I trust you enjoyed a wonderful St. Patrick's Day weekend. Our tiles and notes bring greetings from the four corners of the world. Wouldn't St. Patrick be so pleased?
We used a curly lined string and tangles to fit the occasion. Let's take a look ~
The first tile arrived from Baafke (The Netherlands) ~
This tile is really different than I am used to drawing.
I blame the string for that :)
The result reminds me of spring.
Tangled Tidbits -
*half and full Lukiline shamrocks
*sweetly dotted embellishments and arcs
From Jutta Gladnigg (NRW, Germany) ~
This challenge again was so fun. It was so interesting drawing Lukiline without raising the pen… Love the inconsistency in the form of the pattern that results from that. Cruze is quite an impressive pattern in itself.
And Lucky is a great tribute to St. Patrick. This time I broke this pattern down… mostly… so let’s make it a spot-the-image puzzle… how many complete ‚lucky’ shamrocks can you find here?
Tangled Tidbits -
Would three be the Lucky number?
*lovely contrasts, shading, and highlights
*tangles smoothly intermingle
From Mariam G (Port Hueneme, California) ~
Thank you for this light-hearted challenge in celebration of Saint Patrick's Day. I loved working with the patterns you chose and, of course, had to add a touch of green. Can't wait to see the rest of the tiles! Oh, and I really love your St Paddy's Bumpadox - beautiful!
To you and all the 'Tickled Tanglers' out there -
"Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh"
Tangled Tidbits -
...and the very same to you!
*striped and sparkled Lucky
*delicate Lukiline and curvy Cruze
From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
Attached is my tile for ‘ It’s A String Thing #234’ Challenge.
So as not to lose your pretty string, I chose to make it part of your pattern ‘Lucky’
With a slight variation, hope I haven’t strayed too far from your pattern.
Happy St Patrick Day, Adele.
Thank you.
Tangled Tidbits -
*lovely Lucky variation - love that layered stem and Cruze band
*shadow shaded Lukiline
From Caren Mlot, CZT (South Carolina), creator of Cruze! - and
here on her blog ~
I’ve sent you a couple of tiles for IAST, but usually I am just lurking in the background admiring everyone’s work here. When I saw that my tangle pattern Cruze was one that you were using this week, I decided I’d better stop lurking and send in a tile. So here’s my entry for the week. The color was added using pastel pencils. You can see more in my blog...
Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Tangled Tidbits -
What a treat to have you join in, thank you for the lovely tangle! I have always loved your step out for it.
*Cruze in gorgeous shades of green
*white centers of Lukiline
From Gale Sherman, CZT (Tucson, Arizona) ~
I hope you have a wonderful Saint Patrick's Day and thank you for doing this week after week! I think my tile is evident I have not an ounce of Irish blood in me and found the challenge a CHALLENGE! Neither the metallic green or gold (centers of lukilines) show up well in the photo. I think the leprechauns know I'm an imposter... and of course they want all the gold for themselves!
Tangled Tidbits -
Everyone is a wee bit Irish on this great day!
*Lucky tipped string lines
*Lukiline grid - inventive variation
From Marjan Heemskerk (The Netherlands) ~
It was nice doing something in green for this St. Patrick's Day challenge. I also added some orange because of the orange in the Irish flag.
Tangled Tidbits -
*beautiful border of Cruze
*Lukiline centers of Lucky - in shades of green!
From Lisette (Switzerland) ~
This St. Patricks-Challenge was not easy for me. I started several attempts - I simply couldn’t find a place for Cruze. But with this version I’m quite happy.
A big hug to everyone
Tangled Tidbits -
*Lucky border, dark background, highlights and aura
*shading, aura, lightly penciled tangles - beautiful details
From Nor'dzin (Wales, United Kingdom) ~
New tangles for me, thank you. Not sure my tile quite works, but it was fun to do.
Tangled Tidbits -
*large grid for a shaded Lucky
*green accented Lukiline weaves around Lucky
From Lynn G (Florida) ~
Happy wearing ‘o the green with thanks for another fun challenge.
Tangled Tidbits -
*glorious shades of green for Lukiline
*four variations of Lucky!
From Priscilla DeConti, CZT (Kingston, New York) ~
Couldn't get Lucky to fit this string but had a fun time with cruze and lukiline
Hope everyone is well and Happy St Patricks day to all
Tangled Tidbits -
*multi-colored Lukiline flows along the string lines
*two variations of Cruze - one with open lines and one connecting
From Di (Mandurah, Australia) ~
Top o' the mornin' to ya Adele!
