This week was "all about the ONES" as we tangled along for "It's a String Thing" #111. There was just one assigned pattern, Hamail. Tanglers then added their own string line and chose one of their favorites patterns.
The variety is as lovely as the tiles themselves.
Let's take a look ~
The first tile arrived from Jenny Hopkins (Australia) ~
Wow! Challenge 111 already, and what fun! I have used Shattuck (a Zentangle-original tangle) to accompany my Hamails. I find that Shattuck is very successful for filling areas of all different shapes and I love the way it comes to life when shaded.
Thank you for your very imaginative challenge and your dedication to keeping us challenged each week.
*rounded string sections of Shattuck
*beautiful shading
*lighter lines give a stitched effect
From Sarah from
Hungry Corgi Studio ~
My wrist is not doing well, but I wanted to participate so I just drew a few tangles on an autumn inspired colored tile. Hamail is a favorite and I chose Opus as my favorite (at the moment!) tangle.
Tangled Tidbits -
*I think it is safe to say that we can all relate to a favorite tangle "at the moment" :)
*lovely Opus
*auara combines the tangles
From Juul (France) ~
Chère Adèle
Here is my tile for this week..... very nice is Hamail!
Tangled Tidbits -
*softly shaded Hamail
*one string line around Hamail lends itself to the fabulous curves of Knightsbridge
*sharp corners of Knightsbridge contrast with the rounded Hamail
From Meridiana ~
Here’s my entry for this week. Nothing about this went as expected! I enjoyed doing Hamail and to some extent the Hamail itself turned out to be the string. But the biggest surprise was what happened after I finished, and then ran the tile through the mirror app on my iPhone (I didn’t include that here because it’s not part of the challenge). The story’s on my blog
Tangled Tidbits -
*one large spiral of Hamail
*Flux petals
*three smaller Hamail inside of the larger one
A few days later, she sent this along with a note to say that after she tangled one section, she compiled this photograph using mirror app on her phone.
From Jennifer Sparrow (North Carolina) ~
Thanks for another fun challenge! Although I expected some difficulty getting the spiral to widen and narrow, it did cooperate! I've been working on Tripoli this week, and on separating those lovely flower shapes you get. I chose my purple pen after seeing some beautiful purple sweet gum leaves on my morning walk in this glorious autumn weather. Even with the purple pencil shading and gold orbs, it still seemed flat and, well, too white! I added some hatching and stippling and thickened my lines. It's white, but I like it! (I've posted this on my blog.)
Tangled Tidbits -
*weighted lines and stippling add a very pretty touch to Hamail
*Tripoli floats off the tile
*ample white space accents the tangles
From Lily (Hungary) with a "ZenHug" ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*curvy Hamail
*a beautiful result from two opposing halves of Hamail
*wonderful accompanying tangles
From Ragged Ray (UK) ~
It's always so hard to choose a favourite tangle. The wonder of this thing called Zentangle is that whatever I'm drawing seems to be my favourite at that moment. So instead I decided to pick my favourite tangle created by you! And without a doubt it's Uncorked. For a while I've been drawing it this way, which has a delicious Deco look about it. And it seemed to fit so well with the two Hamails that I'd already drawn. The string was nothing more than a border. And there you have it.
Thanks as always for the fun!
Tangled Tidbits -
*this is a royal treat for me - Uncorked in tangled in a Mooka-like way - that is just gorgeous
*aura-ed spirals of Hamail
*Hamail 'petals' do not piggy back, but are their own full loops
A very warm welcome to Ann McCool (California) ~
...I used Hamail and Finery (which I found in the book One Zentangle a Day)
Tangled Tidbits -
*stippled Hamail
*Hamail topped lines of Finery
*curved lines added to Hamail
From Ilse Lukken (The Netherlands) ~
I really liked this of challenge! I drew a simple line as a string after I had drawn Hamail and chose to add Hollibaugh and Fife. These are both patterns of Molly Hollibaugh, that are amongst my favorites.
And: I had a lot of relaxing fun :-) Thank you!
It's on my blog as well
Tangled Tidbits -
*gorgeous balance of black and white
*superb shading
*fine lined Fife
From Anna Houston, CZT (Armstrong, BC, Canada) ~
Here is my contribution to this week's challenge. I started with Hamail (which I needed to practice a time or two) and, as I can't really determine my favorite tangle, decided on this bubbly one, who name and creator I can't come up with. I thought it was "bubblz" or something similar but I can't find it at Linda's website. Perhaps you know it by name. I do like it a lot.
