
Monday, November 4, 2013

"It's a String Thing" #12 Tiles

It was a Happy Halloween evidenced by the gorgeous tiles sent in this week.
Mindy submitted the first one:
She said that, "this tile came out suddenly in a whoosh.  As I traced the string, a pumpkin appeared! ...a bright, cheery pumpkin against the blue, black of the night, with spiders tangling their webs!  Yes, how perfectly Halloweenish!

At first Joan Delony sent in this tile with a note that she was so caught up in the holiday theme she had more fun doing this than following the string line:

Now that's an excellent example of how strings are meant to be suggestions.  What a pretty piece!  Joan followed up with another tile:
This time she said she used the string line.  Her Lanterns are beautifully varied.  Shortly after Joan submitted another tile.  She said that after reading the Baby Steps for Bumpkenz, she was able to incorporate the tangle into her tile.  Now, that does my heart good!
What a treat to see the progression of Joan's work - one entry more detailed than the next.  The first was all fun, the second completed with patterns she was comfortable with, the third - after learning a new tangle - a gorgeous piece.  Thank you, Joan.
Welcome to Susan Green from Maryland.  This is her first submission to "It's a String Thing".
Susan's variation of Bumpkens with its light and dark spaces seems to anchor the other patterns.  Her lovely lines and tangle enhancements add such a special touch. Very pretty!
This next tile is from Ragged Ray: 

She said that she read the article on TanglePatterns about stippling and incorporated it into her tile - "to add a little extra spooky atmosphere."  Her shading, especially of Betweed adds depth and movement - just lovely!

Sue Agnew sent this with a note that said, "That was a fun Halloween treat! 
It's a treat to see her work!  Sue's lines are so neat and crisp.  What a nice touch to add that little guy in the corner, too!!

Jackie Becker treated us to this tile:
She used Betweed on her string line - what a nice touch.  The darkening of the negative space around Bupmkenz gives the pattern a really rich look.  It also creates such a pretty edge doesn't it?

Sue Jacobs, CZT, is back with more color to treat us.
 She said that she began with a colored tile in keeping with the pumpkin theme.  She also used Betweed as a string line.  Her Lanterns appear to be lighting up the Bumkenz below.  That's beautiful!
Jenna Wheatman said her tiles were too plain and so added color:
What a dramatic effect!  The detail in her Bumpkenz is wonderful and the way she used Betweed is very dramatic.  It is interesting to see that her 'pumpkin' appeared in much the same way that Mindy's did and they are literally an ocean apart - amazing!

Diana Schreur - a brand new CZT from Seminar #12 - honored the challenge with this tile:
This is splendid!  Diana used the new Brown Micron and adding a beautiful compliment to the black.  Her details are really lovely.  The Lanterns suspended from the tips of Betweed is a playful touch.

Cheryl Rotnem emailed this tile:
Cheryl used a pleasing combination of the patterns.  Her Lanterns are playful and her 'mark' appears to be part of the tangle.  Very nice!
Brenda Urbanik who is headed to the CZT Seminar later this week, made time to send in her tile:
A few remarkable things here:  she took the time to tangle, her work is splendid, she will be a CZT this week, AND she is traveling half way 'round the world to do so!  CONGRATULATIONS and thank you!
Next we are treated to two tiles from Carolyn Russell:
Even with this blurred photo, Carolyn's details shine through.  Her composition is captivating and very festive.

Last week, I overlooked this tile of Carolyn's.  It would have been a shame not to post it at all, so here is her lovely IAST #11 tile:

Thank you Carolyn for those pretty pieces.
This week the tile set apart for honors was submitted by Vicky from Montana.

Vicky sent these two photos because her camera "didn't seem to capture the clarity" she was looking for with just one. 
She used Bumpkens as a back drop for her detailed LanternBetweed lends a nice texture to the Lantern and her use of sparkle and shading are splendid.
She said that, "...this submission is rendered in my brother's memory."
Each year Vicky dedicates a piece to her brother on his birthday.  It is an honor to feature her gift to him, here on this week's challenge.
I have a little something coming in the mail for you. 
Thank you to everyone of you for sending in your festive tiles.
Thank you, too, for the creative minds behind our string and patterns this week:
Joyce Bruns and Linda Farmer for String 017
Beth Snoderly for Bumpkenz
Livia Chua for Bulb Lanterns
Zentangle® for Betweed
Check back tomorrow for the next "It's a String Thing".
Please feel free to leave a comment below.
If you would like a response from me, please use the email box located to the right.
Thank you!


  1. Wow! Vicky your tile is stunning!!!

    1. Thank you Jenna I did several others using the lanterns as accent pieces when it occurred to me to use the lantern as the center piece...looks like jewelry doesn't it?

  2. I'm blown away! That last tile from Vicky, (although all are totally gorgeous) is out of this world! I love her Lantern and all the details in it! I just wish my brain would work that way. I know there are no real "rules" in Zentangle, rather guidelines, but for some reason even guidelines make me stay within those boundaries and not deviate or experiment as much as I could. Gosh, need to do some introspection about what that means! (Not sure I will be able to play with the next one Adele, but if I can I will).

  3. Brenda... I've been playing with Zentangle for nearly a year now ... there are rules? lol ...actually I love the "process" of Zentangle but I like to play with the rule book too....reach out ... it will surprise you!
