
Friday, April 25, 2014

Zentangle® Goes to College

This beautiful young woman is my daughter Catherine, pictured outside of her office in the Student Union Building at the University of Central Florida.  She is finishing up her term as the Chief Justice of the Student Government Association's Judicial Branch..  (Yes, my buttons are popping!)

For a year-end bonding event, she asked if I would teach a Zentangle® class to her talented team of justices and their faculty adviser.  In the midst of finals, with little detail of the activity they signed up for, they stepped out of their busy lives and last Monday night became students of Zentangle -

Very intent students of Zentangle.  And look at the happy result - a new group of artists unleashed!

Here is the collage of their first ever tiles ~

We completed a monotangle of Huggins for our second tile.  This is Catherine's ~

It was a privilege to meet and work with such an accomplished and talented group of college students.  It is especially gratifying to know they have yet another life skill in their arsenal in the art of Zentangle.  I can confidently attest that, looking to their futures, "anything is possible!"


  1. This is so wonderful Adele! It's interesting to see in the second photo that (apart from one girl) it's all the guys who are enthusiastically sharing their tile with the camera!

  2. What a wonderful young group of people to introduce Zentangle to ! Their tiles are lovely.
