
Monday, March 28, 2016

"It's a String Thing" #137 Tiles

Happy Easter Monday!

I hope you enjoyed - and are still enjoying - a joyous celebration.

Our string line this week included an oval (egg) shape and the tangles were very spring-like. The pattern Warped Eggs proved to be a bit of a challenge to many contributors this week.  To make it easier to understand and use, I will work up some Tips for Tangling and post it on Thursday.

Let's take a look ~

The first email arrived from smgg (Taiwan) and here on her Instagram ~
Have a nice day!!!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*Warped Eggs defines the string section (much like Rhoda Roy's tile from Vancouver Island, Canada, posted further down the page - I just love when tanglers from across the globe has similar approaches to a string.)
*aura and dark sparkled perfs for Zenith

From Juul (France) ~
Chère Adèle
Finally I tangled a "finished" tile....i'm very happy about that!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*Mel Mel string line - the curves compliment the horizontal lines of the oval string section
*Zenith weaves in and out as it curves along

From Joanne Faherty (Bedfordshire, United Kingdom) ~
Happy Easter Adele loved this weeks string thing not used warped eggs before lots of concentration needed it looks ok though if you don't look too close .
 Tangled Tidbits ~
*alternating white spaces that feature two beautiful variations of Zenith
*Mel Mel springs from Warped Eggs

From Anna Barbro (Portugal/Norge) and here on her blog ~
Here is my contribution for iast #137
All the tangles are new to me but I liked them a lot and, your string made me just start - love it!
Have a Happy Easter and thank you so much for these cal`s you are administrating!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*large, lovely Mel Mel sparkled and yellow
*sparkled stripes for Warped Eggs - notice the depth that adds - and interest when only some of them are finished that way

From Cheryl Stocks (Black Canyon City, Arizona) and also here on her Flickr feed ~
Thank you for posting these challenges. I appreciated the link to the IAST that had Zenith in it, as it's not one I've quite wrapped my head around. YET!
Still have a way to go!
I drew your egg string diagonally and it turned out looking like a lemon. I put the Warped Egg in as I did and it all looked like an Angry Bird and I really had "lemon" on my mind. I still have several yet on my tree and it recently bloomed. So Mel Mel turned into a giant lemon blossom. When I started adding color pencil to it, the middle turned into a suggestion of a butterfly. I kept to a pastel palette as a nod to the Easter theme and added the yellow as I was really stuck on having a "lemon!"

Tangled Tidbits - 
*creative blend of the tangles in large format
*dots, stripes, and sparkle

From Sarah (Michigan) and here on her blog ~
This week's string was great fun. I liked it. I wasn't dreading negotiating all the curves like I used to. It's still not 'perfect' but it's not supposed to be, right? :)
Always love Mel Mel, and Zenith was a good one for curves! Warped Eggs didn't make it, but I did practice and plan on getting it down better! Happy Easter!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*lovely shades of pink and green for the pretty tangles
*aura and Mel Mel creates the string's oval

A very warm welcome to Christie King (Kansas) ~
You do such a great job hosting these challenges! Thank you. I look forward to the entries each week as there are so many talented tanglers!
This is my first entry and excited to join in the fun. All three of these tangles are new to me and MelMel proved much more difficult that I thought it would. I was a little frustrated with my practice attempts and ended up going with a variation surrounding the egg. I used a 4x4 tan tile with sepia and black Copic Multiliners and a gelly roll pen for the circles.
Happy Easter!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*sparkled for Warped Eggs
*open line variation of Zenith

From Ragged Ray (United Kingdom) ~
So, last week I switched things up by using a round tile for our Pi Pie. And this week, I went all out with colour - I'm usually quite cautious about using colour, but it's now officially Spring and I went out in the sun the other day and could actually believe that the seasons are shifting. So I broke out the watercolours and coloured pencils and here you have it!
A single line of Warped Eggs for the two bands, which offered up some neat little cups to hold your MelMel, plus a simple version of Zenith to allow me to carry it outwards to the edges.
Happy Springtime, Happy Easter,
 Tangled Tidbits -
*single lines of Warped Eggs with Mel Mel sprouting from them
*Zenith echoes outward from the first row of it along the string's oval - that is beautiful.

