
Monday, September 3, 2018

"It's a String Thing" #258 Tiles

This week we tangled tributes to the great Aretha Franklin.  "A" for Aretha appeared in the string and in the three tangles we used:  Anitdots, Afterglo, and Apacore.  

As it turns out, Aretha Franklin has many IAST tangling admirers, including Lin H, CZT, who saw her in concert and Laurel Davis, CZT, who had the privilege of meeting her.
She is warmly remembered here with sweet sentiments and exquisite tiles from around the world.
Let's take a look ~

The first arrived from Barbara (Germany) ~
I love the music of Aretha Franklin and it’s an honor to draw in RESPECT for her.
Thank you for your wonderful idea!
Greetings from Germany

A warm welcome back to Ulrike (Germany) ~
Dear Adele, it has been a long time that I have participated in IAST. But now I am back.
Thanks for this interesting challenge. Antidots and Apacore were new for me. It was fun to tangeling these patterns. But when I was ready, I could not find the "A" ;-)) ...
And Yes, to be a grandma is a gorgeous thing!
Many greetings from Germany 

From Sally Whiteman (New Zealand) ~
Once again thank you for the challenges you set every week.
I had not done Apacore previously and enjoyed the new tangle. I had forgotten how much I enjoy tangling Antidots. It just flows beautifully. I had not done afterglo for a long time so liked revisiting that tangle.

From Dolly Bolen, CZT 15 (Alberta, Canada) ~
My IAST #258 Tile features an unusual colour scheme, pink which I read was Aretha’s favourite colour, red, blue and gold. I added some blue scrapbooking rhinestones to add a little more bling, I do love sparkles and shine on my tiles. I used Antidots, Afterglow and my own tangle Heart Thread Border (Step out found on the Zentangle Mosaic App).
I feel the amount of bling gives my tile the star power which Aretha clearly had, I love listening to her sing!

From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
Attached is my small tribute to the life of the late Aretha Franklin.
It’s A String Thing Challenge # 258

From Angie Gittles (Maryland) ~
In honor of Aretha Franklin, I decided to make the string initial “A” a focal point of the tile by making it red and wrapping it around and through the Antidots, Apacore, and Afterglo. As has been reported, the Queen of Soul was buried in red to symbolize her membership in the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. The rest of the tile is done in Sepia ink and shaded with General’s Burnt Umber Pastel Chalk.

From Ria Matheussen, CZT (Belgium) ~
Again, a wonderful challenge with 3 gorgeous tangles that I enjoyed very much. Thank you.
Here is my entry, made on braun recycled paper and finished with ordinary colourpencils and a white charcoal.
Warm regards from Belgium

From Gale Sherman (Tucson, Arizona) ~
Adele, I enjoyed tangling this tile celebrating Aretha Franklin by listening to her sing. My embedded letter is surrounded with an Apacore garden filled with mooka and flux. The red blossoms represent her honorary membership in Delta Sigma Theta, a predominantly African American society. Your tribute to her was a lovely idea, R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

From Mariam G (Port Hueneme, California) ~
Thank you for sharing the heartwarming moment with your granddaughter. It brought a huge smile to my face.
How lovely to allow us to pay tribute to the Queen of Soul this week. My Jr. High 'besty' just reminded me that we learned to dance in 7th grade to 'Respect' - a long time ago! Miss Aretha's music was a huge part of my life; always will be... May she rest in peace.
(My pinks were limited, but it seemed the proper color to use)

From Priscilla DeConte, CZT (Kingston, New York) ~
Your granddaughter sounds precious!
I was away when I got the news about Aretha, Loved her singing, her persona and all!
She will be missed
Thanks for dedicating this week to her.
Loved all the tangles and had fun doing this challenge.

From Allison Armstrong (Rocklin, California) ~
Here is my submission for IAST #258. I felt like my tangle was bursting out with Aretha Franklin's positive energy and life force, a suitable tribute to a great lady.

From Lisette (Switzerland) ~
Last time (I can't remember when) when we used Apacore in this challenge I didn't like it an never used it again. But this time I couldn't stop drawing it - so much fun. It's amazing how we suddenly get to "understand" a pattern and then like it.

