For the past two weeks we have celebrated a wedding theme using the tradition of a bride choosing "something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue" as our guide. And what a celebration it turned out to be!
It was fascinating to see what patterns tanglers chose as their "something borrowed" and equally as fascinating that there were several repeats.
Let's take a look ~
(Since this challenge spanned two weeks, the notes and tiles from each tangler are presented together whenever applicable.)
The first tile arrived from Karen Buse (California) who happened to join us for the first time ~
Let me start by saying THANK YOU for all the time and effort you put into the "It's A String Thing" challenge every week. Although I wait with baited breath for the IAST tiles to come out this is the first time I have submitted one. I am one of those people who need to mull things over so I can rarely finish a challenge tile in the allotted week's time. This time was different though; I knew immediately what I was going to do. The curvy string would not let me do a straight Trilad so it came out looking Phicops-ish…that's okay. It's so satisfying when it all just flows! I'm looking forward to borrowed and blue next week!
So I actually managed to complete two IAST challenges in a row within the week's time limit. Yahoo! You left the door wide open when you said pick a tangle "that you wish you had come up with," which describes way too many patterns for me. I decided to narrow it down to just two patterns by sticking with the wedding theme. You can't have a wedding without cake so of course…Cayke by Rose Brown and weddings are all about love so…Luv-A by Sharon Caforio.
Tangled Tidbits -
*detail lines accent Trilad
*lovely shading, weighted lines, and crosshatching
Welcome to our IAST community and to our
tangled map, Karen!
From Tonya Marie, CZT (Illinois) ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*Trilad incorporated into the string line
*dark rings of Sez tie in with its border
From Hilary (Chicago) ~
I couldn't decide between tearing this up or sending it to you. Let's just say it didn't turn out as I had hoped.Thanks again for the challenge. It's good every so often to practice the virtue of humility!
When I first saw this string, I have to admit I was totally intimidated ! But once I decided to put Bluebonnets along the string, it all made sense. For my " borrowed " patterns I used two of yours: Amore inside the letters, and Ann in the background. The border is Slapple by Cindy Angtel.
Tangled Tidbits -
*sparkled Sez and three variations of Trilad
*pretty mix of curved and curly tangles, Bluebonnets moved beautifully along the string lines
From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
What a wonderful idea this is, I chose to extend the string outside the line on the tile to give me a circle or more appropriately a ring.
This ring marks the beginning of their journey together, and the Yin-Yang shapes has many meanings but I believe in this instant it means Harmony and Balance.
I found it very hard to choose a Tangle for something borrowed as there are so many lovely tangles that I adore.
So I have borrowed three, as listed below.
1: Banana-Braid by Ina Sonnenmoser
2: Hearts Aligned by Smita Toke.
3: Fortuna by Simona Cordara.
Something Blue: Bluebonnets by Suzanne McNeil CZT
Attached is my second take on “It’s A String Thing #204”challenge.
I felt I needed to use the ‘I do ‘ string a little more than I did in my first tile, and having time I have submitted a second tile.
I have used my favourite borrowed tangle pattern again being ‘Banana – Braid’ by Ina Sonnenmoser
Along with Kim Aarts – ‘Kochlea’
And Suzanne McNeil- ‘Bluebonnets’.
Thanks, Adele, for this great opportunity.
Tangled Tidbits -
*golden ring encases three variations of Trilad
*Fortuna horse shoes
*elegant, rounded tangles to accompany Bluebonnets
From Susie (Thailand) ~
When I saw Trilad for the first time over at Linda’s website I instantly thought of the golden rule in design, which so much is based on – even in nature. Hence I had to give it a try. As for Sez, I never thought it can actually be interesting and quite zenning to draw, but now I like it.
Looking forward to the 2nd part of your Wedding theme. My blue color pencils are sharpened and waiting to jump into action.
Thanks for yet another great challenge, Adele.
My contribution to the 2nd part of your Wedding theme.
Dragonair is the borrowed something in my tile, but it could have well been another of the 156’377 tangles I wished I could claim to be the copyright holder. (Nobody ever said I wasn’t greedy...and jealous...)
Tangled Tidbits -
I think we all can relate to that!
