This week's challenge combined three fun-to-draw tangles with a multi-looped string line. It was quite a challenge, as some tanglers noted, but it also netted fabulous results.
Let's take a look ~
The first tile arrived from Washington State. Lori Byerly wrote,"... I've started out pretty simple with an explosion of dl nebula on my tile. You can see it here also."
*a monotangle of DL Nebula
*weighted lines
*great shading
From Germany, Sandra said ~
thanks for this interesting challenge :-) I found it very difficult to tangle these patterns in this particular string, but I just started and the tile filled little by little with patterns ;-)
All three patterns were new to me, but I really like to tangle daggerly! It's a very effective pattern I think.
I posted the tile in my blog too.
Tangled Tidbits -
*striking black spaces in all of the tangles
*shading along the lines of DL Nebula
*long tails of Daggerly
*striking black spaces in all of the tangles
*shading along the lines of DL Nebula
*long tails of Daggerly
Ilse Lukken wrote, "This challenge was a... challenge to me ;-) You can find it on my blog as well."
*fabulous Daggerly background
*large, nicely detailed Dutch Diamonds
From Susan Theron in South Africa and [Also on here blog...]
*pleasing balance of white space and tangles
*wonderful mix of tangles and
*variation of tangle sizes
Kristen Kostelnik Killips said ~
What a fun challenge! I actually struggled the most with the string, it took me a few tries to even get close. This actually didn't start out as a butterfly, but after the 3 Daggerlys, it was clear that it was meant to go there.
Tangled Tidbits -
*recognizing "that it was meant to go there" - what a great thought
*a lighter version of Dutch Diamonds
*recognizing "that it was meant to go there" - what a great thought
*a lighter version of Dutch Diamonds
From Kentucky, Emily Shelton's note read, "The string…the patterns…plus a couple of Zentangle® Rixty..."
Tangled Tidbits -
*different Daggerly for each of the string sections
*delicate Dutch Diamond border
*different Daggerly for each of the string sections
*delicate Dutch Diamond border
A very warm welcome to Daniel Lamothe who sent in his very first tile for the challenge ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*great swirls of DL Nebula
*Dutch Diamonds free of its lines
*a singular section of Daggerly
From Germany Joya said, "It was really challenging to me to combine this string and the patterns, then I decided not to use all of the lines to give Daggerly more space and then it was easy to tangle. Think simple :o)"
*elegant simplicity
*striking center Daggerly
*DL Nebula finished in Cadent fashion
From Michigan, Portia Hyde wrote, "My first try was a train wreck but there are no mistakes. My second try came up as figs. I must have been hungry!"
*a timely reminder that there are no mistakes as we tangle
*bold swirls of Daggerly
*splendid shading
Magdalene Lee wrote ~
*bold swirls of Daggerly
*splendid shading
Magdalene Lee wrote ~
...When I started doing the tile, I noticed there weren't any nice round spaces for Daggerly, so I just did parts of circles. The rest of the tile naturally emerged from thereTangled Tidbits -
It's also up on my blog...
*wonderfully detailed Dutch Diamonds
*pretty DL Nebula swirls
*shading provides great depth
Cindy Straight said, "Dutch Diamonds, Daggerly and DL Nebula! What fun. Of the three Daggerly is my favorite. Enjoyed this challenge...a lot..."
From the Netherlands, Carmela said ~
Pennsylvania CZT Judy Wanner, may have coined a new term and has a unique site for us all to look up. She wrote ~
From the Netherlands, Ingrid Coventon said, "I loved doing this challenge...Happy greetings to you and the other participants and..........spring is in the air!!"
Talia Maynard wrote ~
*alternating white space and Daggerly
*shaded background
New Jersey CZT Lucy Banta said ~
Tangled Tidbits -
Cathy Cusson echoed Lucy's sentiments ~
James Hyde said, "Had Fun trying to merge some of the tangles. Tried a few variations."
Tangled Tidbits -
*DL Nebula centers of Daggerly - great idea!
*Dutch Diamond background grid
From Montana, Traci wrote ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*clusters of DL Nebula
*four lovely variations of Dutch Diamonds
*DL Nebula in Daggerly
From Colorado, Peggy Kohrmann wrote ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*a wonderful tip for reference points ( you can do that with your Micron, too)
*shading on the same side of each Daggerly line
*small, medium, and large sized tangles
Joanne Hawes sent her colorful tile ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*a center swirl of Daggerly
* good balance of light and heavy lines
From the UK, Jenna Wheatman returned this week with a note that read, "... This was a toughy but loved finding the flow with dl nebula."
*Daggerly inside of DL Nebula, inside of Dutch Diamonds, oh my!
From Spain Annie Taylor chimed in ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*perfs, aura, and red for Dutch Diamonds
*shading adds depth and softness
A very warm welcome to Debra. She wrote, "... I have been tangling for fun for a little over a year and learned via kindle books."