From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
I had some problems with the Warped Eggs so there are three variations going down the left hand side. Think I cracked it eventually! Happy Easter to you.
I appreciate a good pun!
Tangled Tidbits -
*three variations of Zenith decorate the string's ribbons
*aura and perfs for Mel Mel

From Michele Wynne (California) ~
Thanks for this fun challenge! I didn't take this very far "out-of-the-box". It seemed pretty obvious where each pattern was going to go so I didn't over think it. I'd started this on a plain white tile, then I found an old watercolor practice page in my bag of tricks and thought the colors were very Easter so I cut out a tile from that section.
Happy Easter
 Tangled Tidbits -
*sparkle, highlights, shading, and color add wonderful depth to the tangles
*white Mel Mel with just a touch of black line to define it

From Karen Aiken ( Alberta, Canada)  and here on her blog ~
This was a tough one … I didn’t like my first attempt and the finished tile ended up in the trash. First time I’ve actually had to toss a tile. But I tried again and like this one better. I am not in love with it, ha ha - but I did give it my best shot. Didn’t include Warped Eggs, as I couldn’t figure it out. I tried and tried and finally threw in the towel. Some tangles just do not compute for me, ha ha. Like Vega … CANNOT get Vega for the life of me.
Anyhow, here is my tile. I love love LOVE Mel Mel though - what a fun tangle!

Tangled Tidbits -
*aura of Zenith border flows through the string's ribbons
*super shading adds depth

From Karen L, the Creative Miss L, (Canberra, Australia) and here on her blog ~
Here is my Easter Egg tile.
Of the 3 Tangles, I found Warped Egg really hard to draw. It looks great on the step out but I couldn't get the guidelines to look right when I tried it in my sketch pad. I decided not to even try getting this Tangle to fit into a string. What I did instead was cover a black tile with Warped Egg, cut the egg shape out a of normal Zentangle Tile and stuck the black tile behind it. This is another case of making lemonade out of lemons.

Tangled Tidbits -
*very clever idea to layer the tangles, literally!
*pretty use of  Mel Mel along the border

From Sabine (Germany) and here on her blog ~
here is my tile for the Easter week. Zenith wasn't easy to draw - now I have seen your simple tip, it's really easier, and I knowing it for the next time :)
I love Mel Mel, to draw it makes a lot of fun. Warped Eggs are also beautiful. Thank you for an other great challenge. I wish you Happy Easter.
Lovely greetings from Germany
Tangled Tidbits -
*large, medium, and small grids for Warped Eggs
*multiple variations of both Zenith and Mel Mel (in black and brilliant blue)

From Sandra (Germany) and here on her blog ~
thanks for this nice easter challenge :-) I loved the string!Normally I prefer black and white tiles, but in this Easter challenge I added some colour :-)
Have a nice Easter weekend!
Many greetings from germany...

Tangled Tidbits -
*continuous aura line for Zenith
*deeply shaded string oval accent the colorful Mel Mel and Zenith

A very warm welcome to Bea (Switzerland) ~
I follow your great blog already for some months. Sometimes I tried to draw a tile, sometimes I just admire all the great tiles from all the other tanglers. So fare I was never satisfied with my work. But today on Eastern I thought that I could submit my first tile for your challenge.
Thank you very much for all you work and your great blog.
Happy Easter (Frohe Ostern in German)
Tangled Tidbits -
*pops of white space in Warped Eggs
*fancy aura of Mel Mel

From Kate (United Kingdom) ~
Here is my contribution to this week's challenge.
Wishing you and yours a very happy Easter
Tangled Tidbits -
*perf filled aura in Zenith
*great shading, highlights, and dark centers in two variations of Warped Eggs

From Roberta (Germany) ~
Happy Easter and thanks for this fun challenge!
Tangled Tidbits -
*elegant Mel Mel defined string line, very softly shaded
*pops of Warped Eggs along the border
*pointed and rounded variations of Zenith

From Lily Moon (Hungary) ~
Dear Adele, here is my tile for your weekly challenge.
Happy Easter!
Tangled Tidbits -
*curvy light and dark Warped Eggs
*gorgeous variation of Zenith
*pops of red and lovely shading

From Tina Kirchhübel (Germany) and here on her blog ~
...The challenge this week is wonderful. I love this string and immediately had an idea how to fill it. Because it's Easter and the egg should be a real Easter egg I added a bit of colour to my tile.
This is the result.
Greetings from Germany
Tangled Tidbits -
*Zenith sifts black and white spaces as it passes through the string's oval
*wonderful Warped Eggs and pretty Mel Mel top and bottom

From Karin (Germany) ~
HAPPY EASTER!  Greetings from Germany
 Tangled Tidbits -
*full Warped Egg string oval
*double black perfs for each Zenith arc that passes through Warped Egg

A very warm welcome to Yvette Grasset (Languedoc Roussillon, France) ~
Merci de vos partages. Je découvre le zentagle que je trouve merveilleux. Ma participation a mon premier défi . Voici l'oeuf de pâques.
Very loosely translated - (Thank you for your shares. I discovered zentangle I find wonderful. This is my first challenge - my Easter egg.)
 Tangled Tidbits -
*Zenith furls into an Easter banner
*lovely details along with shading that adds roundness to the Mel Mel filled oval

From Adri van Wyk (South Africa) ~
I am sending in two tiles for this weeks challenge. Not sure about which one I like best.
Happy Easter.