*N'Zeppel filled Trilad
*Dragonaire flows gracefully with Bluebonnets
From Jutta Gladnigg (NRW, Germany) ~
This is this week's Yin Yang tile... Greetings from Duisburg, Germany!!
Tangled Tidbits -
*spiraling Tilad spin offs
*shading and highlights show off Sez
From Ilse Lukken (The Netherlands) and
here on her blog ~
Voilà, my entry for this week. SeZ is not a favorite tangle of mine and Trilad is new to me, so I decided to keep it simple ;-)
Tangled Tidbits -
*mirrored Trilad
*shading ties the two tangles together
From Trudi (Woodview, Ontario, Canada) ~
Greetings Adele, it was a nice relaxing Tangle this week, after a visit from 3 of my grandkids I needed it (smile).
This was a fun exercise and if I had done it larger I could have used many more Tangles. I used Bluebonnet by Susan McNeill, Brackets by Donna Standfield, Zander by Zentangle, EEB'S by Judy Murphy and OO-AFRICA by In Sonnemoser.
Thanks for all your efforts Adele.
Tangled Tidbits -
*radiating lines decorate Trilad
*pretty tangles surround a field of Bluebonnets
From Aileen (Singapore) ~
Thanks so much for having this challenge! This is my entry for #203!
I tried to have a "yin yang" effect with Marasu (a tangle I had learnt recently) and Hamail (which I've never done before!) - does that count as something old and something new?
Rainbows and raindrops in sunny Singapore
This week sure was intimidating! Thank you for the challenge!
I "borrowed" a whole load of tangles - purk, finery, lazy eights, fife, lichen, 'dillo, 'nzeppel, flux and tipple, and added two blue (well one blue and one blue/green) gems to complete the theme! Was trying for a natury feel- hope I hit it!
Tangled Tidbits -
*very harmonious yin yang tangles
*pools of blue gems in a sea of wonderful tangles
From Renee Womack (Austin, TX) and
here on her blog ~
Thank you for another challenge that got my pens out! I missed a few weeks, but that’s ok. I usually don’t like triangles, but these were oddly satisfying.
Thanks for providing yet another good challenge and a reason for me to celebrate my home (for the past 7 years) in Central Texas. During April, bluebonnets line the roads all around my home. Additionally, among the bluebonnets are equally lovely Indian Blankets and Mexican Hats! So I added in Henna Drum - one of my most favorite - as they remind me perfectly of the wild flowers that mix in with the Bluebonnets.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Sez fills and spills through and round Trilad
*colorful display of Texas wildflowers alive in the tangles
From Sra (India) ~
I didn't like the tile when I finished it but it began to look better after I added the brown inside the Sez. Then I improvised and added a border.
Tangled Tidbits -
*border reflects Trilad's angles
*very complimentary mix of brown and black
From Jane Rhea (Indiana) ~
This week's string and tangles were lots of fun! I tried my hand at some weighted lines and extreme shading. Thank you for your marvelous blog posts about your trip to Italy. Your words and pictures seemed to transport me right to Fabriano! Thank you so very much for allowing all of us to travel along with you!
In February of 2016, I had been tangling not quite a month when I saw Zenjoy's step-out for her tangle "abundies," and I quickly drew it right into my sketch book. To me this tangle speaks of fun, whimsy and happiness. Bubbles, curves, motion---what's not to love? So, abundies is gratefully borrowed from Zenjoy. (as found on Pinterest.) Bluebonnet was a new tangle for me, and since I like tangles with curves, I'm sure I'll use it again! As always, thank you for all the work you do to make IAST so enjoyable!
Tangled Tidbits -
*deep shading and repeated Sez circles in Trilad
*perfs (bubbles) repeated throughout - light, dark, and sparkled!
From Ria Matheussen (Belgium) ~
What an original and funny challenge. I'm glad to join and love to do that also next week for the second part!
My drawing is made on braun paper and I worked with black/white and colored pens and a little touch of ordinary colorpencils (green)
Two lovely tangles to draw, I enjoyed this challenge very much, sitting outside, now and than taking a short break and staying very relaxed, thank you Adele!

