
Monday, December 31, 2018

"It's a String Thing" #273 Tiles and a Happy New Year's Eve

Since January, we have completed forty-five adventures together here at Tickled to Tangle.  I am most grateful to you for you joining in week after week, whether as onlookers, participators, or both.

2018 has been a wonderful year in many ways, and I look forward to a creative, healthy and happy New Year for us all.

We bring this year to a close with the festive tiles from IAST #273.  
Let's take a look ~

This is my tile.
 "Fast away the old year passes..." this song verse repeated in my head while I tangled along ~

The first email arrived from Simone (Germany) ~
i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
Thank you for this wonderful Challenge.
Greetings from Germany

From Sally Whiteman (New Zealand) ~
Attached is my tile for challenge 273.
Once again an appropriate challenge for the holiday season. Thank you very much for all your hard work. It is much appreciated.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all my fellow tanglers.

From Antony Visconti (Milan, Italy) ~
here's my contribution to the festive season with the hope for Peace on Earth and in the hearts of all mankind.
Wishing you and your family a very joyous Christmas and happy new year.

From Joanne (New Brunswick, Canada) ~
Here is my submission. Was a bit of a challenge...but I managed.
I want to wish you and all my tangler friends very Happy Holidays!
Looking forward to tangling prompts in 2019?

From Sherry Conte (Sanford, Florida) ~
What a great set of Tangles to end the year. Thank You Adele for all that you do.

From Baafke (The Netherlands) ~
I wish everyone a very nice new -zentangle-year!

From Hilary (Chicago) ~
Here’s my — well, I don’t even know what to call it! I painted the background, drew the string, and had an idea what I wanted to do. Then I was interrupted for a few days and when I came back to it, I honestly didn’t have a clue. So I just fitted in a few examples of the patterns and called it a day. Oh well, I still think the background is pretty!
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season with friends and family. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful new year. And all best wishes to our wonderful group of tanglers!

From Ragged Ray (United Kingdom) ~
So we approach the end of the year. Despite running out of steam as the days dwindle I've managed to tangle a little pair of Bijou tiles prompted by your last two challenges. I'm sending them together, along with my thanks for all the encouragement and inspiration you give us week upon week.
At the start of this year I pledged to make a Bijou for any String Thing challenge that I missed – and I've done it. I've gained a greater appreciation for what is possible on those tiny tiles. I've got some firm favourites and a few that didn't quite hit the mark.
Next year I hope to complete more full-sized tiles and finish them on time to send to you, but if not I think I'll devise another backup plan, so I don't have to miss out on the weekly dose of string-based tangle fun!

From Karen Buse (California) ~
I’m so happy to be able to participate in the challenge again after a long absence. Such a relaxing exercise creating my own night time winter wonderland. In addition to Afterglo and Meriberries I used patterns Ahh and Isochor. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and here on her blog ~
Your Christmas Challenge with the atmospheric patterns will surely give all participants wonderful ways of interpretation. I'm looking forward to the many nice results. I liked the theme so much that I drew it a second time for a Christmas card. The oval is folded in half and glued on a card which so is decorated on front and backside. I'm sending you both versions. You can also see them on my blog under the link .
Thank you for your wonderful ideas and the work you invest into the challenges.
I wish you and your family a wonderful merry Christmas, good luck and health in the new year and of course a lot of fun and good ideas while drawing!
Warm Greetings from Germany

From Ria Matheussen, CZT (Belgium) ~
I'm glad to send you my last tile of this year: a lovely string with
beautiful tangles, especially for this time of the year.
I have made my drawing on a watercoloured background (and some green
Bistrepowder) and used green pens and ordinary colourpencils to make the
colours a bit stronger.
Thanks again for so many challenges that I enjoyed so much...
I hope to join also next year as much as possible.
Wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year

From Jutta Gladnigg, CZT (Germany) ~

Let’s celebrate the New Year with your festive challenge!
Thank you so much for this marvellous IAST year.
All the best for 2019 for you, your family and friends and for all IAST participants worldwide!

From Jane (Surrey, United Kingdom) ~
Happy Holidays to you and your family. Thank you for bringing joy to this Zentangle community with your generosity in both your time and creativity. All the best for 2019.

From JoAnne (Ontario, Canada) ~
Hello Adele, hope you and yours had a great holiday! The Ahh’s are glittery, even though it doesn’t show up that way!

