
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

"It's a String Thing" #232 Tiles

IAST #232 used a wavy line string with two wavy lined tangles - simple ingredients, remarkable results.

Let's take a look ~

The first tile arrived from The Netherlands and a brand new member of our IAST community,
Baafke.  She wrote:
Looking for inspiration to tangle last week, I found your website.
A lot of inspiration there, thank you!
It was quite a challenge for me to use just two tangles in this tile.
But I had fun making it.

 Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful movement in Inapod aura
*touches of pink highlight both tangles
Welcome to our Tangled Map, Baafke, and to our IAST community ~

From Lynn G (Florida) ~
Inapod is one of my favorite tangles, now Roloflex will be added to my go to for sure. Thanks for a great challenge and introducing me to Roloflex.

 Tangled Tidbits -
Isn't it so versatile?
*very pretty details in Inapod
*all sizes and shapes of Roloflex

From Jutta Gladnigg, CZT (NRW, Germany) ~
Thank you, Adele, for challenging me to enter a “Fantasy Wonderworld“… and all that without graphite… just ink…
 Tangled Tidbits -
*glorious light and dark elements
*Roloflex molds itself around and over Inapod

From Ulrike (Germany) ~
Last week I missed the deadline, so I hurried, and here is my tile.
Thanks for a nice challenge again, Adele.
Many greetings from Germany. 
 Tangled Tidbits -
*light perfs for Inapod, dark ones for Roloflex
*darkened spaces between Roloflex, shading, and a bit of Fescu

From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
Attached is my tile for ‘ It’s A String Thing #232’ challenge.
I enjoyed both these tangles, Thanks Adele.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*yummy sparkle for Roloflex
*Inapod finished off with overreaching aura (reminds me of my own Uncorked)

From Dani Mulyaning (Indonesia) and here on her blog ~
Glad, I can join your challenge again. Here's my tile.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*star-like Inapod - notice the diminishing perfs
*pretty Roloflex border

From Ria Matheussen, CZT (Belgium) ~
Thank you for a wonderful string and two beautiful tangles to start a tile.
I enjoyed this challenge very much and used pens, pencils and charcoal on a grey tile.
I didn't use those two patterns very much but thanks to you, I will use them more in the future. I like the combination of these two ones very much.
At the moment, it is snowing very fast and it better to stay in the house and tangling...
Wish you a nice weekend and send you warm regards from Belgium
 Tangled Tidbits -
Stay warm!
*three shades of Roloflex
*ribbon finishes for colorful, highlighted Inapod

From Susie (St. Louis, Missouri) ~
Tangled Tidbits -
*Inapod perfs repeat around the tangles
*Roloflex covered string lines

From Donna Matoi (Long Beach, California) ~
Here is my tile for this week's IAST#232. I enjoyed working with the string and patterns! I love Inapod and Roloflex was new to me. At first I wanted to make figure 8's rather than an S, but then as I was in the moment, it just flowed!
Thank you again for another great string and thank you to Pilar Pulido and Carole Ohl for there lovely tangles!
Wishing you a great week ahead!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*aura for both Roloflex and Inapod
*wonderfully wavy Inapod

From Hilary (Chicago, Illinois) ~
I hope I can remember all the twists and turns that I came up with doing this so that I can explain my variations. Earlier this week I saw a new pattern called Wavlin. At first I thought it was weird, but it kept calling my name. Then when I saw Inapod, I decided to put Wavlin in the inside section. And somehow the interior of Inapod migrated over to the middle of Roloflex. And that’s how my patterns are neither one nor the other! I have to say I was smiling the entire time I worked on this!
 Tangled Tidbits -
...and I'm smiling looking at it!
*weighted aura lines, enthatching, sparkle - great details
*Inapod sprouts in a Flux manner

From Verena (Germany) ~
My tangle of the week.
Thank you for your nice words Last week. Greatings from Germany.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*beautiful ball of Roloflex
*Inapod perfs layer outward from the center

From Ingrid (The Netherlands) ~
In the attachment my tile # 232 for this week.
It was a nice and fun challenge that gave me much zen.
So thank you for this zenmoment.
Much love from a frozen and chilly The Netherlands.
Have a blessed week
 Tangled Tidbits -
Wishing you warm Spring weather!
*elegant Inapod - notice the multi-layered perfs in a few
*perfs surround well shaded Roloflex