Here is my tile for the second part of a wonderful challenge (204)
I have made the drawing on the same braun paper as number 203 and worked with a black, blue and white pen. The coloring is made with ordinary colorpencils and a white chalkpencil.
For the "borrowed" tangle, I have chosen for a variation on Hollibaugh made by the husband of Molly Hollibaugh. I'm fond of this fantastic, uncomplicated tangle with many possibilities, which I use a lot in my drawings. Here and there, I have put down some little perfs to finish my tile.
This was an unexpected special challenge but I enjoyed it very much!
Tangled Tidbits -
* a treat to see the contrast between pens and pencils on the same brown paper
*highlights and shading add even more depth the the lovely tangles
From Pat (Washington) ~
What a wonderful challenge - something old, something new! Looking forward to - something borrowed, something blue!
...What a wonderful challenge - smiled the entire time I was working on the tile. I chose Zen Bud by Danni O'Brien and added a bit of fescu.
Tangled Tidbits -
*brown and black yin yang Sez
*colors tie in beautifully with the tangles
From Brenda Urbanik, CZT #13 (Knysna, Western Cape, South Africa) and
here on blog ~
Here is this week's challenge tile. I can hardly wait to see how everyone else used the two tangles. I was a bit at a loss.
Tangled Tidbits -
*stripes fill the background of rounded Sez and perfs fill the background of straight lined Trilad
*shading accentuates it all so beautifully
From Sharyn Penna, CZT (Massachusetts) ~
I love traditions ... they're a sort of string to guide us through our lives.
My something old, something new tile shows Triad with Maryhill and a lot of aura. The SeZ have faint white dots that echo the dotted aura.
My something borrowed, something blue tile offers Salo by CZT Mei Hua Teng aka Damy. I love spirals and orbs and Damy offers both in Salo.
I wanted to add the last line of the wedding tradition to the tile ... "and a silver sixpence in your shoe", but my silver ink PenTouch looked grey rather than silver so I left it out.
I liked so many of Damy's tangles posted on Linda Farmer's TanglePatterns and wondered if Damy had more tangles up her sleeve ... so one day when I had a spare moment I visited her blog and got lost ... I found so many more lovely tangles ... here's the link for Salo: http://damy77.pixnet/blog/post/305111034Cheers to a fun and happy pair of prompts and cheers to Damy!
Tangled Tidbits -
*angular aura tied into Sez with the addition of dots
*both continue creatively in Salo - and yes, many kudos to Damy!
Dear Adele here is tile for your weekly challenge. I used grey tile in this case. ZenHug:
Tangled Tidbits -
*tangles take on amazing dimension with balance of shading and highlights
*golden and silvery layers of Sez
From Laurel Davis, CZT (New York) ~
The Yin/Yang symbol you suggested as a string for this challenge was my inspiration! I am sure I will be using it again. Thanks for a wonderful challenge.
Once again, your string was my inspiration! My "something borrowed" is Black Pearlz as demonstrated by Chris LeTourneau CZT. I am so glad I finally decided to join your weekly challenges. I am having so much fun!
Tangled Tidbits -
*mirrored light and dark tangles
*delightful black pearlz fill and spill over a white lined string
From Anita A Westin (Dalarna, Sweden) and
here on her blog ~
Thank´s for this opportunity to revisit Sez! Sez is one of those tangles I have been in trouble with. Now I learned once again that a troublemaker might be a true friend if I pay it the attention! I am really happy for this tile and comments are in my blog.
Here comes my entry for IAST 204. This time I found the string very challenging! The pattern Blue Bonnet I first didn´t know where to Place it, but then I just started, not thinking, nor planning and I am happy with the result in the end. Thank´s Adele, your String Thing is something I love to do! Comments here in my blog:
I forgot to name my borrowed part: It is B´tweed, a zentangle original!
Tangled Tidbits -
*Sez on Sez, shaded beautifully
*inspired use of various sizes of Bluebonnets along with color, highlights, and shading
From Margarete Gilge (Germany) ~
with my mail, I send my two tiles to the Challenges 203 and 204.