How could you pick just one?!
Tangled Tidbits -
*remarkable detail in Zenith variations - Paradox, Queen's Crown morphs into Mel Mel, sparkle, stripes, thick aura lines...
Tangled Tidbits - 
*more elegant tangle variations with gem-like perfs 
*lightly lined curls provide a perfect backdrop

From Cathy Cusson ~
It has been awhile since I have found the time to do one of my favorite challenges. I could not pass up this Easter egg. I love dying eggs...
This was a real challenge. I struggle with warped eggs or any of those similar curved tangles. Zenith was pretty straight forward and easy. Mel-mel I love! It has such a relaxing easy flow. I could fill a whole page with those lovely "swoopy" lines!

Tangled Tidbits - 
*double aura for colorful Zenith
*Mel Mel covered string oval

From Rhonda Roy (Vancouver Island, Canada) ~
Thanks for this challenge. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone does with this; I learn as much or more from seeing the variations as I do from trying out the challenge.
Happy Easter
As mentioned in the top of this post - in a happy coincidence - this is similar is tangle choice and position to smgg's from Taiwan.
Tangled Tidbits - 
*Warped Eggs defines the center string section
*light background of Mel Mel

From Ingrid (The Netherlands) ~
In the attachment my tile ST # 137. I loved to work with the string and the given tangles. Great to meet Mel Mel again!
I hope you and your family will have Happy Easter Days!!!!!
Tangled Tidbits - 
*light detail lines of Warped Eggs
*rounded Zenith
*pretty variations of Mel Mel

From Jane (Boulder, Colorado) ~
Well, even with the wonderful ideology of no mistakes in Zentangle, this week's submission took 3 attempts--:)
At first, I was trying to cram the very fun Warped Eggs in its entirety in somewhere, but I just couldn't get the size/scale pleasing...I also tried some smaller variations of Mel Mel somewhere else in an earlier incarnation, but that wasn't working for me either...(usually I make one piece for your challenge and I'm done!)
So the third time was definitely the charm...I noticed the center most egg section was shaped like a piece of Warped Eggs, and I went from there...large Mel Mels and pieces and parts of Zenith's motifs...a touch of shading and lots of blank space to make it pop! Not very Easter-y (no time for any color) but interesting, nonetheless...
I always love seeing what everyone else does, but very much looking forward to seeing how those Warped Eggs got used this time around--:)
Wishes for a very happy Easter!
(we had a foot and a half of snow last week--springtime in the Rockies!!)

Tangled Tidbits - 
*one large Warped Egg
*alternating white and tangled string ribbon spaces include three variations of Zenith

From Heidi Sue (Salt Lake City, Utah) ~
this was such a fun challenge. Great string, and loved the selection of patterns. I had a couple of false starts, because I wanted to go outside the box and do un ribbony things in the ribbony part of the string, and ribbony things in the larger spaces...but at the end there was no fighting it: Ribbony Zenith in the ribbon looking parts, and of course Mel Mel on the it noticeable? I did it in two shades of pink prismacolor pencils...
With a minimalist Warped Egg in the background and a brackets-and-dots border. Rather Easter-y after all.

 - love the "ribbony" references :)

Tangled Tidbits - 
*"minimalist" Warped Eggs - wonderful idea
*pink shading and Mel Mel filled oval

From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
Thank you for your tip about drawing Zenith. (click here to view) It's hard enough to draw an even scallop, and then to draw a reverse scallop evenly is doubly hard, so your tip was really helpful. I wanted a filler tangle, so I ran Zenith back to back and simplified it. After I had drawn a garland of MelMel and then filled the egg with Zenith, I almost threw my tile away because it just looked so busy and confusing. Since I was going to throw it away anyway, I started filling the seed shapes with lines, which ended up helping MelMel to stand out. (Just now I see that I could have aura-ed the MelMel garland and that would have solved everything.) I had also intended to fill the inside diamond shape with shades of grey triangles like the tangle Pinch, but I chickened out of that. I'll attach a sample of what I meant, though.
I've been eating Jelly Bellys all afternoon so it's time to rustle up some real food.
Thank you!