And now, the tile for honors this week was sent in by
Tangled Tidbits -
*a plethora of spinning tangles
*a perf string line looping through the middle
*Daggerly shaded various ways
*pretty DL Nebula swirls
*shading provides great depth
Cindy Straight said, "Dutch Diamonds, Daggerly and DL Nebula! What fun. Of the three Daggerly is my favorite. Enjoyed this challenge...a lot..."
*three Daggerly together - wonderful effect
*dots of DL Nebula surrounding the tangles
*delightful Dutch Diamonds
*dots of DL Nebula surrounding the tangles
*delightful Dutch Diamonds
From the Netherlands, Carmela said ~
Again a very difficult string with much lines and also difficult patterns to fit in.Tangled Tidbits -
I never thought this worked by me, but is was a very pleasant outcome for me wen i looked afterwards at my tile.
Thanks for the challenge.
[On] my blog.
*large center swirls of DL Nebula
*deep swirls of Daggerly shine against the daintier background
Susan Szathmary said, "This was quite a challenge! I had to rely on heavily shading to make it work.... It almost ended up in the trash!!!!"
Tangled Tidbits -
*deep swirls of Daggerly shine against the daintier background
Susan Szathmary said, "This was quite a challenge! I had to rely on heavily shading to make it work.... It almost ended up in the trash!!!!"
Tangled Tidbits -
*a Dutch Diamond string line
*clever background of DL Nebula and Daggerly
Arizona's Sue Agnew said ~
You can't send out a new tangle and not expect us to want to try it in our challenge ... so I "justified" it by combining Crop Circles (oops, I see it's called DL Nebula) and your Teenos...
Tangled Tidbits -
*clever background of DL Nebula and Daggerly
Arizona's Sue Agnew said ~
You can't send out a new tangle and not expect us to want to try it in our challenge ... so I "justified" it by combining Crop Circles (oops, I see it's called DL Nebula) and your Teenos...
Tangled Tidbits -
* a special treat of Teenos popping up for the first time in a challenge (sparkled at that)- thank you, Sue!
*a lighter look for Daggerly
From the Netherlands, Annemarie wrote ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*a lighter look for Daggerly
From the Netherlands, Annemarie wrote ~
I did this challenge with a lot of pleasure and had a very relaxing time doing it. Before I started, I thought that it would be difficult to fit these tangles in the string, but that wasn't the case after all.
I 'm only sorry that I made those two large pieces black and tried to make it better by gluing the tile on a larger piece of black paper.
Also on her blog.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Daggerly dancing away from the string line
*awesome aura
*awesome aura
Pennsylvania CZT Judy Wanner, may have coined a new term and has a unique site for us all to look up. She wrote ~
Strange how this turned out. I see a, I didn't try! It must be because I am addicted to our eagle cam in York County. For a feeling of being right in the nest, check out [this link] and Facebook delights with the Hanover Eagle Watch....
50,000 members! Great screen shots and videos there.
Thanks for all you do for us Zennies!
I did check the eagle cam and it is really amazing.
I think that we can all rally around that moniker, don't you?!
Tangled Tidbits - I think that we can all rally around that moniker, don't you?!
*a single dainty DL Nebula
*wonderful swirls of Daggerly and variation of Dutch Diamonds
*wonderful swirls of Daggerly and variation of Dutch Diamonds
From the Netherlands, Ingrid Coventon said, "I loved doing this challenge...Happy greetings to you and the other participants and..........spring is in the air!!"
Tangled Tidbits -
*fascinating monotangle of Daggerly
*softened edges with shading
*softened edges with shading
From France and Juul ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*space between the circles of Daggerly sections vary and give the tangle a striking look
*dark Dutch Diamonds
*great aura
*dark Dutch Diamonds
*great aura
Talia Maynard wrote ~
Here's my take on this week's string.
I really didn't like the string at first, I thought it was too complicated and would be really restrictive, but once I started filling it with Daggerly I warmed to it.
I really like all 3 tangles this week and I hadn't seen them before, and I'm pleased to have met them doing this challenge.
Tangled Tidbits -
*perfs along the string line*alternating white space and Daggerly
*shaded background
New Jersey CZT Lucy Banta said ~
This was a toughie!!! I couldn't follow the string, so I tangled outside the lines :-)
Also on her blog...
*kudos for letting the tangles lead the way
*Daggerly cleverly tucked into Dutch Diamonds
*perfs and shading
*Daggerly cleverly tucked into Dutch Diamonds
*perfs and shading
Cathy Cusson echoed Lucy's sentiments ~
This was a tough one, Adele! The string was hard and while I loved the tangles, I couldn't seem to make them all get along. Sort of like my classroom after too many rainy days - great individuals, but not a very good crowd! LOL. I decided to pencil in Dutch Diamonds behind the whole piece to sort of ground it a bit. I am not sure it worked, but I liked it better...