I combined Bluebonnet with the freely chosen "borrowed" pattern that could have occurred to myself. I enjoy to paint and draw flowers and organic things. The leaves are called Alabastro and were created by Tina Hunziker. And because a wedding also includes flower decorations, I borrowed a second pattern. I decorated the whole thing with Irina of Marion Kreuzweg.
Thank you for the nice challenge.
Best wishes from Germany
Tangled Tidbits -
*bursts of Trilad include aura and multiple tangles
*a garden of tangles to keep Bluebonnets company :)
From Vonnie Schneider (St. Paul, Minnesota) ~
Here are my tiles for IAST #203 and #204.
The pattern used for 'Something Borrowed" is from I Am The Diva, Laura Harms. It technically doesn't have a name...she had used it in one of her live streams and I absolutely fell in love with it. I call it "Bales Meets Crescent Moon" as it blends the two patterns.
Tangled Tidbits -
*weighted lines of Sez repeat in Trilad and the string
*aura and shades of blue make Bluebonnets shine
From Lisette (Switzerland) ~
Herewith my entry for IAST 204. I didn’t follow the string though, as one of my absolute favourite pattern is Abundies by Hanny Waldburger (who I put in CC). I love it because of the shape but also because of the meaning behind the pattern. When Hanny first experimented with and drew Abundies she felt like this was kind of a little cornucopia filled with abundance (therefore the name). Bluebonnets is swirling around my Abundy filled with pearls representing LOVE, PEACE, JOY and GRATITUDE. The little pears stand for LAUGHTER. They had a fit of giggles so that they rolled out of the Abundy. :-)
Tangled Tidbits -
*such a delightful description and the loveliest of tangles!
*stunning pearlz fill Abundies
From Lori Byerly (Washington State) ~
Thanks, Adele, for all you do to create a challenge each week. I've been away for a couple of months (a working vacation) and all that time I kept thinking how much I looked forward to having the time to try your challenges and get back to tangling again.
Tangled Tidbits -
Welcome back!
*soft blues and grays
*rounded tangles and perfs
From Ragged Ray (United Kingdom) ~
I wasn't too sure of my approach to your matrimony themed duo challenge - but before I knew it I was thoroughly lost to the process and am yet again quite surprised by the finished tiles. Isn't it strange how that happens with Zentangle - sometimes I really don't know where it all comes from?! Much like love and marriage perhaps - a spark kindles to a raging fire that with luck and faith can burn for decades.
#203 - I've never been too sure of Sez, but something clicked this time and I can actually see myself using it again. This tile seemed to suggest ancient cave markings and futuristic windmills - something old, something new!
#204 - I 'borrowed' Sandy Hunter's Papermint - it's so simple but so unusual and very versatile especially when you free it from a circle. Coupled with some hanging Bluebonnets and obviously some blue colouring - there you have my second tile.
What fun!
Tangled Tidbits -
*stunning shading and highlights mixed with brown and black seem to lift the tangles off the paper
*bold, yet rounded Papermint lends wonderful compliment to Bluebonnets
From Talia Maynard (London, United Kingdom) ~
I wanted to use a new tangle to me for this tile, but I stupidly forgot to write down what it was called and who it is by so I'm afraid I might need a little help with that bit! It's a nice, easy and effective tangle, and those are the ones I appreciate the most as they can give you a boost when paired with a tangle like Blue bonnets, which is quite fancy.
Tangled Tidbits -
*The tangle is Ticking by JJ LaBarbera - a very simple and sweet pairing with Bluebonnets
*each loop of Bluebonnets includes an arc of shading, very pretty!
From Tonia (Rhode Island) ~
I love this string and was so excited to get started that my "excitement" made me do a few "oops". I sat down and in low light picked up my purple Micron .01 pen by mistake. Then did the tangles in an upside down string. When I noticed this the next morning, before I added the fragments, I had to shake my head. So, I just went with it. I used the above fragments to fill in the #Trilads. Also used white charcoal on the #SeZ...
This was fun! IAST204: "I Do". #Tuffit (borrowed) & #bluebonnets (blue). Made the #Tuffits wedding bands of silver & gold; #bluebonnets as Ivy growing on the string. Did colored ribbons combining the"rings". Used Progressi & Prism colored pencils. Some charcoal shading around #tuffits.