From Sue Leslie (New Mexico) ~
Happy New Year! Here’s wishing everyone a safe and fun filled 2019. All the Ahh’s look like all the snow we are getting today, about 3 inches so far and looking for more the rest of the week, so will be lots of tangle time!

From Amy L, CZT (Connecticut) ~
What a fun challenge. I especially enjoyed doing meriberries. Thanks for all of the inspiration, and for giving us an extra week. Happy New Year!

From Priscilla DeConti, CZT 28 (Kingston, New York) ~
Hoping everyone had a wondrous joyous Christmas season filled with love peace and happiness.
Here is looking forward to the New Year, new adventures and new wonders.
God bless all!!!
And thanks to Adele for keeping this challenge alive and well!!! May you continue to be blessed in all your endeavors!

From Mariam G (Port Hueneme, California) ~
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family. The week went by so quickly here that I almost forgot to send in my tile. Hope the photo works okay - had to take a picture, rather than scan, to show the 'sparkle'. Looking forward to 2019 and a whole new year of IAST!
Happy New Year, everyone!

From Elke (Bremen, Germany) ~
Attached is my Tile for ‘It’s A String Thing #273’ Challenge.
I wish all a Happy New Year 2019

Laruel Davis, CZT 28 (New York) ~
A fun challenge to end the year! Thanks for another great one, Adele!

From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
What a lovely pattern Meriberries is. So simple yet so pretty. I’ve been doodling it all Christmas. Lovely to find an hour of peace this afternoon to do this challenge. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

From Gabi (Germany) ~
Hope you had some wonderful days! Also had the whole family around and was busy with Christmas things.
Lately I finished this tile just using AFTERGLO. Was a little lazy and had no idea and so the string disappeared behind a frost pattern of my window shades...

From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
I enjoyed playing with Meriberries. When I was trying it as a grid I discovered that if I made it six-sided I could stack it in a triangle shape. I worked row-by-row to keep from becoming TOO confused. I also played with Afterglo, to make the star, but didn't care for the results, so omitted it and did the rest with Ahhh. When I finished I thought it looked too busy, so (I had messed up my first attempt, fortunately in only the third row of Meriberries, so I had a "spare" to experiment on) I tried adding magenta berries, and I tried adding green in the "leaves," and didn't like either. Then I tried shading with pencil around the "tree" and didn't like that. So here it is in all its busyness. I guess it didn't get the memo that it's the holidays and there's still time to relax and enjoy quiet time.
Best wishes for a very happy 2019!

From Sharon Fite (California) ~
Celebrating another year with this wonderful IAST community! Thank you so much for putting together these challenges, Adele! It has been an honor to participate in every challenge for a second year. It feels amazing to keep a resolution with myself. (I wish I could stick to my health goals as easily!) Not sure if I will meet every challenge in 2019, but I plan to be a frequent contributor. Wishing you all health and happiness in the coming year!

From Nor'dzin (Wales, United Kingdom) ~
I hope you have had a lovely Christmas, and wish you all happiness, health and prosperity for the New Year.
Here’s my last tile of 2018, and looking forward to 2019. Thank you.

From Jennifer Wilken, CZT 19 (Hudson River Valley Region, New York) ~
Happy Holidays to everyone! I mixed a little Betweed into the tile for good measure. The color palette was inspired by a peaceful walk in the winter woods.

From Lynn F (Florida) ~
Here is my tile for the year end challenge!
I think I was not able to get the pictures of the blizzard crossing the mid-west out of my mind.
Happy to be in sunny, warm Florida. Thank you Adele for giving us these challenges this year. I can’t wait to start again in 2019!
Happy wishes to all for a happy healthy new year.

Are you as amazed as I am at the beauty and variety in all of those tiles? 
What a glorious way to wrap up the year.  Thank you one and all. 
I am humbled by your good wishes and support.

Many thanks to the creators of the tangles we so enjoyed ~

Meriberries by Cheryl Wilson, CZT
Ahh by Maria Thomas
Afterglo by Carole Ohl

Check back tomorrow - the very first day of the New Year - for "It's a String Thing" #274!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Card  by Adele Bruno, CZT

A Merry and Blessed Christmas to one and all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

"It's a String Thing" #273

It's Tuesday and time for this calendar year's grand finale, IAST #273.

(If you missed the tiles for IAST #272 posted earlier today, click here.)

