
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tips for Tangling TWILE

"It's a String Thing" #56 (click here for all the delightful details) features some fabulous tangles including
Leslie Scot-Gillilan's TWILE.

After a morning of playing with Leslie's pattern, I came up with two alternate step outs.
The first is very similar to her original one and the second is quite different.

Look them over and see if you find either, or both, helpful ~

Adele Bruno, CZT
Try your hand at "It's a String Thing" #56 and Twile - you'll love it!

1 comment:

  1. I am new to Zentangle and love your Tips for Tangling posts..I am only at the practising the patterns stage and have yet to combine any together..have tried but finding it hard to 'join' them together..but so happy to have found your excellent blog!
