
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

"It's a String Thing" #292

It's Tuesday, your good news day!

In the United States we are preparing for Memorial Day, May 27th.  It is a day set aside to remember and honor those who died in military service to our country.

As I wrote last year:

My grandmother used to refer to this day as "Decoration Day". I later learned that the practice of decorating the graves of those lost, dating back to the late 1800's, is where that name originated. In 1971, Memorial Day became an official observance in the United States designated to be celebrated every year on the last Monday of May.

I did a little research and found that similar holidays are celebrated around the world. Here is a short list:

Remembrance Day in England
Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand
Dodenherdenking in The Netherlands
Armistice Day in Belgium
Volkstrauertag in Germany

While we do not all celebrate at the same time, we do share an appreciation for the brave men and women who have given their lives in service to our countries.

To mark this great day, let's begin with a star-like string ~

IAST #292 String by Adele Bruno, CZT
To create this string, I used the first few step outs of Denise Rudd's Fünf (see below).  Feel free to adjust the size and position of the string as you wish.

The tangles we will use include ~

Fife by Molly Hollibaugh
Ever the fan of this tangle, I like that it begins with a dot grid and looks woven when finished.

Fünf by Denise Rudd, CZT
These very easy to draw, and very forgiving stars are just what we need for this challenge.

Furr Balls by Carolyn Coyle
This tangle can pop up most anywhere on a tile - in a string space of its own or mixed in with others. 

Since we are approaching a holiday weekend, the deadline will be extended to
Friday, May 31
I will post the tiles on Monday, June 3.  

Here are the (Not so) Official Guidelines:
* Challenges are posted on Tuesdays.
*Use the string posted for the week and some or all of the suggested patterns
* Submit a photo of your tile saved as jpg or scan your tile (300 dpi or higher) and save as a jpg
*Email your jpg file as an attachment to -
*Photos and notes are (usually) posted on the following Monday
Send in your photos - you will encourage and inspire fellow Zentangle® enthusiasts all over the world. WHEN YOU SIGN YOUR NAME, PLEASE INCLUDE WHERE YOU LIVE.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not necessary for you to have a blog or website to participate.

If you do have a blog or website, I will add a link upon request.
Please include the site specific URL.

I look forward to your emails.

Enjoy the extra tangling!

Monday, May 20, 2019

"It's a String Thing" #291 Tiles

Our belated nod to Mother's Day found us using a new tangle, Tomàs Padrós' Zig Zag Track (below referred to as ZZT), and plenty of orbs.  

Let's take a look ~

The first tile arrived from Lisette CZT32 (Switzerland) ~
I really enjoyed this challenge! I love the tangles by Tomas Padros, although they can be very puzzling and demanding. But with Zig Zag Track I came immediately into the Zen Flow and indulged in the process. I drew Zig Zag Track for the first but not for the last time! Thank you for this beautiful and enriching challenge.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*three variations of ZZT and lovely perfs, too
*sublime shading - note the highlights and shadowing in the black perfs

Please note:  In this post, I refer to rounded shapes as perfs.  They are also known as orbs and Tipple.

From Karen Aicken (Alberta, Canada) and here on her blog ~
Glad you had such a nice Mother’s Day. While we did as well, my mom’s health is declining rapidly and she wasn’t able to join us. I now have my Zentangle pens and sketchbook packed to carry with me as it won’t be long before she is in Palliative Care and I will be sitting at her bedside tangling to keep calm. It’s all so very sad and my heart is heavy.
I sat down to draw the IAST 291 into my sketchbook and look up the step out for Zig Zag Track, thinking I would take it with me when I visit my Mom today. But I kept drawing lines and orbs and all of a sudden my tile was finished. So … sending it off to you now while I have it on my mind.
I also added some Baton for contrast and sections of Zig Zag Track were just calling for some Fassett while other’s needed extra lines. I enjoyed this new-to-me tangle more than I expected!
 Tangled Tidbits -
Our hearts are heavy for you, how fortunate that you are near your mom.
*wonderful array of tangles to fill ZZT
*darker shading along the string lines adds depth