From Lisette (Switzerland) ~
Herewith my entry for challenge 232. Thank you, Adele, for string an patterns. I added Cubine as I needed some “structure” in these weavy lines :-)
Love from Switzerland
 Tangled Tidbits -
*great addition of Cubine
*soft perfs, sparkle, stripes, and sprouting lines - gorgeous Inapod variation

From VenaC (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
All black and white today although I think that Roloflex would look more beautiful with colour. Again you have presented me with two tangles I have never done before. I love Roloflex. That is going to be one of my favourites.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*stack of stunning Roloflex
*Inapod perfs repeat throughout

From Jane Rhea (Indiana) ~
I think my tile should be titled, “Alien Inapods Invade Roloflex Compound.” My pen went on a totally unplanned journey with this tile! Thank you for a fun challenge and all that you do for all of us every week!
 Tangled Tidbits -
..."a totally unplanned journey" - I like that!
*Inapod features enthatching, wonky aura, and floating perfs
*Roloflex border with shaded aura

From HeidiSue (Salt Lake City, Utah) ~
Here is my entry for this week’s challenge. It was my morning quiet zen time, and I really did get into a zone with it. Just went with the flow, no second guessing myself, just doing what seemed good. SO enjoyable! Thanks for another delightful challenge.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Inapod variation has lovely lines, curls, shading, perfs...
*perfs repeat in Roloflex tower

From Jane (Dorking, Surrey, England) ~
Please find attached my tile for this week. Lovely tangle choices, have used #inapod before but never tried #roloflex. I used watercolour brush pens to add colour, lots of graphite and tiny #therefore.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*fabulous zendala with Inapod along the string lines
*varying sizes of wonderfully shaded Roloflex fill string sections

From Simone (Germany) ~
here is my picture. I was drawing it, while I was watching Star Trek. Maybe it looks a little like a dark part of the universe.

Tangled Tidbits -
*bold contrasts of light and dark
*shaded aura for Inapod and Roloflex

From Mariam G (Port Hueneme, California) ~
When I finished drawing the tangles for this challenge I was surprised to find a scene had emerged... I picture Japanese lanterns hanging over a bustling street and the footprints of those who passed beneath them on their way.
Another fun challenge - thanks!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful imagery and shining perfs of highlighted Inapod
*Roloflex footprints - of course!

From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
Really enjoyed these two new tangles. I liked making the pods fatter to get more seeds in. Thank you also for the extra guidance on Skelter. That comes out beautifully now.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*fat and fabulous Inapod centers
*shading and black surround accentuates Roloflex

From Jane (Boulder, Colorado) ~
Hope you've had a glorious week!
Here's my #232...I can't imagine anyone not loving the adorable Inapod...haven't done it in a while, so I enjoyed the couple I put along the string lines--adapted those bumps in the string, as you suggested, to fit the ups and downs of my pods...almost thought that was going to be it :) but I decided to add some varied Roloflex in the top right corner and then went to town with my "magic pencil"--who was it that called it that?--so true--:)
Have a wonderful week!
Thanks for all you do...

Tangled Tidbits - 
I believe that was a Ragged Ray quote :)
*Inapod along the string lines with Fescu finishes
*contrasting light and dark background spaces

From Karen Herstowski (Atlanta, Georgia) ~
After sketching up about 6 thumbnails to get a design I felt good about, it occurred to me that each triangle component didn’t necessarily have to be filled up!
This was a great challenge where I feel I learned a great deal about the use of space - positive and negative. Would love to see some color on this one. I may try it.
Thanks Adele, Carole, and Pilar for a wonderful combination!
Tangled Tidbits - 
*delightful details - Inapod runs on select string curves, weighted lines, shading, inner circle
*Roloflex lines create sense of movement

From Priscilla DeConti, CZT (Kingston, New York) ~
Hi Adele and all.
I will be glad when this winter is over..but it is not letting go easily or it seems soon...although I like the inside time for tangling..I also like to get out for the sunshine.
In any case I had fun doing this challenge and added a little bit of "and" in there just because
Have a great week all!