From Ilse (The Netherlands) and here on her blog ~
Thanks for making us honor Aretha Franklin, a wonderful singer

From Ragged Ray (United Kingdom) ~
It's been far too long since I sent you a tile. Each week seems to fly past, with not enough time to linger over the things I love. I've posted a few IAST tiles that missed your deadline on my blog, and I'm still working on catch up Bijous for the ones I miss in full size. But please know your challenge is still alive and well in my heart and pen even if the results rarely see the light of day!
And so to this week. Ah, the lovely Antidots - which has been my most-loved tangle for a long time - always the one I draw when testing a new pen, paper or technique. And also Appacore - which I found really tricky to draw when it first appeared, many months ago, but which seemed to flow much more easily this time - isn't it strange and wonderful the way that happens?! Anyway, the two of those dance around each other on this apple green tile!

From Lynn G (Florida) ~
A ZIA to honor Aretha Franklin.

From Trudi Taylor (Woodview, Ontario, Canada) ~
Greetings Adele! Aretha was such a wonderful singer and after I saw her in The Blue's Brother movie she became so much more, loved that woman! Have a great Labor day weekend.

From Laurel Davis, CZT (New York) ~
Thanks for dedicating this week’s challenge to Aretha Franklin. I had the honor of meeting “The Queen of Soul” 6 years ago in Atlanta at the Fox Theater. My sister and I were with two of Aretha’s friends and so went backstage to her dressing room after the concert. What a thrill it was to meet her! I was surprised by how soft spoken and tiny she was in person; in contrast to the towering presence with such an amazing voice that I had just seen on stage. The gift of music that she gave to all of us will live on forever.

From Anselm Peter (Germany) and here on his blog ~
thank you again for you beautiful IAST challenge.
This string reminds me of my small alphabet project. But i have chosen only to use Afterglo from you suggestion and added instead Arc Flower and Y-Ful Power to this powerful string...
Best regards from Berlin

 From Nor'dzin (Wales, United Kingdom) ~
How delightful to honour Aretha. What an extraordinary woman.
I particularly enjoyed revisiting apacore. It is a lovely tangle. I am always amazed at the variety of wonders that are produced from the same string and tangles in a challenge. Fantastic. I learn such a lot from everyone. Thank you.
Best wishes to you all

From Hilary (Chicago) ~
Another wonderful creative challenge. Adele! I really enjoyed all three of these patterns and was able to finish this while watching some of the coverage of the incredible funeral service for Aretha Franklin.
Thanks again

From Lin H, CZT (Florida) ~
Thanks for your latest challenge, Adele, and your tribute to Aretha Franklin. I was lucky enough enough to see Aretha in concert just a couple years ago in our local amphitheater. I’ve always loved her music and will think of her every time I hear one of her songs. For your challenge, I had the urge to use colored pencils for a change. Love the “A” tangles you chose, too.

From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and here on her blog ~
you give us another interesting challenge this week! When I was young I loved the songs of Aretha Franklin very much. Again I drew two versions. First I used only your given patterns, then I played a little with others. Both are drawn on a colored background. I think my second one in its warm coloring fits better to Aretha, so I send you this one. The second you can see on my blog under the link:
Thank you for your interesting idea and this wonderful challenge!
Best wishes from Germany

From Barbara (Texas) ~
I enjoyed doing this in honor of Aretha Franklin. I added paradox, florz and betweed. This was my first time to use the Apacore pattern so it’s a little odd looking. My first Zentangle classes start next week, and I plan to just keep getting better at this!

From Jutta Gladnigg, CZT (Germany) ~
I always admire how topical your challenges are. Great tribute to Aretha Franklin!

From VenaC (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
Margaret Bremner showed some lettering on her blog and gave a link to Joanne Fink who showed how to do an "R". I loved it and tried to use Joanne's style to do my "A" . I really enjoyed this and am now inspired to practice more lettering. I don't like Afterglow. Whenever I try it, it looks messy, so I left it out. It is so wonderful having these challenges. Thank you, Adele! I am looking forward to next week.

From Sabine (Germany) ~
After a long break I enjoy this week to take time and drawing a tile for this great challenge.
With greetings from Germany

From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
I like the tangle Antidots. When I first saw it I didn’t realise that it was designed to have 2 or 3 loops. I drew it with 5 or 6 each time and Adele commented on all the “lovely auras”. 5 I think is still my favourite, but here I have tried sections with 1, 2, 3 and many just to represent them all.

From Betsy Gentry (Florida) ~
Finally caught up with work and able to enjoy a beautiful Florida morning
out on the porch tangling! Wonderful reprieve. Very much enjoyed these
tangles, great way to start the day. Great to know that there is always an
IAST challenge out there waiting-thank you!

