
Monday, September 10, 2018

"It's a String Thing" #259 Tiles

This week's challenge featured Hollibaugh strings and ribbon tangles - sounds like a celebration and the to view the tiles one would think that a party is in order.  

Actually, there is a celebration of note tomorrow - the 5th birthday of "It's a String Thing".  Be sure to check back tomorrow for #260.  

Before I get too far ahead of myself though, let's take a look at our fabulous display for this week ~

Lori Byerly (Washington State) and here on her blog ~
How exciting! Almost 5 years. That's quite the milestone. Thanks for all you do to build the sense of community among tanglers the world over. I sure appreciate you.
Here is my tile for this week's challenge...
 Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you, Lori, I appreciate you, too!
*Diamonte stretches between two string lines
*Sling-Slang loops tumble freely

From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
Attached is my tile for ‘It’s A String Thing # 259’ Challenge.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*tangles fill the string spaces and background too
*beautiful Sling-Slang variations

From Lisette (Switzerland), the creator of the lovely Sling-Slang ~
I feel so honored that you chose my pattern Sling-Slang for IAST #259. Many many thanks! Diamante will become one of my best friends - it radiates so much harmony. And I was absolutely amazed how 7 keys turned out - it's a beauty. I hope you don't mind if I'm sending two tiles, i.e. 3 pictures. One version is with the white background, then I decided to paint it black. And because I liked the patterns so much I tangled a second one.
I hope my tangle friends didn't struggle too much with Sling-Slang. It takes a little practice to get the twist with drive.
Thank you, Adele, and a big hug to every one.

 Tangled Tidbits -
*Sling-Slang with hearts - lovely!
*dotted Diamonte
So glad you sent in all three!

From Barbara (Texas) ~
I was anxious to try this challenge and learn some new ribbon patterns. The only tangle I was familiar with is Hollibaugh. I decided to use some watercolor pencils to help each ribbon stand out. Then I used mineral spirits and a tortillion to blend, but I find that the yellow watercolor pencil tends to make the black ink smear, where the other colors don't. I don't know if anyone else has had that experience.
Anyway, thanks for another fun challenge. I enjoyed it.
Tangled Tidbits -
Perhaps coloring in the channel first and then adding the tangle with a Micron would work better.
*overlapping tangles
*shadow shading of Florz

From Juul (France) ~
Not very well finished,but I’ still happy to send you a tile....
Lots of love from france
 Tangled Tidbits -
*7Keys filled strings and tangles
*wonderful Sling-Slang variation
Happy to hear from you, Juul!

From Sally Whiteman (New Zealand) ~
Many thanks once again for another wonderful challenge. This was something completely different for me. I made a couple of variations to the tangles.
Tangled Tidbits -
*detailed tangles, Hollibaugh filled background
*pleasing balance of color pops against black background

From Mariam G (Port Hueneme, California) ~
This string made me think of the Mosaic challenge I participated in recently, so I went with the same format and colors. I did toss in a little 'Euca' by Anne Marks to the background - just because I like it. :-)
Oh, the story you told of your granddaughter last week rang twice with me - when I flipped my calendar to September it began with this quote: "This is the best day the world has ever seen...Tomorrow will be better." How appropriate, and a good thing for all of us to remember, every day.
Looking forward to the five year birthday celebration!
 Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you for that sweet quote and reminder, Mariam.
*perfs, stippling, stripes - pretty touches
*Hollibaugh in Hollibaugh :)

From Gale Sherman (Arizona) ~
Thank you again Adele for a fun challenge. All of the patterns were new to me except Hollibaugh, a long time favorite. So I could practice the new patterns twice, I used them on the three large Hollibaugh “planks” as well as in their “own” space. You have been whetting our imaginations about the next challenge, can’t wait
 Tangled Tidbits -
*creative use of the tangles - love the variations
*rounded corners

From Baafke (The Netherlands) who will be featured on Friday's "Where I Tangle" ~
Hereby my submission of this week.
I congratulate you already on your first iast lustrum!
(Next week we are on holiday in Germany)
 Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you for teaching me a new word - lustrum - that's reason to celebrate!
*curved, woven tangles
*Diamonte tipped with sparkled, dark perfs

From Lily (Hungary) ~
Dear Adele, here is my tile for your weekly challenge.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*Diamonte shines with curved lines, wonderful details
*white dots tie all the tangles together

From Gudrun S. (Germany) ~
it was another big challenge
Greetings from Germany
 Tangled Tidbits -
*white highlights shine
*shades of red and weighted aura make a pretty Sling-Slang

From Sidney Kapinos (Virginia) ~
It has been a while since I last participated in an IAST challenge, and I'm glad to be back. And what timing -- a week prior to IAST's Fifth birthday! Looking forward to participating in the fun.
Thank you for this week's challenge. I enjoyed learning 3 new tangles: 7Keys, Sling-Slang, and Diamonte, and of course it's always fun to incorporate Hollibaugh.
 Tangled Tidbits -
Welcome back, Sidney!
*detail lines for 7Keys
*bold Sling-Slang with alternating black and white details

A very warm welcome to Maike from Germany ~
this is my tile for IAST#259. I really enjoyed the tangles diamonte and 7Keys!
It‘s the first time I‘m participating in your challenge.
Thank you very much for the wonderful idea!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*delicately penciled background tangles
*lovely versions fill the string lines
Welcome to our IAST community, Maike, and welcome to our Tangled Map ~

From Ulrike D. (Germany) ~
Dear Adele, here is my tile for challenge #259. It was fun again. Thank you for nice patterns.
Many greetings from Germany
 Tangled Tidbits -
*filled aura lines and spaces make Diamonte pop
*beautiful Sling-Slang variation

From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and here on her blog ~
this week, I used your string as a basis for Hollibaugh and drew it as patterned ribbons. The four original lines can be seen yet. Maybe I will draw a second tile. You will find it on my blog under the link...
Thank you for this interesting challenge!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*fabulous array of line and tangles
*dark background accents the tangled spaces

From Nor'dzin (Wales, United Kingdom) ~
Thank you for another splendid challenge. I have always struggled a little with hollibaugh - don’t know why. I have persevered with it for this challenge and feel quite satisfied with my efforts. Looking forward to seeing everyone else’s tiles.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*a tile in a tile as Hollibaugh lines tranzend
*darkened center accentuates the tangled filled string lines

From Ria Matheussen (Belgium) ~
Here is my contribution for the 259 th challenge which I enjoyed very much.
I liked the string and the tangles and finished my tile with ordinary colourpencils.
Thanks for bringing so much variation in your challenges, it is a great pleasure to join them!
Warm regards from Belgium
 Tangled Tidbits -
...and it's always a pleasure to be treated to your tiles, Ria.
*white dots on black spaces repeat in background and 7Keys
*happy mix of color, shading, light and dark

From Jutta Gladnigg, CZT (Germany) ~
Thank you, Adele, for this great border challenge!
 Tangled Tidbits -
How fun that this tile and Ria's arrived with similar colors!
*hearts for Sling-Slang
*vibrant colors, sparkle, highlights

From Maria B. (Canada) ~
I added some cutaways for more depth and some dotwork and tangelations. I don't often do the same tangle more than one day in a row, but I had a lot of fun playing with Hollibaugh a second day, always a crowd favourite here!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*tangled background with Hallibaugh over top - great idea
*wonderful cutouts

From VenaC (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
I added one extra pattern - Chaist by Mariet. Lots of work in this tile but also lots of fun. The only pattern I had done before was Hollibaugh so I had to do some practising before starting the tile. They still are not perfect so more practice is required. I have to say that I really like Hollibaugh. I have seen some wonderful variations of this pattern. Have a wonderful week.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*spectacular Hollibaugh and tangles
*shading adds wonderful dimension

From Sra (India) ~
Here's my attempt for this week.
I did the other way up but after signing, this view appealed to me more, so that's how I've presented it.
Have a nice week!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*fun to twist the view
*lovely, long lined 7Keys

From Priscilla DeConti, CZT (Kingston, New York) ~
Not one of my better efforts..too busy for me and too many contrasting colors..
Yet I did endeavor to do the challenge and include all the patterns.
I hope everyone has a great week.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*tangles connect between sections
*pretty Sling-Slang rows

From Anselm (Berlin, Germany) and here on his blog ~
thank you for your new IAST. It reminds me a little bit of a tile which i have done for the Diva Challenge 254. I had Hollibaugh floating above Paradox like the string four your challenge. The choice of patterns was great. This time i used all of them. I have added the tile to my blog...
Greetings from Berlin
 Tangled Tidbits -
*drop shadowed string lines extend off the tile
*bold light and dark repeat in all three tangles

From Anita A Westin (Dalarna, Sweden) and here on her blog ~
Thank´s Adele for this challenge! I did like the suggested patterns a lot though they were all new to me except Hollibaugh! Comments [on] my blog...