Up here in Armstrong, BC, autumn is in full swing. We've not had frost yet though so my flower planters are all still quite happy. I hope this finds you well. Many thanks again for all the joy you bring us tanglers!
I am happy to say that the tangle you used is by long time IAST contributor, Lori Byerly. She named it Bublz and her post about it can be
found here on her blog.
Tangled Tidbits -
*beautifully shadowed Bublz
*doubled lined Hamail
*equally weighted tangles and white space
From Cheryl Stocks (Arizona) ~
I really wasn't getting the hang of drawing I penciled it in. I was going for a Japanese woodcut chrysanthemum but it looks more like a Gerbera daisy. The leaves weren't anything like I had planned but you can't make these things be anything they don't want to be, right? The leaves look like dragonair, so that'll be my other tangle.
The most unusual thing about it is that it's in color! (Vintage prismacolor pencils). A real departure for me. Living on the edge! Have a brilliant day!
Tangled Tidbits -
*Yes, you must let the lines take control :)
*one lovely Hamail
*pretty addition of color
From Linda Goncalves (Pennsylvania) ~
I had lots of fun with Hamail this week. Here are the two I like best.
The first has a leafy L string with Nippon ( An Official Zentangle)
without its background stripes, with no shading and with some partial
circles) . The second has no string, and only the black dots of
Tangled Tidbits -
*such a happy collection of Hamail
*varying sizes and layers
*shading from the center of each Hamail
From Mariam Giafone (Port Hueneme, California)
This was interesting! I really liked working with Hamail, (though I need to practice it a bit more). My chosen tangle to add was Girdy by Karl Stewart (with inspiration from your 'Tips for Tangling'). I love the architectural look of Girdy and was pleased with the end result. No matter how you turn the tile, it gives the impression of tumbling Hamails. Just wish I had realized before I started that most of my pens are about out of ink!
Tangled Tidbits -
*fabulous depth of field
*size of Hamail adds to the 3-dimensional effect
*four variations of Hamail
From Emily Shelton ~
Here is what I wrote
on my blog :
I couldn't have picked a better challenge! In her "It's a String Thing Challenge"#111, Adele Bruno challenges us to draw 1 particular pattern (Hamail by Tina Hunziker) and add 1 of our favorite tangles, and add 1 original string for the favorite pattern if needed.
I love love love Hamail and lately I've gone crazy over Mooka. They play well together and look...a ”string!” 3 of them in fact hanging from a Mooka!
Also -- I think watching some shading youtube videos is helping. I like the dimensionality I was able to achieve on Hamail.
So much fun - thank you Adele.
Tangled Tidbits -
*elegant Mooka
*perfectly pink Hamail
*perfs, wispy vines, and branches embellish Mooka
From Joanne Faherty (UK) ~
On to this weeks string thing 1. Hamail 1. Fave tangle ( that id forgotten about until today when I was looking at something else) garlic cloves by Jacquelien Bredenoord. 1 string umm there isn't one today;).thats it I quite like how this has turned out after feeling like the Zen had gone from my work. Definitely zenned out tangling the garlic cloves thanks Adele (hoping it stays now).
Tangled Tidbits -
*a colorful cluster of Hamail
*shading of Garlic Cloves adds depth
*varying sizes of Hamail adds dimension
From Heidi Sue (Utah) ~
This was a fun challenge. I love hamail, for one thing, and mixing things up by putting some hamail on first, then the string, then tangling with a favorite of my own...yeah, it's a good un. I like it a lot.
I've been doing a flower series, with water color pencil on tiles in sunflower colors. So, since hamail makes a delightful center of a sunflower, I started there. The string was shaped like overlapping flower petals, and I put my own pattern Hitched to that. The diamonds alternating with circles, and the arcs from diamond to diamond...that's Hitched.
thanks for a very fun challenge!
Tangled Tidbits -
*congratulations on your tangle, Hitched
*Hamail peeking out from under the large flower
*pretty highlights and shading
From Marla Mendenhall (California) ~
SO fun this week!! Not that every week isn't, but ... permission to choose one of my favorite patterns? Like Christmas with Hershey's fudge syrup poured on top! I don't know how you come up with these ideas, Girl.
