, even after the terrific tutorial (that bit about the wavy lines spot on), but I persevered. Love Bud and Budlight. There's some Lily Moon inspiration in here with the white dots on the black. More on the blog.
Tangled Tidbits -
*delicate Asian Fans
*gorgeous variations of Bud and Budlite - weighted lines and white dots
*superb shading
From Talia Maynard (UK) ~
Here's my tile for IAST 106. I really enjoyed this one. Lots of opportunity for bold lines and black and white space.
I particularly enjoyed drawing Bud and Budlite. Both are very pretty and versatile tangles.
Tangled Tidbits -
*wavy lines of Asian Fans smooth out along the string line
*rows of Budlite in alternating directions with aura and a bit of shading
*large and lovely center Bud
From Felicity (South Africa) ~
As you can see I’ve daisies on the brain! And your Bud and Budlite spoke to me. “Flowers of Spring! Let’s do it! ‘No Problem’.” A la your Bud. Budlite just had to light up the scene and so “he” is the centre of attention. Asian Fan created a flowing background, yet seem to pop a bit and take on a fanning role to keep the “daisies” cool. All in all I enjoyed this challenge and the lovely patterns. Also on my blog.
Tangled Tidbits -
*softly shaded tangles
*delightfully detailed patterns
*Budlite string lines and blossoms
From Cathy Cusson ~
This week got very hectic with the first full week back with kiddos. I wasn’t sure what to do at first but this tree just started coming together - out of nowhere. I really like how sometimes tangling can give you such pleasant surprises.
Tangled Tidbits -
*the tangles have wonderful movement
*beautiful balance of white and black space
*nestling Buds
From Sharyn Penna (Massachusetts) ~
Serendipity happened! I was practicing Bud the other evening ... tried to place the design side-by-side but my curves kept going in the opposite direction. I took a breath and looked at my work and thought ... No mistakes ... this design wants to be a peacock feather. I put away the journal, grabbed a tile and it all came together.
Tangled Tidbits -
*a new life for Bud - the feathers are gorgeous
*variation in line thickness
*a whisper of Bud in the center
From Elisa (France) ~
This week I could not resist using a touch of color: I often associate red with anything asian and the Bud and Budlite patterns reminded me of flowers, thus this usage of red in addition to the classic black. I also added a bit of silver, to bring some shine.

Tangled Tidbits -
*Bud center and string lines with dark centers and aura
*alternating black and red Asian Fans
*stippled background for Budlite
From Rose O'Keeffe (Ireland) ~
... I really liked all 3 tangles but struggled a bit with Budlite and struggled with how to put them together in that string.
H'm in time. Have a lovely week y'all :-)
Tangled Tidbits -
*deep dark background accents the tangles
*sparkled heart center of the large Bud
*Crescent Moon-like look for Asian Fans
A very warm welcome to Nancy Sass (Virginia) ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*use of Beadline is very complimentary
*large single Bud with weighted lines
*a bevy of Budlite
And now, the tile for honors this week was sent in by
TanglePatterns String 107 creator,
Lily Moon from Hungary!
She wrote ~
Dear Adele.
first of all thank you for choosing my string. You honored me.
And now here's my tile for your weekly challenge:
Tangled Tidbits -
*black and white alternating rows tangled beautifully with Bud and Budlite
*dots add a dainty touch
*Asian Fans spins with the addition of the zigzag details and shading
Congratulations to you, Lily. I have a little something coming in the mail for you.
Many thanks to Lily and Suzanne for the wonderful material to tangle with this week.
Thank you all for the inspiring artwork, the compliments on my patterns, and good wishes for Louie on his birthday. I am one grateful host!
Stop by Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #107!