From Moblue (Bremen, Germany) ~
See here enclosed my contribution for IAST #291. It was fun to draw. And as you see it’s impossible to draw a card for Mother’s Day without any flower.
Thank you for this nice suggestion.
Happy tangling from Moblue, Bremen, Germany
 Tangled Tidbits -
*lovely corner flower and ZZT Ms
*inner aura accent for ZZT

From Laurel Davis CZT #28 (New York) ~
Tomàs does such wonderful geometric designs and Zig Zag Track is no exception! I filled the center one with Tektonik, which is my favorite one of his. Thanks for another great challenge and for all you do each and every week to inspire us!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*three fabulous variations of ZZT
*perf filled corners

From Ria Matheussen (Belgium) ~
Here we are again with an entry of a pleasant challenge with a cheerful
new tangle: Zig Zag track in the leading role, drawn in different ways.
I added Caviar and Jetties to complete my tile and used an ordinary red
colourpencil for the finishing touch.
I enjoy every week to see how people from all over the world can show us
such wonderful results, thanks to you!
You do a great job Adele, thank you.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*touches of red along with shading add even more depth to ZZT
*Jetties, complete with sparkle, pool and float along ZZT

From Lynn G. (Florida) ~
Zig zag track is such a fun tangle. I tried using fill in some of them, but really like the minimalist look of it unadorned. Thank you for all you do with the challenges, I look forward to doing them every week.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*narrower zigzags with highlighted spaces - fabulous variation
*simple and elegant, just as you noted

From Susie (St. Louis, Missouri) ~
This made me think about my mom today. It’s her birthday today. She passed in 2005 and days like this makes me miss her more. MY birthday is the worse, the woman who gave me life is not there. No more funny cards or off the wall gifts. We were never serious about birthdays. I sang Happy Birthday this morning, just as I do for all my loved ones who are gone. My husband thinks I’m nuts, but it’s my way of coping and remembering.
 Tangled Tidbits -
How very sweet of you to sing in their honor...
*corner bits of ZZT (like Lynn's above)
*varying sizes of ZZT

From Nor'dzin (Wales, United Kingdom) ~
Thanks for the opportunity to use this new tangle. I like it a lot.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*perf tipped ZZT makes a lovely aura line
*fields of glowing white perfs

From Ginger (California) ~
Hope this finds everyone well. "Peachy" is my color of this week, so it plays well here with our challenge!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*Pokeroot and Pokeleaf filled spaces
*softly shaded lines accent ZZT

From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
Attached is my tile for “It’s A String Thing # 291’ Challenge.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*ribbon like string lines create a marvelous M
*pretty variations feature such a pleasing mix of curve and line

From VenaC (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
I feel totally dissatisfied with this really bad effort. But, my challenge is to do your challenge every week. I have to call this a practice piece. I have no time to figure out how to make these two patterns work together. The weather is lovely so that at least is a bonus. My mother's favourite colour was burgundy and her favourite flowers were roses so I attempted some string roses in the circles.
 Tangled Tidbits -
Breathe...I am sure you will be pleased when you see it posted here :)
*colorful roses and bright highlights
*sharp contrasts

From JoAnne (Ontario, Canada) ~
Here is my submission to IAST 291. Best wishes and Happy Victoria Day weekend from Canada!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*weighted lines and shading give perfs depth
*detail lines, color, and shading for awesome ZZT

From Lin H. (Florida) ~
I’ve missed several of your challenges recently and am on the road again this week but was determined to find some tangling time and am happy that I did! Loved your recent family photos and stories with your grandkids—just precious.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*alternating tangles and wonderful variations flow in a wave of colors
*weighted and shaded string lines

From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and here on her blog ~
on my blog under the link you can find my contribution to your last challenge. Thank you for your good ideas!
I wish you a nice weekend.
Best wishes from Germany
 Tangled Tidbits -
* rows and rows of beautifully finished ZZT
*striping and highlights, along with a colorful tile