 Tangled Tidbits -
*tippled backgrounds
*delightful Diamonte

From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
Here is my tile for this week. I kept it simple and used a thick pen for the lines, and to give it some big dark areas. Also added some Zenith, one of my favourite long tangles.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*alternating black and white borders of Diamonte
*bold 7Keys

From Trudi Taylor (Woodview, Ontario, Canada) ~
Greetings Adele, summer is unofficially over and things are getting back to normal here. Wow 5 years next week! It's your Wooden anniversary, WTG :)
 Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you, Trudi - I'll have to think of something wooden :)
*narrowly doubled string lines flow into other tangles
*blue Sling-Slang waves

From Cathy Cusson ~

Tangled Tidbits -
*Hollibaugh hole cutouts
*soft blue tangles fill the string spaces

From Sue Leslie (New Mexico) ~
Missed the last few weeks, but travel is oh so worth missing a week or two. So, yea for a bit of tangle time this week with a fun string and a couple of tangles I’ve not played with much. Thanks for always giving us such interesting projects to experiment and play with. So much fun.
 Tangled Tidbits -
This looks like fun!
*weighted lines, shading, and bold outlines
*detail lines repeat in 7Keys and Diamonte

From Allison (Rocklin,California) ~
Here is my version of #259. I had fun and thought of the whole thing like a big Hollibaugh tangle.
Thank you for doing all of this.
Tangled Tidbits -
*gorgeous layers of tangles
*rounded corners for 7Keys

From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
I wanted to be sure to do this challenge as a warm-up for the Big Week next week! Wow, 5 years.
So ... I was playing with 7Keys and joined some of the corners diagonally. That produced a pattern with an Escher-like ambiguity. Then I joined a few more corners and did some filling and shading and ended up with a crazy version of Cubine. I decided to omit Diamonte in an attempt to adhere to the adage "less is more." And then ultimately I was disappointed with Sling-Slang, because usually it's really pretty but because I'd already done the black areas on the tile I was trying to work carefully to not smear the black, plus use a coversheet, and it came out kind of wonky AND there wasn't enough room to put the petals in all the V-shaped areas. So it is what it is. I guess that's the "Zen" of Zentangle.  Looking forward to next week! Thank you for 4 and 51/52 years!
 Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you, Sue!
*Escher would be proud of this 7Keys variation

From Sherry Conte (Sanford, Florida) ~
I absolutely love this week's challenge. I decided to do no shading.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*Tipple filled Sling-Slang curls
*wonderful details throughout - aura, perfs, weighted lines...

From Sharon Fite (California) ~
I have to admit, I had a few doubts about these tangles working together, but I love the result! Reminds me of bridges and freeways in California! Good challenge, Adele!
 Tangled Tidbits -
- great visual!
*tapering tangles
*shading and detail lines for each of the tangles

From Sharyn Penna, CZT (Massachusetts) ~
IAST is so full of celebration and growth ... cheers and congrats on the onset of the 5th birthday.
Looking forward to the next five years!
 Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you, Sharyn!
*shading becomes an element of each tangle, beautifully done
*pretty Sling-Slang variation

From Susie (St. Louis, Missouri) ~

Tangled Tidbits -
*lace-like Sling-Slang
*Hollibaugh string lines and background, too

From Felicity Strohfeldt (Velddrif, South Africa) ~
Here Spring arrived with heavy rains as well as heavy snowfalls in the Little Karoo. Things are looking much brighter at present. Majesty of Nature and the hand of the Lord is truly visible. The hope is that the nation will take note and be responsible when using this miracle of water.
Thank you for challenge 259. All seemed to fall into place and the pen just flowed. A journey easily followed and enjoyably concluded.
Good wishes to you and all this week’s participants.
 Tangled Tidbits -
Such good news about the precipitation - keeping the prayers coming...
*tangles flow like rain :) - curved, sparkled, light and bold alike
*sparkled Printemps

From Susan Theron (Velddrif, South Africa) ~

Tangled Tidbits -
*penciled Hollibaugh background
*doubled string lines filled beautifully with tangles - two variations of Diamonte

This is my tile ~
I doubled and tapered the four string lines in Hallibaugh fashion before filling them with the tangles.  I softened the bold version of 7Keys with outer rows of perfs.  Sling-Slang was a delight to draw and embellish.  Once finished, I preferred the tile a quarter turn clockwise.  

Thank you one and all for sending in your tiles - so creative and inspiring!

Many thanks to the creators of the tangles we used ~

Hollibaugh by Maria Thomas

7Keys by CZT Teresa Clerc

Sling-Slang by Lisette Hofer

Diamonte by CZT Carol Therrien

Check back tomorrow as we celebrate "It's a String Thing" #260!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adele, thank you for the round-up! I'm very glad Tangled Tidbits are back.