Tangled Tidbits - 
*light and sunshiny background
*dark surround for Roloflex and soft shading

From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
Again I didn't have as much time to fuss with my tile as I would have liked, because the "constructive" thing I made myself do first took longer than I'd hoped. But I think not-fussing is probably a better Zen practice anyway!
I adore Inapod, as you can probably tell (even though I keep thinking it is called String of Peas). So I wanted to do Roloflex in even rows and columns. Surprisingly, considering how many S's I've written in my lifetime, I couldn't make even rows and columns of S's without making a grid. After I gridded the tile I realized that I had intended to make oblong grid shapes rather than square, so the tangle wouldn't look like Cruffle (turns out it doesn't anyway).
Thanks for your hard work and your tangling tips, and for bringing this community together!

Tangled Tidbits - 
*a grid for Roloflex - clever variation and it still holds its own
*elongated and elegant Inapod

From Susie (Thailand) ~
Well, Susie wants to let you know that she thoroughly enjoyed this week's IAST challenge, drew me even earlier than usual and took my picture right after she had finished me, but...she had forgotten to send me to you. She is really not so forgettable, but this week, oh, like so many of them, was a mess which she let go to turn into an even messier week and it got out of her control. She sends her apologies with lots of OOO and XXX and promises not EVER, yes, NEVER ever, to let a week turn messy again!
IAST 232 from Thailand and Susie
 Tangled Tidbits -
*rich jewel tones of color add to the beauty of striking Roloflex variations
*perf lined Roloflex aura

From Sharon Fite (California) ~
March came roaring in here! It's cold, windy, and rainy in our part of California. Doesn't compare with what lots of folks have to deal with (no snow, for instance), but cold for us nevertheless. Another fun challenge, Adele! I 've used Inapod in the past, but Roloflex was new to me. Instead of thinking of it as a chubby "S", I thought of it as a chubby figure 8. It worked out really well and I'll definitely use it again. I'm also pleased with my progress with Renaissance tiles. Adding a little extra color can really change things up from black ink on white tiles with graphite shading. This has sepia, brown and black ink with dark sepia, white, and red chalk for shading and highlights. Of course we are own worst critic: I would have preferred my Inapods a bit less stiff, but that's how the curvy line straightens! I added tendrils to help out. Looking forward to seeing everyone's tiles and next week's challenge!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*"chubby 8" variation of Roloflex yields even more of a twist to the tangle
*graceful Inapod with Ribbon accents

From Trudi (Woodview, Ontario, Canada) ~
Greetings Adele, no potluck this Wednesday so I was able to work on my IAST :). Somehow the pod just wouldn't go into Inapod, I seem to really like Stripes and sparkles. We are experiencing a very weird February my unheated sun room has been over 80 the past two days and our snow is melting fast. The lake still has a lot of ice as it still goes below freezing each night. A friend told me her maple trees have been running sap for over 2 weeks and they have started boiling their Maple syrup, that's usually mid March!
 Tangled Tidbits -
...the weather has proved unpredictable for most of us...
*very pretty Inapod variation
*Roloflex fills the entire background space

A very warm welcome to Di Phipps (Australia) ~

(I was so moved by Di's email that I include it in its entirety here.  I am grateful to her for her kind words that capture what I hope to convey through my blog.)
I feel compelled to write to you after stumbling across your blog.
My name's Diane, and I live in Australia. I am so new to zentangling that I have only tried out a few so far - tipple, brax, paradox, n'zepple, that's about it. But I have been enjoying reading your blog so much, that I thought, even though I may be sending you this week's challenge a bit late and it's certainly not following the guidelines, I'd send it anyway not to enter it into the challenge so much but rather as a way of saying thank you for all the work you put into your blog. Not only your time, but your heart.

Your blog, to me, stands out. It's not just an instruction thing, you really put your heart into it. I am reading it right from the beginning and am still in the year 2013! There are many insights and sharings from you that make me continue to read, and of course the entries of the weekly challenges are so inspiring and beautiful!

I am still at the stage where I am just copying patterns that appeal to me, and practicing. This "tile" is only my second self-created drawing. I've never considered myself an artist but always wanted to be good at drawing, and zentangling is a way for me to be that artist :). It's wonderful!

