
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"It's a String Thing" #86

We begin this challenge with a string I created with an Easter egg hunt in mind.  You are never too old to have fun!

Easter Egg Hunt String by Adele Bruno, CZT
And speaking of fun - we will use a beautiful pattern from "It's a String Thing" long time contributor, Sharyn Penna.
She has dubbed her tangle Well-Mooka-Z , a tribute to the two Zentangle® patterns that inspired her.
Here is Sharyn's step out:

Notice that the tangle can be placed on either a square or dot grid.  It can be drawn with just the Mooka type scrolls, with a filler, or with a filler and darkened spaces.

In addition to Well-Mooka-Z, we will use
Well by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas
Coaster by Carole Ohl, CZT
CO2 by Antonine Megger

Step outs for the patterns can be found by clicking their names above, or by visiting TanglePatterns.

Use as many or as few as you'd like.

Simply pencil the string line onto your tile and tangle away!  Keep in mind that string lines are suggestions and let the patterns lead the way.

Here are the (Not so) Official Guidelines: 
* Challenges are posted on Tuesdays.
*Use the string posted for the week and patterns that begin or contain the letter(s) indicated
* Submit a photo of your tile saved as jpg or scan your tile (300 dpi or higher) and save as a jpg
*Email your jpg file as an attachment to -
*Entries are to be submitted by Saturday evenings.
*Photos and 'Best of Show' are posted on Mondays.

Send in your photos - you will encourage and inspire fellow Zentangle® enthusiasts all over the world.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not necessary for you to have a blog or website to participate.

If you do have a blog or website, I will add a link upon request.  
Please include the site specific URL. 

I look forward to your emails.

"It's a String Thing" #85 Tiles

Spring is in the air (for most of us) and this week's tiles are proof positive.  Let's take a look ~

The first tile arrived from Joanne Hawes.  She said ~
Loved doing this challenge. It reminds me of spring. I love mumsy it's a new tangle to me , as is kelp. I think it will be appearing in other work soon. Printemps I love it's my relaxation tangle really get zoned out drawing them. Even if I do get cramps in my hand after a while! :)

Tangled Tidbits - 
*a pretty pink posy of Mumsy
*shading grounds the tendrils of Kelp

Debra wrote ~
I look forward to this all week!
I did two tiles.
The first one is ok but felt forced.
I had an immediate vision of the outcome and I just couldn't relax and let the image flow on its own.
The second one (with kelp as the string line) I relaxed a little more.
I look forward to seeing all the different beautiful submissions.

Tangled Tidbits -
*a great reminder from Debra that the experience of tangling is more relaxed when the patterns flow as you draw
*two variations of Kelp
*wonderful overlapping of tangles

Ilse Lukken said, "Thanks for another nice challenge! I found it quite difficult what to put where; this is the result. I put it on my blog as well..."

Tangled Tidbits -
*absolutely fabulous shading of Kelp
*corners of Mumsy and Printemps

With "many greeting from Germany" Sandra wrote ~
thank you so much for this wonderful challenge! I fall in love to Mumsy that I didn't know before and Printemps is one of my favourite patterns. To draw this tile was very relaxing for me :-)
I posted it in my blog too.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*a light and airy array of tangles
*wonderful shading
*bits of Kelp follow the string line

From Arizona, Suzanne Moshier said, "It was hard to fit these patterns together, but I think it turned out all right."
(...and here on her blog)

Tangled Tidbits - 
*pretty colors for the patterns
*Printemps flows with Kelp

From California, Michele Wynne said ~
This was a fun one. Printemps is one of my favorite fills but it's the first time I've used it in larger spaces. Mumsy and Kelp are both new to me and I love how they all work so well together. Here's my blog link.

Tangled Tidbits -
*rows of shaded Kelp
*great fields of Printemps with sparkle and darkened spaces

From London, Talia writes ~
Thanks so much for this challenge. Sadly here in London, Spring seemed to be here for just 2 days and now it's cold and wet again. But these sunny patterns brought some cheer to my week.
I absolutely love Printemps. It makes me smile drawing all those circles. I'm very pleased with this tile, and it's the first time for me I can say that.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*flowing vines of Kelp
*great depth achieved with layers of Printemps
*sparkle and shading

Also from Arizona, Cheryl Stocks wrtote ~
Thank you once again for a challenge. I created this with the parameters drawn out for us this week. It's here on my blog too.
Much appreciated. Happy Spring!