From Sharyn Penna, CZT (Massachusetts) ~
Celebrations abound in May ... Easter, First Communions, Mother’s Day, college graduations ... no matter how you slice it ... it’s all about family. My youngest received her college degree last weekend. And my one of my sisters has a birthday this weekend.
I’m sending you a sampler of Zig Zag Tracks. Fun tangle to play with!
Cheers to safe travels to and from our celebrations of life and to the future each celebration offers.
 Tangled Tidbits -
Cheers to it all!
*delightful dimension achieved in multiple variations
*perf lined string lines

From Marjan Heemskerk (The Netherlands) ~
I am a big fan of Thomas Pàdros. He has such beautiful linework.
4 MOM was fun to do. Here in Holland we don't say Mom but Mam. So I made one 4MaM ;)
 Tangled Tidbits -
*large, lovely perfs
*happy mix of both tangles

From Jane (Surrey, United Kingdom) ~
I don’t normally attempt Tomas’s tangles, those I have tried in the past seemed too complicated. This one however was quick and easy. Combined with auras, tipple and caviar. I love a linear tangle!
Tangled Tidbits -
*angles, shading, and highlights provide great dimension
*aura between rows of ZZT become an element in themselves

From Jody Genovese, CZT (New York) ~
I finally had time to do a tile. Yeah! I hope you had a very Happy Mother’s Day. Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration in California.
Always so nice to hear what is going on in your world.
I decided to try this on a tile I treated with watercolor and saranwrap. It had the look of the stripes in your string and I tend to make colored tiles and not use them. Trying to break bad habits this year.
Thank you for all you do!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*rainbow hues and four delicately lined variations of ZZT
*wonderful roundness in the perf shading and highlights

From Sue Agnew (Tucson, Arizona) ~
What fun to be able to attend Xavier’s First Communion! My cousin-once-removed’s daughter also made her First Communion recently. So sweet!
When I sat down to read the results of challenge #290, the first entry was Gale Sherman’s, and she made me (I started to say “ashamed” but there’s no room for shame in Zentangle so I’m going to say “inspired”) inspired — she responded to a crazy hectic week, instead of making excuses to not tangle, by sitting down and spontaneously dashing off a masterpiece. So I determined I was going to participate this week and not let the week get away from me. As this afternoon waned and I finally sat down do my tile, I saw that last week I’d had some fun sketching a “flat” version of Edie, so since I didn’t get to it last week I decided to use it this week (ovals are almost like orbs aren’t they?). I changed the perspective a bit on Zig Zag Track and ornamented it with “flat Edie.” I really liked Margaret Bremner’s “A Million Things You Can Do With Tipple” so I used her “tipple responding to gravity” to fill in the Vs.
The fun never ends (I hope!)!
 Tangled Tidbits -
Yes, inspired is the word!
*'flat' Edie fill for ZZT
*great 3 D line work

From Lynn F. (Florida) ~
Zig zag track was lots of fun!
I added Mofins which is similar and one of my favorites.
I also used Peace out, Ahh, and Printemps.
Since there is full moon I added one in one corner and the sun in the other.
I can’t wait to see what everyone else does with this challenge.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*sweet nod to the sun and moon
*grand mix of color, tangle, details

From Sue Leslie, CZT (New Mexico) !
Too much fun in the sun today with flying orbs aka Frisbees at our disc golf tournament today so the zigs and the zags went a little askew tonight!. But what fun with both. And a great way to wind down after a big day. Thanks as always for an interesting play.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*the fun shows through!
*perfs and more perfs between weighted lines

From Cheryl (United Kingdom) ~
Tangled Tidbits - 
*smiling ZZT
*highlights, light and dark lines, grand detail

From Gabi (Germany) ~
Here’s my very very free variation of ZIG ZAG TRACK with .... errr ... something like perfs.
Nonetheless: a wonderful Mother’s Day to all mothers!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*bold black and dew drop perfs
*layers of lovely lined ZZT

From Felicity (Velddrif, South Africa) ~
Blessings and congratulations on the Blessed milestones your grandchildren are achieving. Such and honour for we oldies to be there, to enjoy the next generation’s accomplishments.
Here technology is still unstable and we dive in whenever we have contact. Sorry for late Tile 290, but when time allowed I had the best time with Sikito and Edie.
Zigzag Track this week somehow was a challenge to let it flow and take direction. The end result however is quite satisfying.
Looking forward to see what everyone made of it. Have a wonderful week.
 I just had to include this because Simone and Laurel will be so pleased to see it.  It is just beautiful.