First, Hamail. So charming, and what a lovely result, like the inside of a Nautilus shell. Executing it as shown in the step-out, however, seemed a problem for me. If I left the top curve open and hoped my curve up with the next petal got even close, my petals got a bit too plump for my liking (as in Tile #1). I guess my right hand is dyslexic. So instead I started on top of the previous petal and then curved down. A little different overlap but substantially the same thing. (Hope Tina won't mind.)
So along with Hamail, my tiles consist of:
Tile #1 Paradox by Maria Thomas (with a couple of antenna-thingies).
Tile #2 An evolution-revolution of a single Tripoli by Team Roberts and Thomas. Not sure the "subtleties" will show up, but I tangled in brown ink (VERY dark brown, sadly) and shaded with lavender. The petals of Hamail are repeated in the internal swirls.
And Tile #3 is Mooka, once again by The You-Know-Who's-Fabulous, with bubbles instead of just shading. (I refuse to refer to them as Tipple because 1] they're round rather than random and 2] I would have to admit I threw in an extra pattern on purpose when I really didn't because I so often use them with Mooka that I was drawing them before I thought about it, and my first-born-follow-the-rules self will have an anxiety attack otherwise so every little rationalization helps).
There you have it. Off to play with designs of my dozen other favorites ...

Tangled Tidbits -
*How can I add to what Marla already wrote (and tangled) - except to say that I hope to one day be able to meet her over coffee and talk an afternoon away - don't you feel the same way?!
*Hamail infused Tripoli - ingenious
*Mooka perfectly compliments Hamail
From Sharyn Penna (Massachusetts) ~
Hamail takes center stage. I added two inside auras to each petal and some shading. Such a calming tangle to work with! I added a tangle I created a few years ago as a frame. It looks very much like Zenith, but the approach is very different. It's a continuous line pattern with many variable. The left and right side are two variations of Jumping Beans, the top is a version of Jumping String Beans, and the bottom is a version of Jumping NBAI (no beans about it) because there are no beans in the basic version.
Tangled Tidbits -
*that is a fabulous collection of your Jumping Bean pattern - four variations!
*double aura of each Hamail line
*soft shading
From Jessie Plouffe (Connecticut) ~
Here is my tile for this week's challenge; it is much more organically
flowing, and overall more like my usual style, than my usual
submissions to this challenge. My opinion is certainly in the
minority, but I much prefer tangling without a string- I feel like the
string reduces the flow (which is exactly why I began participating in
this challenge!) I was a bit nervous about using Hamail, because
though I like it a lot, I can never get the curve quite right. I
solved the problem by tangleating, therefore eliminating much of the
circular element. I really enjoyed creating this tile, and I am
anxiously awaiting next week's challenge :) .
Tangled Tidbits -
*an elegant look for Hamail
*a touch of Mooka
*delicate lines, soft shading, and sparkle
From Yorkshire Tortoise (County Dublin, Ireland) ~
Here is my 111 String Thing tile. What a brilliant idea for 111, a slight twist on the usual format. Thanks to your Tips for Tangling I sort of managed to draw some Hamail's, but I still need to practise. The extra rounds look a bit too much like petals. I am sure I will get the hang of it soon. I was surprised how difficult it is to draw a string after you have drawn a tangle. I blocked in the background behind Hamail because on this occasion I didn't want the string to disappear entirely. My favourite tangle is Nawal by Sam Taylor. I had hoped to make the Narwal in the shape of a number one with a crossbar base, but there wasn't quite room for that so I just went with a curvy Narwal instead. I did put 111 stripes on the occasional section though. I really enjoyed this challenge, thank you for thinking it up, I don't know how you keep coming up with all these great ideas.
Tangled Tidbits -
*dark background of Hamail makes them stand out
*a Narwal number one
*a very clever nod to 111 in Narwal
From Anita A Westin (Dalarna, Sweden) ~
Here it comes. It was a wonderful challenge!. I let the Auraknot become my string. I liked the idea to have Hamail born from a star! I tried a couple of other combinations too, but this is the one I liked the best.
Tangled Tidbits -
*a wonderful combination of tangles
*depth created with the patterns and shading
*black dots repeated in both tangles
A very warm welcome to Alecia Miller, CZT ~
I have been doing these challenges off and on, but never seem to finish them in time to send them in - but this week I did!