From Jane (Surrey, United Kingdom) ~
Unusually for me I added pink to a tile, and then saw on the news that Aretha had 100 pink Cadillacs at her funeral so I think I used the right colour!

From Sharyn Penna, CZT (Massachusetts) ~
Cheers to the Queen of Soul!
And cheers to the Prince of Moral Compass.
May their voices and souls forever guide our hearts.
(star/compass pattern: Spiteria by Wanphai Norgrum

 Thank you Sharyn, for remembering Senator McCain, too.

From Susie (St. Louis, Missouri) ~
I know this is not tangle, but I saw lettering on Sakura website and the quote a page showing some of her quotes. RIP Aretha and God bless her and John McCain.

From Gabi (Germany) ~
A nice idea to use the “A-String” but I think it was to complex to me. Nonetheless I tried to combine it... using the whole kit of colour pencils. Hope you can find the A :))

From Lynn F (Florida) ~
I added Andante to join the other “A” tangles. I also used the four colors of the outfits she wore in her casket.
Aretha, you rock.

From Jody Genovese, CZT (New York) ~
First, I have to tell you that I wanted to reach through your words and hug your granddaughter myself. How absolutely precious and I can only imagine how your heart must have melted as mine did and I have never met her. What a sweet and innocent little soul. As my mother was say, “Bless her little heart”.
Second, I want to again say thank you for using Twilight (Tweyelight :o) ) last week in your challenge. I was absolutely thrilled with all of the tiles and the warm and wonderful comments.
It has been such fun and I have looked at them several times.
Here is my tile for the Queen of Soul. I did a spin on an embedded letter with a little bling. Not sure if the sparkles actually show up, but after seeing those red shoes on the news I can’t get them out of my mind. May she rest in peace.

From Karen Herstowski (Atlanta, Georgia) ~
What a great idea, to honor Aretha Franklin. I could not resist getting into these wonderful patterns and very cool string.
Here is my version of #258. AFTERGLO became a very subtle background with a touch of shading. LOVE THIS!
Thanks to all creatives involved in this one!

From JoAnne (Ontario, Canada) ~
Thanks for the string and patterns that celebrate the great Aretha Franklin! I really haven’t felt like tangling all week, which is very unusual for me. But as soon as I started this, I felt better! Wonderful pattern choices!

From Maria B (Canada) and on Instagram ~
I found these three tangles very easy to fit together along this string. This one I took one look and knew exactly how I wanted to lay them out and shade right away!

From Sharon Fite (California) ~
If you're of a certain age, it's hard to hear a song by Aretha and not be transported back in time! That distinctive voice, so real, sometimes so raw! No else was like her, she was one of a kind, truly the Queen of Soul! This was my third attempt at a tile honoring her. I used Inktense watercolor pens on Kraft paper, with sepia and black micron pens, and white and metallic copper gelly roll pens. White and sepia chalk pencils for highlights and shading. Thanks for a great challenge, Adele!

From Rhonda Koplin, CZT (Macon, Georgia) ~
I look forward to meeting you at ZenAgain! Loved these “A” tangles to honor Aretha.
(Facebook page is: Mindful Markings by Rhonda Koplin)

From Susan Theron (Velddrif, South Africa) ~
Apacore got a bit lost, but I will try it again.

From Shirl White (Texas) ~

From Felicity Strohfeldt (Velddrif, South Africa) ~
Hope you are well. Here we are having good rains at present and the Western Cape dams are looking much better at this time compared to last year this time.
Anyway, to this week’s tile to commemorate the star, Aretha Franklin. A bright shining star in her day, therefore Agterglow made perfect stars, Antidots, a perfect curved border for the monogram A and Apacore as flowers to her memory.
Lovely patterns all, form Carole Ohl, Anita Roby-Lavery and Lori Manoogian and you for the idea and string.
Thank you
Have a wonderful week.

From Susie (Thailand) ~
Thanks for this wonderful Aretha Franklin challenge. A big voice gone too soon.
Attached pls find my remembrance tile.

And this is my tile ~
I doubled the string line to emphasize the "A" for Aretha.  One large Afterglo for the star that she was, and then the other tangles filled in.  

May Aretha, Senator McCain, and all the faithful departed rest in peace.

Thank you all for sharing your talents and tributes.

Special thanks to the creators of the patterns we used this week ~

Antidots by Anita Roby-Lavery, CZT

Apacore by Lori Manoogian, CZT

Afterglo by Carole Ohl, CZT

Check back Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #259!

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