Our next adventure together is scheduled for the beginning of the New Year.  That gives us two weeks to enjoy finding time to tangle amid all of the celebrating.

Lest we get too far ahead of ourselves though, let's begin with this string ~

IAST #273 String by Adele Bruno, CZT

Meriberries by Cheryl Wilson, CZT

Ahh by Maria Thomas
Afterglo by Carole Ohl
My notes on these wonderful tangles can be found here.

Keep in mind that the string is a suggestion, let the tangles lead the way.

Feel free to use any size and color of tile. 

I will post these results during the week of December 31.  Have fun with the extra time!

Here are the (Not so) Official Guidelines:
* Challenges are posted on Tuesdays.
*Use the string posted for the week and some or all of the suggested patterns
* Submit a photo of your tile saved as jpg or scan your tile (300 dpi or higher) and save as a jpg
*Email your jpg file as an attachment to -
*Entries for IAST are to be submitted by Saturday evening of the week issued
*Photos and notes are (usually) posted on the following Monday 

Send in your photos - you will encourage and inspire fellow Zentangle® enthusiasts all over the world. WHEN YOU SIGN YOUR NAME, PLEASE INCLUDE WHERE YOU LIVE.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not necessary for you to have a blog or website to participate.

If you do have a blog or website, I will add a link upon request.
Please include the site specific URL.

I look forward to your emails.


"It's a String Thing" #272 Tiles

Happy week before Christmas!  With these tiles, we are slightly ahead of the gift giving - as though we get to open presents before the big day.

Let's take a look ~

The first tile arrived from Jennifer Wilken, CZT 19 (Hudson River Valley Region, New York) ~
Hello from the rapidly cooling area of New York! Thank you for this challenge. Hard to see it, but the orbs did start with stripes. As I applied color they decided to pearlize. Sometimes tangles have a voice of their own!
Yes, they do, and you've let them sing!
*luscious layering and color

From Sally Whiteman (New Zealand) ~
It was such a miserable cold wet morning here today that I decided it was a good morning for tangling. It is supposed to be the beginning of summer but this week has been very wet and windy, with a bit of sunshine thrown in. It can only get better.
I really enjoyed these tangles. I had not used verdigogh before as I always thought it too complicated, but as usual, one stroke at a time made it easy.
Thanks again for the wonderful challenges.
*lovely Verdigogh - so very happy that you tried it!

From Sherry Conte (Sanford, Florida) ~
Verdigogh has not been an easy tangle for me. I think it turned out pretty well. This is the first time I've tried Jetties. I really like it and will add it to my Arsenal. I used gelly roll pens.
*wonderful overlapping - and on the first try!

From Angie Gittles (Maryland) ~
Hello! Glad to be able to participate this week. What I thought would happen with this tile didn’t, so, there you have it.
...and such is tangling!
*aura, dark sparkled orbs, and highlights for Verdigogh

From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
Season’s greetings to everyone. Hope you find time for some Zen over the holidays.
*a Verdigogh tree! - fabulous!

From Ria Matheussen, CZT (Belgium) ~
Verdigogh is such a wonderful tangle for this time of the year...
In Belgium we have now the shortest and darkest days of the year but
many Christmas lights gave a special atmosphere. Therefore I prefered to
use a black tile. I decided to make a simple composition and have drawn
just one big "Jetties" surrounded on one side by Verdigogh. Different
charcoals brought a little bit on colour to finish my tile...
Wish you all the best, a wonderful Christmastime and send you warm
regards from Belgium
*Verdigogh encased Jetties glows like Christmas lights, a lovely mood captured

From Gudrun (Germany) and on Flickr ~
Christmas is getting closer - everything is decorated - ideal for Verdigogh and Jetties - it was fun.
Thank you for the challenge and a nice second Advent for you and yours.
Best regards from Germany
Yes, the third week of Advent is here already...
*colorfully detailed Jetties baubles hand from the border

From Baafke (The Netherlands) ~
Here is my result of this week's challenge.
*a Jetties string of lights - how fun!

From Simone (Germany) ~
*sparkled Jetties fills Verdigogh in a Tipple fashion

From Lori Byerly (Washington State) and here on her blog ~
Thanks so much for the Christmassy challenge. What fun! I hope you have a lovely Christmas season.
This feels like a Christmassy starry night!
*rounded Verdigogh and lovely soft shading

From Lynn F. (Florida) ~
Here is my tile for this week. I think it turned out very festive!
After drawing the string I turned the tile on it’s side so that the string became Verdigogh’s main branches.
Fun, fun, fun. Thanks for the challenge.
It looks like fun!
*very detailed tangles, dark border accents the colors

From Priscilla DeConti, CZT 28 (Kingston, New York) ~
Not one of my better works, but I like the simplicity of it.
Been a busy week so my concentration has been a bit off.
Yet here it is , in all its glory
Colored background with jetties and verdigoh in white black and a little gold which wont show up in picture.
Have a great week everyone!
Thank you for the smile :)
*Verdigogh flourished to opposite sides of the string line complete with touches of gold

From Jane Goddard (Surrey, United Kingdom) ~
Your challenge this week incorporated two tangles I have been using a lot lately for a workshop involving Zentangle inspired Christmas gift tags so well use to drawing them and happy to do so for this IAST.
Thank you!
That is a happy coincidence - and a great idea to tangle gift tags.
*pretty sprays of Verdigogh and alternating smooth and jagged border lines

From Sharyn Penna, CZT (Massachusetts) ~
Verdigogh has to be one of my all time favorites and I just work it into my tiles very often.
Cheers to a steady, getting ready for the holidays.
..."a steady, getting ready" - thank you for that helpful thought.
*fabulous overlapping, pen and penciled Jetties

From Vena C (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
When I did last year's verdigogh challenge, I stuck to the pattern with squared off ends on the needles. I didn't like what the end result was. It felt stiff and awkward.This year, I used Maria's variation with pointed ends on the needles. I had a lot of fun doing this one and felt happy at the end of a relaxing Zentangle session.
*lovely and wispy Verdigogh, Jetties clusters, and fine details in penciled background - beautiful!

From Mariam G. (Port Hueneme, California) ~
Busy, busy, BUSY time of year, yes?! But I loved having a moment to create a tile for IAST272. I've been busy making tangled trees, and tiny tangle house boxed (thanks to you and Dorian Eng!!!), and trying to keep up with all the other activities and requirements of the season. I have to say, I do enjoy it more, now that I am retired! Still hectic at times, but not like the younger days of balancing work along with everything else. Anyway, here's my tile - a bit of boughs and baubles...
Happy Holidays to you and your family and to all the fellow 'String Thing' followers.
I am so happy to know that you enjoyed our little gift - you will have to send a picture of your Tiny Tangled House boxes.
*bright red Jetties clusters pop against the festive Verdigogh

From JoAnne (Ontario, Canada) ~
Here are Verdigogh and Jetties! Happy Holidays to all!!
*pretty Jetties ornaments border colorful Verdigogh

From Talia Maynard (London, United Kingdom) ~
I hope you are well and enjoying the build up to Christmas.
Here's my tile for the first Christmas challenge. It seems terribly simple now that it's finished, but sometimes I tend to go overboard with detail so I consciously chose to pare back a bit. And add lots of black. I always enjoy adding lots of black!
Looking forward to next week's challenge.
*and the "lots of black" shows of the tangles so well!

From Sue Leslie (New Mexico) ~
What a fun string with 2 tangles that just said Christmas to me, so traditional Christmas colors of red and green. No mater where in the world you are, or how you celebrate this season my wish for all is a happy heart, health and time with family and friends.
Cheers to your lovely sentiment! 
*festive shades of green and colorful shading

From Margarete Gilge (Germany) ~
a wonderful challenge with beautiful patterns in a wonderful time! Maybe I will draw another version an put it on my blog next week!
Have a nice not too hectic and busy time! Best wishes from Germany
*a burst of Christmas cheer is tangle and detail

From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
Attached is my Tile for ‘It’s A String Thing #272’ Challenge.
* three variations of Verdigogh, simple and elegant

From Ginger White (California) ~
Hope the holidays do not have you too worn down! Thank you for all you do throughout the year.
Here is my contribution to this week's challenge. I call it "Aquaponics". Placing jetties just at the base of verdigogh reminded me of the water plants growing in ponds. Turning the strings on their side worked better for me. Tried colored pencils for the first time, so stretching myself each week!
*a totally new look for Verdigogh and a great name to go with it!

From Ingrid (The Netherlands) ~
Here is my IAST # 272 tile for this week.
May everyone have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season.
Much love and have a blessed time with all your beloved people.
*colorful, glowing tangles - a touch of 'snow' and the warmest wishes, thank you, Ingrid.

