
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

A circle is round 
it has no end, 
that’s how long 
I want to be your friend! ~Anonymous 

Friendship Zendala by CZTs
 Dorian Eng, Sindy P, Adele Bruno, Carolyn Russell, Joan Delony, and Tracey Lyon

This zendala was initiated by Dorian Eng, CZT.  She began with a six sectioned string line, tangled one of them, and then sent it off in the mail to the rest of us.  We each tangled a section and mailed it along.  It ultimately ended up back with Dorian.  Her husband photographed it and she gave each of us a copy.

What a gift friends are and what an extra special treat to be able to tangle something special together.


  1. This is an awesome idea! I love it! (Sorry if this is a duplicate comment!)

  2. What a great idea and what a beautiful Zendala!

    1. We should do an international one, shouldn't we?
      I will work on organizing it soon.