Please find attached my IAST #234 which I spent a pleasant day drawing and colouring.
This week's drawing is all done in pencil. After sketching my design (which I spend a couple of days mooching over and scribbling around), I coloured in the pearls, then did the celtic-like border, and finally drew the Lucky's in black. But as lovely as the Lucky tangle is, I wanted the green "Pearls of Irish Wisdom" to take centre stage, and the Lucky's stole their trumpet! So I tamed them radically by rubbing them hard with an eraser and they magically faded nicely into the background where they belonged.
This is the first time I've coloured in pencil apart from when I was a kid- I am so new to this art thing but am having a blast! My husband is great at coming up with names and after seeing my pearl stringline, he immediately said "They look like green Guinness bubbles" and then told me that on St. Patrick's day they actually serve green Guinness in the pubs. Only the Irish, hey? So I"m calling my drawing Green Guinness.
Really looking forward to seeing how everyone else went with the Irish theme.

Tangled Tidbits -
That makes me thirsty :)
*colorful description and tangles - welcome back to the art world!
*pearls taper and enlarge
From Ragged Ray (United Kingdom) ~
I know I've used your Lucky tangle before, but this week I really noticed it properly. Noticed it's versatility, its personality. It's funny how that can happen with a tangle. And as such I wanted it to be the star of the show, forming a frame for the other tangles. I tangled it into a pencilled grid to allow for even placement of leaves but without the grid itself showing. Some shading and highlighting and I was sorely tempted to stop there. But I popped a curling branch of Lukiline along the string - it looks a bit sparse, but it is only the beginning of the growing season! And a single Cruze dangling from a branch.
Be lucky!
Tangled Tidbits -
*Lucky shines - literally - with highlights, delicate lines, shading, rounded lines that push passed the grid, rounded corners - gorgeous details
*double lined Lukiline
From Jane Goddard (Dorking, United Kingdom) ~
Thanks for an interesting challenge this week, I couldn't get it together with #cruze so ended up using parts of it linked around the edge, which worked better for me. Again used watercolour brush pens, plus a touch of gold gellyroll this time.
Best wishes
Tangled Tidbits -
*twirling cubes of gold accented Lucky
*creative use of Cruze and dainty Lukiline center
From VenaC (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
All green today for St. Paddy's Day. May the luck of the Irish be with you.
Tangled Tidbits -
...and same to you!
*highlighted green tangles - just beautiful!
*free from rounded Lucky
From Trudi (Woodview, Ontario, Canada) ~
This was a fun Tangle to complete, I love Celtic knots... well once I've got them done sometimes I do get confused as to where I'm to go next but this one seemed to want to cooperate. You choose lovely Tangles to combine I can't wait to see what we've all come up with. Happy St. Paddy's day. May the luck of the Irish be with us all.
Tangled Tidbits -
*tangles layer above a large Lucky background
*delicate Lukiline covered strings
From HeidiSue (Salt Lake City, Utah) ~
Well, it’s St Patrick’s Day, and I have a family feast ahead of me...everyone at my mom’s, with lots of yummy food, and a WHOLE LOT of hilarity and so much fun. I love St Patrick’s Day. My Irish family is so much fun, we are all friends and enjoy each other immensely.
So I did this in the morning while things were quiet. Cruze simply wouldn’t come, so I let it be. I started with Floose along the border, because it looked kinda Celtic. Lukiline is fun. I made it three-leaved for shamrocks and it grew all along the entire string. Then Lucky did its thing for the other border edged. I colored and shaded with Kelly Green, then added some triskeles in pale green behind everything.
Now it’s time to get up and make my Colcanon for the feast! Thanks for another terrific challenge.
Tangled Tidbits -
That sounds so yummy and your gathering, heavenly :)
*festive three leaved variation of Lukiline
*Lucky pairs share a stem
From Lin H., CZT (Florida) ~
Top o’ the mornin’ to you, Adele! Hope you had a happy St. Patrick ‘s Day. Thanks for your challenge. It was fun adding a bit of green to my tile.
Tangled Tidbits -
*elegant tangles, shading, enthatching, and touches of green
*curved Cruze (you make that look easy!)
From Sra (India) ~
The excitement over understanding how to draw Cruze dissipated rather quickly as I struggled to integrate Lukiline into the tile - and gave up. I tried at least doing the curves of the string as Cruze, but I think I did a mirror image of them! And Lucky has been attempted as a border! I think this is a tile in progress.
Tangled Tidbits -
*inventive use of Lucky for the border
*layers of shading for bold centered Cruze
From Jody Genovese, CZT (Florida) ~
Wishing everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day! My tile is a little outrageous this week. The more I tried to tone it down the crazier it got. :o)
Thanks as always for keeping it fun.
Tangled Tidbits -
...so much fun in one tile - a celebration of color and tangles
*curved Cruze, dark Lukiline provides great contrast
*Lucky filled with swirls and enthatching
From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
A simple one this week. I started doing the loops of Lukiline and just carried on until the tile was full. A touch of green and it was done. I also loved Cruze. I am fascinated by Celtic knot type designs but it needs a bit of practice.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Lukiline fills the tile like clover fills a field
*dotted aura and hints of green
From Simone B. (Germany) ~
this is a great String with nice tangles. Thank you for your challenge.
Greetings from Germany
Tangled Tidbits -
*large and small grids for three variations of Lucky
*great use of bold black spaces
Aileen (Singapore) ~
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Thank you for another great challenge and new tangles to try!
Rainbows and raindrops in sunny Singapore
Tangled Tidbits -
*Sh'rock creates a festive background for Lukiline
*green, shaded Lukiline flows along the string
From Sharon Fite (California) ~
What fun for St. Patrick's Day with a great selection of tangles. I always thought Cruze was too complicated for me, but the step-out made it very clear. Thanks, Adele!
Tangled Tidbits -
*beautiful tangles and calligraphy
*shading adds great depth to the tangles
From Felicity Strohfeldt (Velddrif, South Africa) and
here on her blog ~
Happy St Patrick’s day to you and all your family and friends from South Africa.
Here the drought continues, the Berg River that supplies water to Velddrif, has dried up in places and the municipality is having to work non-stop to make sure that the 9 towns under its jurisdiction receives drinking water. Up to now we have been able to save on local usage by 49%, but we will have to make an even better effort to up the water saving to avoid a Day Zero scheduled for the middle of May.
To tile 234. Somehow this was a difficult one for me. Maybe my zen’s a bit unsettled at present. Lucky is a favourite of mine. Lukiline by Mary Masi is a lacy flowing vine that worked, but Cruze by Caren Mlot had me a bit stumped. On second thoughts, maybe I should have left it out of the equation. But there you are. My zentangle is done and I live by the motto, “There are no mistakes.”
Tangled Tidbits -
We continue to pray for rain and the relief it will bring...thank you for updating us.
*one large and lovely Lucky
*two variations of a flowing Lukiline
From Verena (Germany) ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*Lucky grids follow the string's curves - shading gives them dimension
*deep black background accents the shaded lighter Lucky
From Karen Herstowski (Atlanta, Georgia) ~
The patterns in this one were challenging. I really loved doing your pattern - Lucky. That has a real punch with a black background. All the patterns were fun to blend together. I especially enjoy working with organic designs so the 3 vines curly Q was so relaxing.
Thanks for a great St. Pat’s Day tribute!
Tangled Tidbits -
*black background really does light up Lucky, especially so beautifully colored
*flowing Cruze and string curls - lovely coloring
From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and
here on her blog ~
here is my contribution for this week. Thank you for the interesting challenge with the beautiful patterns.
Greetings from the snowy Germany
Tangled Tidbits -
*pleasing mix of light and dark color and tangled spaces
*ribbon wrapped single Lucky
From Susan Theron (Velddrif, South Africa) ~
My contribution I would like to see what the others did with the string and the given tangles.
Tangled Tidbits -
*little dual Cruze crosses - wonderful idea
*Luckiline string lines and the third of Lucky
This is my tile - tangled by battery powered lamp during a power outage earlier this evening. The rain is pouring down here in central Florida. (If only we could share it with Felicity and Susan's part of the world where they need it so desperately.)
I used Prismacolor pencils to accent Lukiline, a large grid of Lucky, and a diagonal of Cruze.
Many thanks to everyone for your beautiful tiles and happy greetings.
Special thanks to Caren Mlot, CZT for
Cruze and Mary Masi, CZT for
Lukiline - the two tangles we used with my Lucky and string.
It has been a treat to celebrate St. Patrick's Day together.
Stop by Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #235!