From Nor'dzin (Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom) ~
Here is my tile for #272 - a lovely couple of tangles to put together.
Our granddaughter, Zoƫ, arrived safe and sound on November 30th - even earlier than expected. Despite the concerns about her being so tiny, she is healthy and doing well. Thank you for your good wishes.
Seasons greetings to you and your Zentangle community.

What wonderful news!  Congratulations to you and your family, many prayers answered.  May she bring you much joy and have a loving, happy life!
*perf lined Verdigogh and pretty filled Jetties, too

From Amy L, CZT (Connecticut) ~
After reading your comments about the choices and the season I decided to go all out and do this one in color on black. I borrowed my daughter’s prismacolor pencils to shade. I had never done verdigogh so large and enjoyed letting it take control. Jetties is not my favorite tangle but filling in the centers with gel pens was really therapeutic and relaxing. Thanks for the fun inspiration.

*a beautiful pine needle look for Verdigogh

From Renee (Austin, Texas) and here on her blog ~
So fun to do. I am glad to have not missed out on this one. Thank you for the enjoyable challenge.
*Verdigogh stretches from border line to border line, decorated with delicately detailed Jetties

From Susie (St. Louis, Missouri) ~
I did two tiles this week, one in color and one in black & white. I hope everybody has a safe and fun holiday season.

*colorful and black and white, highlighted tangles - tapered and straight edged Verdigogh variations

From Laurel Davis, CZT #28 (New York) ~
What a great challenge, Adele! I took the liberty of turning the string and am very happy with how this turned out. To all the “Tickled Tanglers” out there, I’m sending my very best wishes for a zen filled holiday of happy tangling!
Thank you for the new name and great description, "Tickled Tanglers" ☺
*beautiful blues, reminiscent of Juniper berries, grace a green shaded Verdigogh

From Cyndee Pelley (Oklahoma) and here on her blog ~
Happy Holidays to you, your family and to the wonderful “it’s a string thing” family all over the world. Whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of year, I wish you all peace and joy. The world can use a lot more of this! Here’s my tile for the 272nd challenge. I can’t believe another year is gone again! Verdigogh is a challenge to overlap so I did my best but couldn’t seem to resist the obligatory Jetties as ornaments idea. I did enjoy this tile and I’m so glad I managed to get it in before Sunday this week! Much love to all!
...and wonderful wishes to you and yours, too!
*layered Verdigogh and Jetties - a double treat

From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
HA HA even with 2 weeks to complete a tangle I ended up whipping it out this afternoon ... but then I guess that's actually what you're supposed to do with Zentangle rather than agonize over every stroke.
I enjoy Verdigogh, and remembering to draw behind came in handy last summer when I was trying to sketch a tiny balsam shoot. Today I placed the balls first, and then the top branch didn't end up in a place where the top ball could hang from, and I tried to add in a side branch but couldn't get it to work out. So let's just assume it was placed by that person (always someone) who hangs a too-big ball on a too-small branch. I thought Jetties was a perfect place to try that new-ish technique whose name I'm forgetting, "flicking"?
Have a very Merry Christmas, and looking forward to the next challenge right before New Year's!
That flicking technique was dubbed "enthatching" by Rick and Maria - they are one in the same, lovely when added to tangles.
*continuous line for the base stem and branches of Verdigogh - beautiful!

From Sharon Fite (California) ~
I was up for a little pointed pen practice. (Goofy lighting to show off the gold lettering.) Thanks so much for all you do for all of us, Adele. Wishing you and our IAST community Happy Holidays! Cheers!
*gorgeous, golden lettering and accents

Here are my tiles ~
I tangled these on a long (and a bit bumpy) flight back from California after the best time with our family in California. We were able to soak up some loving grandparent time - the best kind of Christmas present to ourselves.
In addition to the basics, my little supply bag contained red and green Microns which I used on the second tile.

 I did intend to curve the line of Jetties, but it just kept going in the same direction.  I curved the  Verdigogh lines in an effort to compensate for their stubbornness :)

Thank you all for the good wishes, reminders to enjoy this time of preparation and celebration, and encouragement to take time to tangle when we can.

Many thanks to Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas for Verdigogh and Jetties.

Please check back later this afternoon for our last IAST of 2018!  It will span two weeks as this one did for more time to enjoy these happy days ahead.