
Friday, February 28, 2014

ZIA for a Fabulous Friday

I love the feel and shape and size of a Zendala® tile.  There is a sort of soothing assurance when I begin drawing on one - as if it says, "Go ahead, make your first mark, I promise you'll be pleased with the outcome."

ZIA by Adele Bruno, CZT

Armed with that confidence, I drew a five petaled flower just slightly off center on this Zendala tile.  I repeated the shape around the tile, turning the tile often.  Stems 'grew' from the center bloom to each additional one.

I added just a touch of detail to each and with a little shading - voilá - a bit of ZIA happiness for a fabulous Friday!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. That's just so pretty and soft! I can imagine that in colour!!!

  2. Beautiful zia with wonderful depth! I like it!!
