
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Happy Pi Day!

For Pi Day, I thought it would be fun to revisit a post from last November - my Printemps Pie. 

My Printemps Apple Pie
A few weeks ago, my friend Sindy P, sent a link to a baking video that involved a clever way to embellish a pie crust.  The baker suggested using cinnamon swirls of crust to line a pie dish before adding the filling. 
My family is partial to apple pie, so I decided to use the idea for a top crust. 

When I text Sindy a picture of my finished pie, she responded with "Printemps!" 
Of course!  It is a Printemps topped apple pie.

Here are some photos I took of the process, just in case you may want to tangle your own pie ~

First, I rolled out the bottom crust and filled the pie with my apple mixture.

Next, I rolled the second piece of dough into a rectangular shape (sort of!) and
spread a thin layer of butter over the entire thing.

Then, I sprinkled it liberally with sugar and cinnamon.

I rolled it up tightly...

and then sliced it into half inch thick rounds.

On a sheet of parchment paper, I placed the rounds in a cluster
pushing them tightly together.

I topped it with another sheet of parchment paper and rolled
it until it was thin enough to top the pie.

The parchment peeled off very easily.

Keeping the crust on the bottom layer of parchment,
I flipped the entire thing over the pie and then
carefully peeled back the paper.

I trimmed the excess dough and fluted the rim.
The buttery crust browned quickly, so I covered the pie loosely with aluminum foil for the first 20 minutes of baking.

The cinnamon-y apple smell that filled the house was heavenly.  It was a bonus to have Sindy point out the tangle on top.  Who knew tangles could be so delicious?!

Happy Pi Day!


  1. Thank you Adele, this pie seems easy to make and looks to me delicious!

  2. I loved this when you posted it the first time, and since I can actually smell the cinnamon as I am scrolling down, I just had to try and reprint how you Tangled your pie crust :):):):):) So clever, thanks.

  3. What a wonderful idea and perfect for after our Sunday roast today ��
