
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"It's a String Thing" #11

It's Tuesday and here is your good news...

"It's a String Thing" #11 just may make you giddy!  It is based on words that contain double letters.  But before we begin here is CZT Sue Jacob's sensational submission for last week's challenge: 

It was buried in my inbox and with apologies to Sue, I did not find it until yesterday afternoon.  It seems fitting though, to have Sue's tile all to ourselves today and admire her work.  Fish Net hanging from a pole was a very clever idea - along with the shadow effect - and Fife is so plump and full.  Many thanks, Sue, for this gorgeous tile and for your tangle pattern that is featured in this week's "It's a String Thing".

We begin this odd numbered challenge with an odd numbered string -  String 013 by Jill Dobis found on Linda Farmer's Tangle Patterns.

Then, in Jill's honor, we will use just three tangle patterns for this challenge that all begin with the letter 'J' and contain double letters:  Jilli by CZT Sue Jacobs (who's tile is featured above), Shauna's Jitterz, and just to mix things up a bit - Jetties, an official Zentangle® pattern.

To Recap - Use:
String 013
Tangle Patterns Jilli, Jitterz, and Jetties

 If this is your first visit, welcome!  If you are new to Zentangle®, welcome! 

This exercise is for beginner and seasoned tanglers alike.  Use it as an excuse to keep up with your art work, take time for yourself, learn new patterns, share your get the idea! 

 Here are the (Not so) Official Guidelines:
     * Challenges are posted on Tuesdays.          
     *Use the string posted for the week and patterns that begin    
                  with the letter(s) indicated                 
     *Work must be completed on Zentangle tiles or on your 3.5" x 3.5" paper      
     * Submit a photo of your tile saved as jpg or         
                  scan your tile (300 dpi) and save as a jpg    
     *Email your jpg file as an attachment to -    
     *Entries are to be submitted by Saturday evenings.     
     *Photos and 'Best of Show' are posted on Mondays.       

Send in your photos - you never know who you will encourage and inspire.

I look forward to your emails.  


  1. Adele, String #13 has always been one of my favorites. It'll be interesting to see how these tangles work with it.

  2. I love Sue's tile, the shadowing is perfection and that pole is a brilliant idea! Ok, off to give this new string and new patterns a go!