I had not used Hamail before, but it had been on my list of tangles to try out, so I was happy to see it as one we should use. I am also on a Narwal kick as of late, so used that to fill in my zig-zag string around the Hamail. I am not sure if the end result reminds me more of a comet, or some strange alien footprint. :)
Anyway, thanks for hosting these! I love seeing the results all posted together on Mondays, and know you put a lot of effort in commenting on each one.
Tangled Tidbits -
*double lined spiral of Hamail
*triple spirals of Narwal with detail lines and deep shading
*a dot and dash border line
From Susan Theron (South Africa) ~
This was an interesting challenge and difficult trying to decide which favorite tangle to use.
I've used Crescent Moon an original tangle. Also on my blog
Tangled Tidbits -
*weighted, sparkled scallops of Hamail
*wonderful Crescent Moon aura
*soft shading
From Lori Byerly (creator of Bublz that Anna Houston referenced) ~
What a fun challenge! I enjoyed the new pattern hamail. It's such a lovely swirl of petals. I'm going to have to experiment with it a bit more.
You can see my tile here also.
Tangled Tidbits -
*large curves of Hamail
*Lori's own Mashed as a back drop
*superbly shaded tangles
From Deb Jacobs (Tichigan, Wisconsin) ~
... I love this tangle. Added 2 of my favorites. Oh, so many possibilities. Thanks as always for time. Always love your Words of Wisdom on Wednesdays...the tangled pumpkin is lovely.
Tangled Tidbits -
*great tangle combination
*Hamail slowly tapers off around the spiral
*sparkle and shading add depth
From Talia Maynard (London, UK) ~
Thanks for this original challenge.
For some reason I had a total mental block when it came to Hamail. I just couldn't get it right. I had to practice with about 50 attempts before it looked even remotely correct!
For my favourite tangle I chose Hollibaugh. It's so simple and effective and I thought the strong straight lines would be a good counterpoint to Hamail's spirals.
Tangled Tidbits -
*simply beautiful Hamail - the white aura makes them appear to float
*Hollibaugh adds depth as do the large and smaller black perfs
*bold black and white spaces and just a bit of shading for dimension
From K. Bish (Northwest Michigan) ~
Enclosed please find my newest Tangle "Picnic" it reminds me of a Spring picnic with flowers around. I love so many of the tangles, but HUGGINS holds a special place in my heart. Created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas this tangle was one of my first and still remains one of my favorites. I very much enjoyed HAMAIL as well, reminds me of mums.
Thank you for another great challenge.
Tangled Tidbits -
*pretty combination of patterns
*two lovely Hamail
*beautifully shaded Huggins
From Donna (Pennsylvania and the seashore) ~
What fun! It is a great luxury to be able to sit on the
windy beach ,watch the ocean, the migrating birds
and monarch butterflys and be inspired to tangle!!
I captured several Hamails in a bubble net of Flors
and let the shell define the string and and shading.
Thanks so much for all you do for our community.
Tangled Tidbits -
*a splendid surface for tangling
*weighted lines around Hamail
*fitting background of net-like Florz
From Elisa (Paris, France) ~
I chose to combine Hamail together with Drupe by Maria Thomas & Rick Roberts, thus turning it into a pretty nice flower.
I found drawing this tile super relaxing and I like the result: thanks again for organizing this challenge !
Tangled Tidbits -
*sensational combination of tangles
*box sparkle on each curve of Hamail
*black lines and curves add wonderful movement
From Ingrid (The Netherlands) ~
Oh so difficult to pick one favorite tangle, but the winner is..........Versa by Laura Harms CZT. I had fun drawing Hamail. It is kind of addicting when you go round and round. I like the contrast in this tile.
Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful contrasts - white/black, round/straight
*depth added with shading
*complimentary grid and spiral tangles
From Linda Hoyt (Arizona) ~
Thanks for this challenge! I found it challenging to choose ONE favorite tangle to work in around Hamail, which I’d never used before. So, as you can see, I used two favorite tangles, one of which served as my string.