Roloflex, Inapod, and Pokeroot I've never tried before. I thought I'd just draw two big Inapods, and then put Roloflex inside them, see what it looked like. I never intended the drawing to look like a "thing", but it does look like a thing to me, so I turned it into more of a "thing" :). It looked rather sad, so I drew in two small Roloflex tears under its eyes. It's amazing how you really don't know how a drawing will turn out, you just go with the flow.

I want to write so much more, and maybe I will, later. Once again, thank you for your delightful blog, for the challenges, and for sharing.
 Tangled Tidbits -
Thank you, Di.
*Roloflex and perf filled Inapod
*large and small free floating Roloflex
Welcome to our IAST community and to our Tangled Map, Di!

From Susan Theron (Velddrif, South Africa) ~
Thanks for the skelter tips.
My contribution:
Tangled Tidbits -
*black filled background accents the tangles
*shading makes Inapod shine

From Heather Temple (Killingworth, Connecticut) ~
I’m so proud of myself for actually getting two of your challenges done this year. Go me!...
As always have a great week and thanks for this weekly work you do.
Tangled Tidbits - 
Go Heather!
*fabulous sea of Tipple for Roloflex
*alternating light and dark striped Inapod

From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and here on her blog ~
...Thank you für this interesting challenge!
Best wishes from Germany
Tangled Tidbits -
*endless details, especially in Inapod variations - tangles in tangles!
*touches of deep black between Roloflex compliment centers of Inapod

From Sharyn Penna, CZT (Massachusetts) ~
A nor’easter has come and gone ... power lost and found ... a couple inches of water in the basement remedied with a wet vac ... we’re counting our lucky stars even through cloudy grey skies.
I’m going to keep practicing Pilar’s Roloflex tangle ... I’d like a more twisted seashell ... got close, but not quite there. Thanks and cheers for a calming prompt in a mighty stormy week!
 Tangled Tidbits -
...and I do hope you escape the latest storm...
*beautiful shading on all sides of the tangles gives them a sense of floating above the tile
*Tipple adds to the airy feel of the tile

From Felicity Strohfeldt (Velddrif, South Africa) and here on her blog ~
Hope you and yours are all well and making positive waves as always. Thank you and everyone who participates in this weekly challenge for your thoughts and prayers for drought relief here in the Western Cape of South Africa. Thank you too for this week’s challenge. I love Inapod by Carole Ohl with all its possibilities. Roloflex by Pilar Pulido is new to me and still needs more practice and exploration. Didn’t quite make the cut for me, but time will tell. But, as always, the experiences of producing a completed zentangle tile was worth it and rewarding.
Looking forward to seeing everyone’s artwork.
Have an amazing week.
 Tangled Tidbits -
We are still praying, please keep us updated.
*super Inapod variations with endless aura
*Roloflex shines with sparkle and stripes, too

From Nor'dzin (Wales, United Kingdom) ~
Thank you so much for posting my attempt at #231. It was such a thrill seeing it posted there with all the other fabulous is my #232.
Tangled Tidbits -
*Inapod filled with orbs - notice how they escape the end pods
*color contrasts with the penciled background tangles

And now...

the tile for honors this week...

was sent in by...

Lily (Hungary) ~
here is my tile for your weekly challenge. I used Derwent Inktense and Derwent Procolour pencils for coloring. Thank you for the great challenge!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*glorious shades of subtle color, shading, and highlights
*curved inner detail lines of Roloflex add greater dimension
*pearl-like finish to perfs
*grid variations for Inapod and Roloflex

Congratulations, Lily!

I have a little something coming in the mail for you.

Thank you to all of the contributors this week, it is a treat to view your work.

Many thanks to Carole Ohl, CZT for Inapod and to Pilar Pulido, CZT for Roloflex, the two curvy tangles we coupled with my string.

To check out all of the delightful details for IAST #233 - our tribute to Pi - click here.

The Skelter "Tips for Tangling" that were referred to several times can be found by clicking here.



  1. Beautiful tiles as always! Congratulations everyone and happy Women's Day ladies! Thank you very much dear Adele for your choice. I'm honored. ❤️️

  2. Thank you Adele for posting my tile! I am flabbergasted at the quality of everyone's tiles, each one is an oooh and aaah and I can't take my eyes off them! Thanks everyone, you are all such an inspiration for this little beginner tangler.
