
Thursday, August 14, 2014

"It's a String Thing" First Birthday Presents

"It's a String Thing" #52 marked the one year birthday of the challenge - woohoo !

I don't know about you, but I like to spread birthday celebrations out for days, sometimes even longer :)

So here are two little presents - new pages on the header bar of my blog.  Look just above my smiling face to the right and you will see them.  In the picture below they are marked with a yellow star.

In each of the new pages, I've listed the challenges in numerical order and each title is a link.  Just click on the one(s) you want to view.

This makes it easier to review previous "It's a String Things" as well as catch up on some you may have missed.

All of the results are here too - easy to access and in chronological order.

Enjoy the year-in-review when you get the chance!

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for adding these it will be fun to look back and maybe try a few.