Tangled Tidbits -
*how fun to create a pretty purple surprise for yourself :)
*colorful tangles accompany a Bluebonnet dotted string line
From Gabriela Garcia (Alberta, Canada) and
here on her blog ~
This was a nice challenge, all the "SeZ's " circles plus the string similar to the Yin-Yang symbol invited me to create a Yin-Yan tile with "Sez" in two different color versions, and while I was drawing it this thoughts came to me: "There is light and dark inside all of us. Choose to see the light in people, dismiss their mistakes and faults and focus only on their light" ;-)
I loved this challenge! The tangle I chose to pair with Bluebonnets was "Abundies" by Hanny Waldburger for two reasons, first I think it is gorgeous and secondly, I love Hanny's story of why she named her tangle "Abundies" as a way of sending good seeds and thoughts so we can all connect with our inner abundance, I love it! what a beautiful intention! thank you Hanny and may abundance be with you always!
Tangled Tidbits -
*Trilad tucked into Sez centers - and such a pretty combination of colors
*gloriously shaded and highlighted perfs fill Abundies
From Priscilla DeConti, CZT (Kingston, New York) ~
Done with pearlescent acrylics, prismacolor colored pencils and my crazy imagination
I have 2 something borrowed striping and yew-dew.
Thanks for sharing your trip to Italy..It looks like it was a wonderful experience...
Tangled Tidbits -
I especially appreciate that third ingredient :)
The tangles mentioned are Yew-Dee by Peg Farmer, CZT and Striping Zentangle®
*light and dark sectioned Trilad
*highlights and blue shading
From Sabine (Germany) ~
here are my entry for the beautiful wedding theme. While drawing it remembered me to our Wedding Day 30 years ago - where is the time gone??
Trilad filled with fragments K14 and J11.
For something borrowed I selected two tangles: Tipple and Bunzo, both of Zentangle.After draw and before shading I thought I must use blue colour.Thank you Adele for another great challenge. I'm looking forward to the entries of the other artists.
Tangled Tidbits -
*words incorporated into both tiles
*wonderful details - gem loop of Bluebonnet, sparkled Bunzo, center shading of Sez
From Lynn G (Florida) ~
Thanks for another interesting challenge Adele. I used Printemps, a Zentangle original, on 204.
Tangled Tidbits -
*superb variation of Sez - bubbly layers, varying sizes, Wud details
*golden string with just a touch of Bluebonnets
From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
Thank you for two interesting linked challenges. My “old friend” tangle is Ballenchain by Sandy Steen Bartholomew. I like doodling this and it seemed to fit the theme, I think in quilting circles the pattern has the nicer name of “double wedding band”.
Tangled Tidbits -
*aura-ed Bluebonnets
*four variations of Ballenchain
From Jody Genovese, CZT (New York) ~
First, thank you for your wonderful ‘mini’ series Fabulous Fabriano. You have no idea how much it makes me want to visit the museum and a boutique.
You are a gifted story teller and I appreciate the way you brought your dream to life for us.
Here are my tiles in honor of your daughter’s wedding and all weddings.
I could have gone even crazier with tile 204 and the ‘borrowed’ tangles. There are so many amazing patterns that people have contributed.
Lately however, I have been using Tada by Margaret McKerihan and Verve by JJ LaBarbera quite a bit so I chose to borrow those along with some Zentangle originals and Suzanne’s of course.
This was a very clever and fun 2 week challenge. A big thank you as always.
Tangled Tidbits -
*so many wonderful variations of Trilad - love the curvy lines! - thick line border repeats in both tangles
*harmonious overlap and blending of tangles and Bluebonnets finished with just a touch of blue
From Marla Mendenhall (California) ~
What a pair of challenges!
For #203 I'm submitting two tiles, only because my husband insisted (and I didn't show him the other four I rejected). For the first tile I filled Trilad with Paradox, resting on a bed of SeZ. For the second tile I included SeZ along with Mooka, Pepper and otherpatterns within the triangles of Trilad. The way it turned out, a bit Oriental, that was fun.
Challenge #204: Well, the string looked like "love" to me (right?) so for this one (again, a few rejected predecessors) I spelled it out with ribbon, and the BrrrSt at the top reminds me of a cathedral, for some reason. I added a bouquet of Bluebonnets and Mel Mel, and a sprinkling of rice (do people still throw rice?) and bubbles (I know bubbles are popular). And what would a wedding be without Cayke?
While I like the discipline of a weekly challenge, this themed two-weeker kept me busy with options, that's for sure. Thanks Adele.
Tangled Tidbits -
Thank your husband for us :)
*Paradox filled Trilad and intertwined Trilad filled to the brim with marvelous tangles
*Rice and bubbles, cake and flowers, all wrapped up in love - picture perfect!
A very warm welcome to Vena Calver (Ontario, Canada) ~
My first entry and I am late. I have really enjoyed reading about your trip to Fabriano.
Tangled Tidbits -
Just in time!
*aura-ed center spray of Bluebonnets
*weighted lines and soft shading
Welcome to our IAST community and to our tangled map, Vena!
From Sharon Fite (California) ~
Thanks for the wedding theme. My husband and I celebrated our 41st two weeks ago! So very timely for us. I did the "Something Old" with a sepia washed side and Sez, Purk, Aquafluer, and a bit of Flux. To the spring green wash on the "Something New" side, I used Trilad (Laura Liu) Tripoli, Inapod (Carole Ohl), and Pokeleaf. I had such a good time with that tile, I added 203b, for "Something Borrowed" and "Something Blue" using the same string. I used Bluebonnet (Suzanne McNeill) and Isochor on the blue wash. I added the lavender wash (after all, lavender is really a borrowed color, isn't it?) after inking Mooka, Cadent, and Perfs. Getting back on track, 204 has Bluebonnet, Molygon, Knightsbridge, Zingo, and a little Mooka. (All uncredited tangles are from Zentangle central, with help from Indy and Mazzy.) I said, "I do" all those years ago, and I would say it again!
Tangled Tidbits -
Congratulations on your anniversary!
*such happy mixes of colorful tangles and shading
*black and white alternating bold and lighter patterns
From Jane Norris (California) ~
Something old, something, new, something borrowed, something blue…well the old, the new and the blue were all easy peasy but I spent a week trying to decide which tangle was going to be borrowed. I so wanted to choose one from Helen Williams but in the end-did not.. As it turns out I chose HUGGINS -an official tangle. Anyway,,,down to the wire but handed in on time :-) BTW-#203 was done on a creme colored notecard while you can tell that #204 was done in my sketchbook. I hope you are staying in between all the rain drops that fall in Florida this time of year. We used to live in Naples before moving to southern California where we barely ever get rain. I do so miss those wonderful afternoon summer storms.
Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you, it is an unusually rainy summer here in Florida - perfect tangling weather though.
*inner aura of Trilad, along with shading, add great depth
*Bluebonnets stem ends in curls
From Mariam G (Port Hueneme, California) ~
For tile 204 I used Mooka as my borrowed (and added a small cluster of Helen William's 'Kisses' pattern, as kisses always follow an I Do!)
Thanks - this one was tough as my imagination just wouldn't kick in for some reason. A little burned out lately :-(
The final installment on Fabriano was lovely - am happy you were able to take this journey!
Tangled Tidbits -
*light and darker Sez and happy Trilad variations
*Kisses always follow an "I do" - and are even prettier accented with Mooka!
From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
I liked your "something old / something new" idea, and in general I am a fan of the original Zentangle tangles, but I never bonded with Sez. So I started thinking of MY favorite "oldie" and it's Bucky, which is one I know a lot of people don't like because it's complicated and involves a lot of crosswise lines in triangle shapes. I decided to see if I could turn each triangle of Trilad into a version of Bucky. Then I also discovered that when you impose Trilad on half of a yin/yang, it makes this wonderful kind of chambered nautilus effect. It doesn't really look like Bucky, but it does make hills and valleys. I had expected the illusion to be hills and valleys with the darker lines being the valleys, but it stubbornly refused to cooperate, so I gave in and shaded it the way it wanted to be.
