
Friday, January 3, 2014

Here Comes the Sun(doo)!

It is a cool but sunny day here in Central Florida.  Temperatures will climb to almost 60 - a tad cooler than the 70 - 80 degree weather we have enjoyed this past week. 

Those of you shivering in the snow storms sweeping through the Midwest and northern part of the country must shudder at the mention of 60 degrees feeling cooler - my apologies.  I pray you all stay warm and comfortable and safe up there.

In an effort to spread a little sunshine I thought to post my notes about Sundoo by CZT Jane MacKugler, one of the tangle patterns in this week's "It's a String Thing" challenge. (Click here to see all the details.)

Since it can be a bit intimidating to draw at first, I came up with this method to help tanglers gain some confidence as they practice:

The more you practice, the more fluid your stroke and loops will be.  You will find that the dots are not necessary the longer you work with the tangle.

Keep in mind that part of the fun of this tangle - as well as most free form ones - is the inconsistency from one to another - so relax and have fun with it!

For further information, you can find Linda Farmer's write up about the pattern here on Tangle Patterns and/or Click here to see Jane's original blog post where she first introduced Sundoo.

Try your hand at the challenge this week - I look forward to seeing your work!

1 comment:

  1. AB: your 3rd step reminds me of a Keith Herring picture.