I chose Mi2 (Mimi Lempart, CZT) and Puf (Carole Ohl) for my favorite tangles. What I LOVE about these two is that what you end up with is nothing like you start with. These tangles seems kind of magical and powerful in that way. I find myself a bit surprised and a little tickled each time I draw them! I guess that’s part of the joy of tangling. I had not used Hamail before, but with this practice, I’m sure it will show up in a lot of my future tangles.
I tried to draw Mi2 around Hamail at first, but I could never get the two to come together very well, so I eventually shifted and drew my String (Mi2) first and placed the Hamails in the open spots. Necessity is the mother of invention!
Thanks again for all you do to make this happen each week. I really enjoy the process and then finally seeing what other’s came up with. I’m betting I’ll see some tangle patterns I’m not familiar with this week. More fun!!

Tangled Tidbits -
*a delightful description of the magic and surprise tangling provides
*clever Mi2 string
*bit of black in Mi2 provides depth
From Jane (Colorado) ~
A new, fun, slightly different approach for your challenge this week...I had tried my hand at Hamail a little while ago when Linda Farmer first published it on, but I gave up after a few tries...just wasn't coming together...but now I am so glad you pushed me to try again for #111. What a cool pattern...who doesn't love a good spiral?
At first, my plan was to go with one big Hamail for my piece and surround it with some other "favorite" tangle...hard to choose, for sure...would it be Kuke, or Pokeleaf or 'Nzeppel--:)...but after I started "Hamail-ing" I couldn't really stop...Oh, the zen! I put in as many as I could (I wanted 5, but just couldn't manage it!) and at that point, the only thing I wanted to see in the background was (one of the original Zentangle patterns) Tipple! Tried a bunch of variations for the Hamails and then Tippled away happily. Shaded the whole shebang...we are supposed to be seeing a full red moon total lunar eclipse at the moon's perigee (closest point to earth) tomorrow evening, but alas, we have tickets to see Twyla Tharp at the same time! My tangle turned out filled with moons for the occasion! I even figured out how to adjust my scanner to the size of my paper! A huge success all around--:)

Tangled Tidbits -
*Jane coined a new word - "Hamail-ing" defined here as the act of loosing oneself in tangling Hamail - how fun is that?!
*four fabulous tangleations
*detailed shading
From Tina Kirchhübel (Germany) ~
The challenge this week was different but very relaxing for me. It was the first time that I tangle Hamail and I was not satisfied with the result. Maybe I should practice it before. But I thought that maybe the string, the second tangle and the shading could help to let it look better. And so it is! The string I draw spontaniously and I love it. The second tangle I choose is Printemps by Maria Thomas because it's great to fill big spaces and with the sparkles you can make it more interesting.
So thank you for this great challenge. The week was so stressful for me and I'm glad that I found the time for it on the last day.
Greatings from Germany
Tangled Tidbits -
*a very nice string
*bold black aura for Hamail
*pretty fields of sparkled Printemps
From Becky Welty (North Carolina) ~
I thought that Hamail was such a pretty tangle on it's own that I decided to keep it simple so it'll stand out. I used Phirst for the border. I just learned how to do and it's a lot of fun to do.
Tangled Tidbits -
*one large lovely Hamail
*light and airy border of Phirst
*shading adds depth to Hamail
From Sally Sheldon (Massachusetts) ~
Cadent has been one of my favorite patterns since first learning it (maybe because my granddaughter is named Cadence). So many ways to vary it. But really, I did not mean for it to act like Hamail was not welcome. My simple idea of a string loop and some cadent to keep Hamail company got completely out of hand once I started adding cadent. No matter it was fun. I do appreciate the challenges that you provide and I love seeing all the wonderful variations of the challenges. Thank you.
Tangled Tidbits -
*three variations of Cadent
*Cadent hugs the outer edge of Hamail
*weighted line curves of Hamail
From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
I feel like this isn't a particularly imaginative rendition of Hamail. It kept looking to me like an applique, so that made me think of an "old favorite" from my earliest Zentangle days. It's an official tangle called Lace. After my first class with a CZT (June of 2011) I bought Sandy Bartholomew's alphabet book and used it to learn more tangles. I'm pretty sure all the tangles in that book are official ... there isn't a step-out posted that I know of but it's easy to figure out.
So I ended up doing a lot more shading than I usually do and a lot less fine-line drawing. But that's the fun of Zentangle!
