
Friday, December 13, 2013

A Christmas Greeting Idea

My mother, a very talented artist, completed a cross-stitch project a few weeks ago and I was instantly enamored by it.  Santa is depicted in such a sweet life-like way, that I wanted to use her needlework on our family's Christmas greetings this year.

I'll post the particulars just in case you are inspired to do something similar with a photo, painting, cross-stitch, or the like...

I photographed the framed piece and cropped it to an oval shape.  Next, I printed the photo onto a piece of Bristol art paper that I cut to size and fed into my printer.

I drew the border, tangled it, and added the lettering, leaving enough blank space for personalized notes.
Cross-stitch by Nancy Anater    Illustration by Adele Bruno, CZT

Merry Christmastime everyone - have a peaceful, happy time preparing - and remember to tangle!

1 comment:

  1. I love your Christmas Greetings idea. Thanks for sharing and more power to your blog.

    Merry Christmas,