Tangled Tidbits -
*every teacher can appreciate that analogy :)
*softly penciled Dutch Diamonds background
*every teacher can appreciate that analogy :)
*softly penciled Dutch Diamonds background
Colorado's Jane Glotzer weighed in ~
Hmmm...well, I'm not really very keen on this one at all...I think the string had way too much going on for me (apologies to Jill!) and I didn't combine any areas to adapt it to my liking before I started, I just dove right in. I do love Daggerly, so much fun, and I tried to do it circling in two different directions. Dutch Diamonds has so much possibility, but I only tried a couple of slight variations. DL Nebula didn't even make it in, but only because I thought the piece was too busy already and needed that white space border...I do love anything with swirls, though, and a crop circle inspiration makes it even better, so I'm sure I'll be using it somewhere--:)
Tangled Tidbits ~
*tangles flow together smoothly
*shading add wonderful depth
*tangles flow together smoothly
*shading add wonderful depth
From Montana's Vicky Brinson ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*dotted string line
*beautiful variations of the tangles in each section of the string
*dotted string line
*beautiful variations of the tangles in each section of the string
James Hyde said, "Had Fun trying to merge some of the tangles. Tried a few variations."
Tangled Tidbits -
*DL Nebula centers of Daggerly - great idea!
*Dutch Diamond background grid
From Montana, Traci wrote ~
Another week has passed ...
What a great string! So many possibilities.
I enjoyed trying variations of Dutch Diamonds.
Tangled Tidbits -
*clusters of DL Nebula
*four lovely variations of Dutch Diamonds
*DL Nebula in Daggerly
From Colorado, Peggy Kohrmann wrote ~
Daggerly showed itself within the string and I like the bead variation around it. The right hand blob became part of the movement of Dutch Diamonds but not very well. After DL Nebula in the white areas and a bit of shading, I am done.
To get a curve on DD that matched its neighbor I placed reference points along the three lines. I had to pencil in ( a no-no) to make my eye go up and down the curve meeting at the proper points. My step out was a disaster until I tried this. I still don't like this type tangle but I have a plan for the next time.
Tangled Tidbits -
*a wonderful tip for reference points ( you can do that with your Micron, too)
*shading on the same side of each Daggerly line
*small, medium, and large sized tangles
Joanne Hawes sent her colorful tile ~
*a center swirl of Daggerly
* good balance of light and heavy lines
From the UK, Jenna Wheatman returned this week with a note that read, "... This was a toughy but loved finding the flow with dl nebula."
Tangled Tidbits -
*graceful curves of DL Nebula*Daggerly inside of DL Nebula, inside of Dutch Diamonds, oh my!
From Spain Annie Taylor chimed in ~
Well this week's String Thing was a real challenge...and that was just drawing the string!! I really wasn't sure what to do once I'd mastered that....
But I did as I should and enjoyed doing the tangles one line at a time and in the end, I am quite pleased with the final result. I did it sitting in the lovely sunshine once again, just outside Granada. We have had a beautiful warm Spring day and I couldn't resist a touch of colour, (even though I managed to smudge quite a lot of it!).
Thank you as always for an interesting and challenging String Thing. I think the tiles this week are going to be fascinating!
*perfs, aura, and red for Dutch Diamonds
*shading adds depth and softness
A very warm welcome to Debra. She wrote, "... I have been tangling for fun for a little over a year and learned via kindle books."

Tangled Tidbits -
* scalloped edges of the DL Nebula string sections
*Daggerly tucked between pretty variations of Dutch Diamonds
*Daggerly tucked between pretty variations of Dutch Diamonds
And now, the tile for honors this week was sent in by
South Africa's Felicity Strohfeldt!
Felicity wrote ~
Felicity wrote ~
Tile 82! Lovely string used before and Daggerly and Nebula are familiar. Dutch Diamond was new and I wondered where it would appear. Anyway I dove in and of course Daggerly took over a bit, so I sparkled some, and low and behold Dutch Diamond entered to add variety. Nebula from the start was intended to land in space. Result perhaps a bit busy. Looking forward to see all the other great tiles.
Tangled Tidbits -
*a plethora of spinning tangles
*a perf string line looping through the middle
*Daggerly shaded various ways
Congratulations, Felicity. I have a little something coming in the mail for you.
Thank you to everyone for sending in your wonderful tiles this week.
Many thanks to the creative minds behind the string and tangles we used ~
Thank you to everyone for sending in your wonderful tiles this week.
Many thanks to the creative minds behind the string and tangles we used ~
Dutch Diamonds by Alice Hendon
Daggerly by Carole Ohl, CZT
DL Nebula by Donna Hornsby, CZT
TanglePatterns String 079 by Jill Dobis
Check back Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #83!
Daggerly by Carole Ohl, CZT
DL Nebula by Donna Hornsby, CZT
TanglePatterns String 079 by Jill Dobis
Check back Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #83!
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