Tangled Tidbits -
*shaded aura sections add wonderful depth
*eye catching Flux accented perfs

From T. ~
I hope I’m not getting this to you too late.
Thanks so much for this challenge.
I’ve followed Tomàs Padrós’ pattern designs on social media for a while, so it was nice to work on a challenge that included one of his many patterns.
I love the way he takes the time to share detailed instructions for the patterns he creates and that he sometimes does the same for patterns created by others.
This is my first time using Zig Zag Track and I really enjoyed it, especially the different ways it can be drawn by simply adjusting the length of its lines and then embellishing it with colour.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*fabulous variety of angle, color, line width, and direction
*detail lines repeat throughout

This is my tile ~
I began this in the upper left corner, working in one string section at a time, treating each section as its own - so much fun!!

Thank you one and all for the fabulous show of tiles, good wishes, updates, and the incredible gift of coming together here every week to share it all.

Many thanks to Tomàs Padrós for his much appreciated Zig Zag Track. 

Check back Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #292!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

"It's a String Thing" #290 Tiles

For this challenge we used tangles created by artists we are very familiar with here at IAST, CZTs Simone Menzel and Laurel Davis.  It made the tangling all the sweeter, didn't it?

Let's take a look at our tiles ~

The first one arrived from Gale Sherman (Arizona) ~
Thank goodness there are no rules!!! I suddenly became the lead teacher this week for my Zentangle women’s homeless shelter class. And then 2 urgent family matters appeared out of the blue. What to do? I saw this weeks challenge and quickly selected #Edie (which I didn’t know) because it’s simple and versatile. I used it as a border on a tile, will tell the ladies it can also be used as a monotangle, or with other tangled they already know. I filled my Edie like #inapod so decided that was a perfect companion on a hurried tile. Surprise! I quite like it with my “inner string,” the repetition, gold, no shading and wide open spaces! Thanks Adele for helping me on the run
 Tangled Tidbits -
Hat's off to you, Gale, for your good works.  Tangling is so rewarding for the very reasons you joined in this week.
*Inapod is a perfect compliment to Edie
*gorgeous contrasts and shading

From Baafke (The Netherlands) ~
It was fun playing with those 2 patterns!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*structured variation of Edie
*lovely Sikito variation in single file

From Nor'dzin (Wales, United Kingdom) ~
The first part of this year has been so busy, but I am pleased to be able to join in this week. Thank you for your challenge which prompted the creation of this tile.
Best wishes to you and all
 Tangled Tidbits -
*bold centers, shaded outer areas
*rounded corners and beautiful shading

From Karen Aicken (Alberta, Canada) and here on her blog ~
Thanks for another fun challenge! I took a few liberties with Sikito, and enjoyed both new-to-me tangles. I expected to wander the tangles outside the string border to the tile edges, but it seemed to want to stay contained so I let it be. This is another one where I traced a Zentangle Tile into my sketchbook and tangled in that.
I really enjoyed everyone’s take on the IAST 189 - so many lovely interpretations of those tangles!
Here is my entry for IAST 290
 Tangled Tidbits -
*aura and dark surrounds for Edie
*fanned variation of Sitiko and shading add wonderful roundness to the entire tile

From Lisette, CZT 32 (Switzerland) ~
Hi Adele, thank you for this new challenge with two new tangles and many thanks for all your work!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*stunning Sikito variations
*Florz filled Edie

From Shirley Wohlsen (Queensland, Australia) ~
Thank you, Adele, for sharing the delightful moment of your Granddaughter Ada’s Baptism she is adorable. (Thank you! ♥)
Attached is my tile for ‘It’s A String Thing # 290 ‘ Challenge.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*cluster of Sikito, wonderfully round Edie
*red hearts for a bold Sikito variation

From Lynn G (Florida) ~
What a fun tangle Edie is! Thank you for another great challenge.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*lovely fills for Edie
*single and multiple Sikito - how fun!