Tangled Tidbits -
*very delicate, lace-like tangles
*repeated curves in both patterns
*layered look achieved with shading
From Nancy Sass (Virginia) ~
This was so much fun! I knew exactly what I wanted to do.
Of course, I used the pattern you chose, Hamail. And I
chose one I love, Finery. They both seemed to just go
together! I love the black and white one, and the color
one, too. So, I decided to send both of them. I hope
you enjoy them as much as I do!
Thanks Adele for such a great String Challenge!
Tangled Tidbits ~
*petal-like sections of Hamail
*delightful detail lines and dots
*variation of line weight
From Beth Gaughan (North Carolina) ~
What a fun idea to give us only part of an assignment! I combined Hamail with Frost Flower by Karry Heun.
Tangled Tidbits -
*sparkled Frost Flower
*a single dew drop
*superb shading - each line of Hamail is shaded
From CZT Midori (Florida) ~
here is my submission for challenge #111:
this challenge has been a true exercise on continuously turning the paper from the very first stroke, at the center of hamail, to the final stroke of verdigough (original zentangle/ maria thomas) along the outer frame.
this challenge has kept me 'mindful' of each stroke, enjoying the process!
Tangled Tidbits -
*one large exquisite Hamail
*Hamail darkened around the outer curves for just a bit of weight
*an elegant look achieved by tangling half sections of Verdigough flowing from the circle
From Audrie Wiesenfelder (Tucson, Arizona) ~
It took me a while to get the hang of Hamail, but eventually I got it to work, and I rather like it now. The favorite tangle I've used is a variation of Puffle, by CZT Sandy Hunter. It's on my blog: Purple Butterfly
Tangled Tidbits -
*two Hamail in the foreground
*Puffle line varies in size adding dimension
*deep shading
From Karin (Germany) ~
It was hard for me to decide which is my favorite pattern. At the end I used “Cadent” by Maria Thomas because it seemed to be a nice contrast to “Hamail”. It´s absolutely amazing how many variations of this pattern are posted in the internet.
I am not really satisfied with my result but this is been due to the shortage of time I had.
I am really curious about the different tiles which will be sent in to you!
Tangled Tidbits -
*corner Hamail
*two creative Cadent variations
*spiral shading of Hamail
From Annie Taylor (Spain) ~
A great challenge this week, which I enjoyed very much, but as you can see, I got rather carried away with the first part of the instructions....
Hamail took over! I just managed to squeeze in a little CO2 and there it was... done. I am doing a post on my blog about the technique for drawing Hamail.
[On] my blog post
Tangled Tidbits -
*another "Hamail-ing" episode with wonderful results :)
*layers of the pattern that spiral in multiple directions
*light touch of CO2
From Cathy Cusson ~
Thank you so much for your hints for hamail! That was so sweet. I am not sure mine ever got “good”, but it did help! The other tangle I chose was keeko. I needed to have one of my favorite go-to’s that was also simple after working with hamail.
Tangled Tidbits -
*little puffs of Hamail
*Keeko backdrop
*white space and shading accent the tangles
From Rose O Keeffe (Ireland) ~
Lovely challenge this week. I'd been looking forward to trying Hamail but hadn't had a chance. I did have a hard time choosing a favourite tangle though so I chose my fave version of Zenith and some pearls using a very simple string. I may actually submit another later in the week if that's ok :-)

Tangled Tidbits -
*beautiful corner of Hamail - elegant weighted curves and shading
*very detailed Zenith
*shaded and shadowed string of Pearlz
And now,
the tile for honors this week was sent in by
Michele Wynne (California) ~
Michele wrote:
Thanks for the great challenge this week...well aren't they all? This was particularly fun one for me because it introduced me to a new pattern. I've seen "Hamail" here and there but I've never attempted it. I practiced it a couple of times and then got to work. I didn't intend to draw this many, but sometimes things are beyond my control ;-) There's more on my blog.
Tangled Tidbits -
*another "Hamail-ing" incident :)
*four fabulous variations of Hamail
*brown Sand Swirl background
*double lined border that a few Hamail push past
*shading adds wonderful depth
Congratulations, Michele!
I have a little something coming in the mail for you.
Thank you to Tina Hunziker, CZT for her beautiful tangle
To all of our participants this week, a huge thank you for your wonderful artwork.
Check back tomorrow for "It's a String Thing" #112!