So then to be "fair" I still wanted to use Sez, and I was practicing on the same page of the sketchbook where I was practicing PopCloud last week and they reminded me of each other and both of them were also reminding me of Printemps. I started out trying to use triangular and oblong "sez"es in each triangle of the other Trilad, but you in your instructions you specifically said "The roundness of it will add a nice contrast to the angular Trilad" ... so I decided to "play fair" and explore the roundedness, which maybe sorta worked. I'm not sure you can see the triangles of Trilad but oh well.
Looking forward to seeing what will be "borrowed" and "blue"!

So at home tonight I sat down to do my #204, and I saw in my folder Socc by Erin Olson. Because my favorite tangles tend to be geometric, grid-based, optical illusion tangles, I assumed I would "gracefully ignore" the string — however, when I saw Socc I thought how it might work well with the string, even though it's usually more grid-based than this string. The tangle is more interesting if lines don't always cross, because then you get a more "pillowy" effect, so I manipulated the string some to have more corners rather than arcs and more places where lines abut but don't cross. THEN I suddenly realized I hadn't considered Bluebonnet. Rather than work it in with Socc, I took the easy way out and used a blue Micron and a Prismacolor pencil (cerulean blue) for shading for my "something blue."
Thank you, this was really fun. It also solves a problem because I'm going to visit my sister in about a week, and I usually check a bag that weighs 49.5 pounds, holding my breath that it doesn't go over, so I always try to think how can I carry less art stuff. So I already have a folder with about 20 of my favorite tangles, so I'll just stick that in my carry on.

Tangled Tidbits -
*multiple layers of Sez - and the Trilad variation took on an almost Fassett filled look - very pretty
*sparkled blue, beautiful Socc
Thank you for writing about your thoroughly enjoyable creative process Sue.
From Debbie Raaen (Trondheim, Norway) ~
#203 Haven't kept entirely to the string here because the circle insisted on being whole breaking through the border I'd put around. Had trouble placing Trilad at first but decided it could lend itself nicely to Tranzending (which I haven't tried before), so I followed it's lead, but perhaps got a little carried away in the process!
#204 Borrowed Verve by J. J LaBarbera - a really fun tangle. Bluebonnets became a little flux-like as my lines tend to like to curve.
Tangled Tidbits -
Wonderful things happen when you follow the tangles' lead.
*radiating detail lines accent Trilad - and our first showing of Tranzending on IAST
*sparkle, gems, highlights - lovely details
This is my tile for IAST #203 ~
I began with Sez and decided to make it very bold. Trilad needed some weight and in an effort to make it different, I checkered the aura then filled it with Paradox. I repeated Paradox in the corners and penciled in a bit of Sez in the background.
I missed my own deadline :) and hope to post the #204 tile on Wednesday.
And finally...
the tiles for honors this week...
were sent in by...
Felicity Strohfeldt from Veldriff, South Africa
She wrote:
The wedding theme continues with passed two weeks’ challenges 203,204. Tile 203 = Something old, Sez by Rick Roberts is a favourite of mine, and Laura Liu (something new) is fascinating. My take on it is curvy to complement Sez, this is a pattern that is going to come in useful with all its possibilities.
Then came challenge 204! I was stunned. Overdrive on the string and what to choose for something old. Meringue, Onamato, Mel Mel Pauline’s Pigtails, Angel Fish, Oke and on and on. Decision: Flux by Rick Robert’s!! Now this a coincidence. A versatile pattern and so beautiful. String simplified and then it all but disappeared in this one. Flux and Bluebonnets have much in common and the result - a fantasy composition of plant-like structures. I enjoyed this all in the end.
Tangled Tidbits -
*sparkled, black pearlz center of Trilad
*curves of Trilad highlighted by black and white aura
*sea of bubbling Sez
*Flux flows from Bluebonnets
*Tipple filled areas in and around Flux
It is very fitting to honor Felicity this week - she and her husband Willie just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in early July. Congratulations!
Many thanks to everyone for sending in your precious tiles. You inspire all of us and help build this wonderfully supportive IAST community.
Kudos to the creators of the tangles we used this week including, but not limited to:
Continued thanks for the compliments on the posts of my "Paper Pilgrimage" to Fabriano, Italy. It was a thrill to take you along for the trip ♡.
Check back Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #205!