
Monday, November 12, 2018

Return from zenAgain

What a rare time it was to spend four days with CZTs from around the world in the beautiful state of Rhode Island!

Rick, Maria, Martha, Molly, and staff were gracious hosts and our tangling time was magical.

Below is a little glimpse of the fall foliage and frivolity ~

The conference was held on the 17th floor of the Biltmore Hotel. 
Isn't the view beautiful?
This was taken just the right of the photo above. 
The arched windows frame the conference room.   

With Dorian Eng, my co-author and "wing man" - or "wing woman" as she likes to say 🙂

Yours truly in front of Maria's beautifully tangled butterfly wing.

Stay tuned, there is more to come!

Thank you for your patience in waiting for the IAST results. 
As I compile them, we will stay on track with new IAST adventures, so do check back tomorrow for #269.


  1. So lovely to see you there with Maria's wing. I love knowing you were gathered with other tangle friends of mine.

  2. lovely pictures, especially the last one, you look so happy and beautiul with your wings of tangles!