It is also very similar to the tangle Bales when it is drawn that way.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*sparkled detail lines
*delicate Mel Mel

From Audrie Weisenfelder (Arizona) and here on her blog ~
... As soon as I saw the string and the tangles, I pretty much knew what I wanted to do. But when I finished, I realized that there was an area that really got away from me. There was absolutely no way to make it work. So I started again, and not till I finished and scanned the tile did I realize that I hadn't used Mel Mel, which I really like. But there wasn't any way to add it to the tile at that point. So here's what I have:

Tangled Tidbits - 
*colorful ZIA with single and double aura-ed Zenith
*weighted lines in Warped Eggs

From Susan Theron (Velddrif, South Africa) and here on her blog ~
Happy Easter! Here is my contribution...

Tangled Tidbits - 
*shading defines the string's oval filled with a ruby red Mel Mel
*lovely Warped Eggs background and two versions of Zenith

From Sharyn Penna (Massachusetts) ~
It was such a treat to see your Easter e-Zia! Absolutely sunning! (click here to view)
I was happy with my tile before shading ... It looks muddy. It was late and i wanted to complete the tile before bed. Note to self: when feeling tired wait till morning and shade with fresh eyes.
I enjoy Warped Eggs ... It reminds me of my pattern Well-Mooka-Z. (click here to view Sharyn's step out.) Looking forward to Tuesday's Easter (eye) candy post ... my favorite day of the week! Hoppy Day!  

Tangled Tidbits - 
*bold Zenith weaves in and out of the oval Mel Mel section - similar to Juul's all the way from France :)
*fabulous field of Warped Eggs

From Simone (Germany) and here on her blog ~
This week´s IAST challenge, within the Easter week, comes with an egg shaped string.
It is already Easter Sunday evening in Germany, I have just finished my tile for this challenge.
I had some nice days with my family and friends and tomorrow we will have another holiday which we will spend in the rocks of "Saxon Swizerland" which is a wonderful place to relax on walking tours in beautiful landscape.
Here is my contribution to IAST#137 with the tangles Zenith, Warped Eggs and MelMel.
I had lots of fun with it.
Tangled Tidbits - 
*striped and sparkled inner aruas of Warped Eggs
*weighted spirals of pretty Mel Mel variations

From Jean Beckstrom (Alabama) ~
Happy Easter Adele and tangler friends,
Here is my version of the Hidden Easter Egg in the ink version. I then tried some new color pens and pencils to experiment with color. This is the outcome.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*contrast of the original and the colorful version is a treat to see
*full loops of Mel Mel and wispy swirled lines
*perfs on either side of the aura-ed points of Zenith

From Daniel (Oklahoma) ~
Tangled Tidbits - 
*single Zenith on the top and bottom of the string's oval
*grid of Warped Eggs scrunches up and maintains the pretty pattern

A very warm welcome to Joan Omans (Michigan) ~
I discovered Zentangle in the Fall of 2014 and have been crazy about it ever since. I love your weekly challenges, which is ever so helpful to takes the guess work out of what string to use, what tangles will look good together and challenges me to try new tangles. Here is my first submission after watching from the sidelines intermittently over the last year and half!
Tangled Tidbits - 
*Mel Mel alternates up and down as it fills the string's ribbon
*spacious aura outlines the tangles 
*Tipple filled outer spaces

And now...
the tile for honors this week...
was sent in by...

Robin from Nevada ~
Here is my entry for this week’s Easter challenge. These were such fun patterns to draw! I especially liked Mel Mel. Warped Eggs is a little dizzying when stared at for too long! Thank you for posting these challenges. It’s exactly what I need each week!
Tangled Tidbits - 
* weighted line Zenith aura and string oval
*multiple variations of Mel Mel sprinkled with perfs and Printemps
*beautifully tangled and shaded Warped Eggs
*Deep shading adds dimension and layered look to the tangles
*Zenith moves from small to large to small again

Congratulations Robin!
I have a little some thing coming in the mail for you.

Thank you to everyone who participated this week, for your beautiful tiles and for your Happy Easter wishes.  You inspire the rest of this tangling community.

Many thanks to Maria Thomas for Zenith and to Livia Chua for Warped Eggs -  two lovely tangles that we used along with my Mel Mel and string.

Check back tomorrow for "It's a String Thing" #138!

...and Wednesday for some Words of Wisdom,

...and Thursday for Tips for Tangling Warped Eggs.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats Robin. Adele each week your challenges outcome is the hight of my week - and each week I can realy see why the tile that has been honnered by you is the one. I learn a lot by doing this challenge. Thank you.
