
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom


Zendala featuring the names of IAST contributors ~ Adele Bruno, CZT

I am most grateful this Thanksgiving for all of you, my Tickled To Tangle community.


  1. And thank you for hosting us. It's a highlight of my week, every week, looking through all the amazing artwork, even on the weeks I don't take part myself!

  2. Aww how lovely! Thanks for doing such a fun challenge every week😊 I'm glad I found you.

  3. This is a great way to say thank you. And I was so happy to found my name in your zendala. Thank you, too for all the great challenges you give us every week and your time to comment every single tile on your blog.

  4. And thank you too! I wish you all the best! :)

  5. What a nice surprise! Thank YOU for the smile which ou put in my face today!
    I am so glad to be a part of the Tangle community. I am looking forward each week to the new posts on your site- it is a wonderful new part of my life.
    I wish you and your family a phantastic Thanksgiving today!

  6. always with gratitude... 。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:..。.:*・゜゚・~midori

  7. How lovely! But a huge thanks should go to our lovely hostess. I look forward to your challenge each week. They inspire me and are so much fun!
