
Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Angels are Smiling

If "every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings", then the heavens were flooded with new arrivals this Christmas thanks to CZT Dorian Eng's ingenious idea to create bells with Zentangle® tiles.
(Click here to view her video.)

Totally captivated with the idea, I taught a class about it in early December.  The enthusiasm was so contagious that I continued to make them well past Christmas.

Here are a few pictures from my class - with many thanks to Betsy, Gara, Karen, Michele, Mollie, Sherry, Pam, and Pat :

You may notice from the photos that we brainstormed ideas on a worksheet that I drew up before adding our desired tangles to the bells.  It helped us visualize how different tangles would fill the spaces and helped us to collect and share ideas as well. 
When finished, one bell was more beautiful than the next.

Now, for a few of the Christmas gifts I made :

I started with a basic idea that was inspired by an example of Dorian's.  I used Sakura Gelly and Stardust pens and blended them with a brush like watercolors.  Once assembled the first bell looked like this ~

For gifts, I tangled a bell for each of our children and grandchildren that featured their own tangle.
Here are a just a few of them ~
Pauline's Pigtail



Trella and Lanie

Mel Mel and Teenos

The tangles under each photograph are direct links to the step out, just click to view.

Have fun with your own jingly creations - and just imagine the angels you'll be outfitting!


  1. Your students did a great job, thanks to you.
    Wonderful work and happy faces!!!