From Robin Steinbeck (Ohio) ~
Here’s my tile for IAST #290. I love Edie, this is my new go-to tangle.
Have a great weekend !
 Tangled Tidbits -
*alternating string sections of Edie and Sikito
*horizontal detail lines finish Sikito

From Cheryl (Missouri) ~
So enjoyed this tangle - my favorite this far! The string has disappeared, but follows along the top ridge of the sides of Sikito and ends with linked Edie. The tangled tile is rounded out with Fun Cycle, Checkerboard, and more trailing Edie.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*beautifully detailed tangles
*glowing highlights

From Susan (United Kingdom) ~
I enjoyed this weeks tangles. I am a big fan of N’Zeppel and it had elements of that. I loved all the colourful Easter tiles so added some green this week.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*multiple center details for, and variations of Edie
*Edie filled Sikito complete with a heart

From VenaC (Whitby, Ontario, Canada) ~
Two fun new tangles. Enjoyed doing this.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*lovely color and highlight
*Edie border full of happy variations

From Gabi (Germany) ~
Two new organic patterns and a completely different string - what a nice challenge again
Did two versions but this one I like most.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful contrast/shading
*Edie inner aura and shading, weighted lines

From Margarete Gilge (Germany) and here on her blog ~
enclosed I send you my contribution to the current Challenge. I especially liked the pattern Sikito, because it is extremely versatile. You can find the tile on my blog under
Best wishes from Germany and a nice weekend to you and your family
 Tangled Tidbits -
*layers of beautiful Sikito
*free floating Edie with striping and sparkle

From Ingrid (The Netherlands) ~
In the attachment my tile # 290 for this week.
It is impossible for me to draw black hearts, therefore of course some coloured hearts.
With lots of love and have a blessed week.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*pretty pink hearts, weighted lines
*soft shading and varied directions of the detail lines

From Aileen ("in sunny" Singapore) ~
Here's my contribution :)
It's done in purple and black microns but I cant seem to take a decent photo to show up the purple:(
 Tangled Tidbits -
*fabulous combination of tangles and colors
*pretty touch of highlights

From Simone Menzel, CZT (Germany) and the creator of Sikito! and here on her blog ~
What a surprise!
Another IAST Challenge with one of my tangles…
I have been so happy and proud when I saw Sikito on Linda Farmers website published, and some days later in your IAST challenge...
I did not know Edie before, but it is a very beautiful tangle as well. It is so simple and powerful - I think it fits everywhere ;-)
Thank you for choosing Sikito for your challenge and that you for this beautiful combination!
I hardly can wait to see all the other contributions next week …

I drew classic black on white and added some copper with a gel roll pen.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*aura-ed single line of Edie along the string
*sensational Sikito variations

From Lynn F (Florida) ~
Thanks for sharing the adorable picture of your granddaughter.
The tangle Edie took me back to my college days learning about paramecium.
I used the two tangles twice, one large and the other small.
Right now we’re having a thunderstorm so it’s probably heading your way.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there!
 Tangled Tidbits -
Paramecium - that's is a great reference, Lynn.
*each string section features its own size and tangle variation
*touches of gold and a single heart

From Ria Matheussen (Belgium) ~
Here is my tile for the weekly challenge with two beautiful patterns.
I have used white paper, a black pen and finished with red/ pink
Sometimes the challenges are easy, sometimes a bit more difficult but
always interesting.
Thank you very much for seaching always new challenges.
I send you and your family warm regards from Belgium 
 Tangled Tidbits -
*jagged lined edge for field of bold Edie
*even grid and colorful Sikito

From Jane (Surrey, United Kingdom) ~
Please find attached my tile with two new to me tangles. Lots of contrasts!
Adorable photo of your granddaughters christening! (Thank you!)
 Tangled Tidbits -
*beautiful contrasts - light/dark, bold/lighter lines
*rounded inner aura for Edie

