
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Round and Around and Around We Go

James Michener's advice in my post yesterday made me sit for a time and tangle.  Since I was preparing for a Zendala class, I pulled out a few pre-strung tiles from my Zendala kit.

Inspired by an example of Maria Thomas' on this six pointed tile, I followed the existing lines, adding aura and Pearlz.  On the outside sections, I alternated Ennies and Courant.

The shapes in the center of this tile reminded me of paisleys.  I began there and worked my way outward.  I used Pearlz in the curved lines and rimmed the design with Betweed.
Take time to tangle today.  For something different, try your hand at the "It's a String Thing" #10 challenge and send me a picture :)


  1. Just beautiful, Adele. Your shading is outstanding.

  2. I haven't tried a Zendala yet - but I loved seeing your results. I particularly liked seeing your Courant, I learned that one recently, but wasn't happy with the results, but you've encouraged me to try it again!