From Laurel Davis, CZT 28 (New York) and creator of Edie! ~
What a wonderful surprise to have my first (and only!) tangle chosen for this week’s challenge! And it pairs so nicely with the beautiful Sikito. Thank you, Adele!
 Tangled Tidbits -
Congratulations on Edie!
*string tuned into a full grid for the tangles to fill
*wonderfully bold Edie rounding and weighted lines

From Moblue (Bremen, Germany) ~
See my tile for IAST 290. I am not really satisfied but it’s just as it is. Hope it’s not too late. Here we have 2 am and I will go to bed now.
Happy tangling from sleepy Moblue...
 Tangled Tidbits -
I think it is safe to say that late night tangling is something we all share in common :)
*simple and elegant Edie
*four sectioned bloom of Sikito and just of glimpse of one at the top

From Susie (Thailand) ~
Here my contribution to your angular challenge this week and a big thank you for keeping us busy each and every week.
 Tangled Tidbits -
*stunning Edie - elongated, shaded to add dimension
*curls add softness to Sikito

From Sue Leslie (New Mexico) ~
Happy Mother’s Day. Missed the last few IAST’s to travel and finally getting to spend some time with my granddaughters who live in China. They are in the US for a few months so taking the time to be with them and the daughter in law we’ve not really known. Been fun between grandkids and trips from Canada Rocky Mountaineer Train trip from Vancouver to Calgary and then to Florida for a business training. April was a busy month! Whew! Finally time to tangle and do another IAST.
 Tangled Tidbits -
I am so happy for you and your Grandma time!
*long, linking Edie
*five fabulous variations of Sikito

From Antony Visconti (Milan, Italy) ~
Here's my contribution. Happy Mother's day to all those wonderful women who nurture us and our families with live and warmth.

 Tangled Tidbits -
*Edie/Sikito butterfly and bee!!
*center burst, multi-layered Sikito

From Susie (St. Louis, Missouri) ~

 Tangled Tidbits -
*Edie string lines and clusters
*rounded and angular petals for pretty Sikito variations

From JoAnne (Ontario, Canada) ~
I started with the string, but somehow it got lost among the tangles. Loved seeing the pic of your beautiful granddaughter playing in the holy water. (Thank you!)
Happy Mother’s Day!
 Tangled Tidbits -
*fabulous details for both tangles
*orbs and multiple fills for Edie - in the outer and inner aura

From Kathy Millard (Prince George, British Columbia, Canada) ~
Hello from Prince George,
So much fun with this week's tangles. I'm loving learning so many new (to me) tangles!

Tangled Tidbits -
*lightly lined Edie along the string
*curved channels feature mirrored Sikito

From T. ~
Happy Mother’s Day and thank you for making the time each week to organize these challenges for so many people to enjoy!
Both of this week’s patterns were new to me but they were easy to learn and fun to work with.
I’ve been drawing mandalas recently, and although I didn’t start with the intention of creating one for this challenge, that’s where working with Sikito led me. The shape of the pattern works wonderfully for drawing mandalas freehand.
Edie is a versatile pattern that I see potential for using in many different ways; I chose to use as a filler here.
Thanks again for all you do week after week.
Tangled Tidbits -
*colorful Sikito contrasts beautifully with a black and white Edie with bold surrounds
*soft shading

And this is my tile ~
I tangled this on the first of two return flights home from California. The ride was smooth and almost four hours long, so I had plenty of time to play with these wonderful tangles. The intersection of the string lines seemed a perfect place to begin with Sikito and I began on the left side. After adding two more and finishing them each just a bit differently, I decided not to add a fourth. Instead, a collection of Edie gathered there and sprouted from the edges of Sitiko. I shaded the Edie centers in lieu of more details and I liked the softness of them ~

Our gratitude to Simone and Laurel for their wonderful new tangles, Sikito and Edie.
Thank you all for joining in the fun and enriching all of our tangled lives.

While I may not answer every compliment, please know that I appreciate each one - they keep me going!

Please click here to view the delightful details of IAST #291 - there is plenty of time to join in the fun!