Tangled Tidbits - 
*alternating light and dark 'leaves' of Kelp
*Printemps and Mumsy beautifully combined

From Singapore, Magdalene Lee said ~
After drawing the string, I kept turning my tile this way and that, trying to find a place for Mumsy to fit in. Finally I drew Kelp along the string, and then just drew Mumsy without caring about the string borders at all, and finally coloured in Mumsy and added Printemps according to the string. Thanks for the challenging string which forced me to try out something new!
It's up on my blog too.
Tangled Tidbits -
*large loops of Kelp 'leaves'
*light and dark stripes for Mumsy
*coloring changes as the tangles pass from one string section to another

From New Jersey, CZT Kath G said ~
Ok, so this may sound hokey...but...
I have recently completed my certification as a "Master Gardener" and have spent the past two months working in the greenhouse getting plants ready for our big sale.
My tangle started off in the upper left hand seeds in a pot. Next came tendrils and "roots." These merged into "flowers" which eventually went back to "seeds" to be replanted next year!
Yikes! This was so not planned!

Tangled Tidbits - 
*how fun that the tangles reflected her gardening
*nice mix of light and dark spaces

Our third tile from Arizona comes from Audrie Wiesenfelder

Well, this has been the week for spirals as strings. First the Diva had us using spirals, and then you popped up with String #85. I really like spirals, so I had no trouble coming up with a few. Although the first one I did for It's a String Thing was not so hot. Then I read your Tips for Tangling Mumsy, and after playing around with it, I got all kinds of ideas. I finally settled on spiraling the petals on the string line (how many others have come up with that idea?) Any way, this is it:
It's also on my blog.

Tangled Tidbits -
*a Mumsy spiral - ingenious
*bold and lighter line weight

From Lily Moon with "hugs" from Hungary ~

Tangled Tidbits -
*Mumsy spills over to one side
*Printemps seems to bloom from Kelp
*dense white Primptemps at the bottom and less dense sections at the top

 From the Netherlands, Carmela loved Mumsy~
I looked at the spiral string and saw the patterns and thought that i never could make something about it. When i was drawing Mumsy i could’nt stop making petals around and around, hahaha.
Then I loosed the stringline and the only piece u can see i tangled with Kelp.
In the empty corners a little bit Printemps.
U can see it here.

Tangled Tidbits -
*a large and lovely Mumsy center
*a wonderful description of allowing the tangle to fill a given space and push the string line passed its suggested confines

From Michigan, Portia Hyde said, "Light, airy like Spring. I forgot that printemps was supposed to be a spiral!"

Tangled Tidbits - 
*circles for Printemps are lovely sparkled
*dark Kelp lends a beautiful balance to the lighter patterns

From Florida, Betsy Gentry said ~
I can't wait to see all of the tiles for this challenge, it was very interesting. Had fun drawing these patterns and like the other tiles I have done it just kind of developed on its own as I went. Where to use Kelp? That was the question this week.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*alternating layers of Mumsy and Printemps
*gorgeous detail
*Kelp winds over and under the tangles

A very warm welcome to Clémence who wrote, "This was fun! I loved the way Kelp and Mumsy combined to form flowers. I did not expect this at all!"

Tangled Tidbits - 
*what joy there is in the unexpected!
*lovely aura for Kelp
*dramatic dark arcs in Mumsy

From the Netherland's Ingrid Coventon ~
I enjoyed very much doing this tile. Very relaxing. I think it has become very light and airy. A spring like tile I think. After finishing and shading with pencil, I thought that throw in some green color would also have been a good idea, but I was too late.
It's still cold and rainy here in The Netherlands. We yearn for warm spring weather.
Happy greetings to all.

Tangled Tidbits -
*pretty variation of Printemps with dark centers
*double aura for Kelp 'leaves'
*fun details for Mumsy

Also from the Netherlands, Annemarie wrote, "I did not make it for some weeks, but here I am again. I'm not fond of this tile, but working on it was very nice." (Here on her blog as well.)

Tangled Tidbits -
*green for spring
*a doubled string line filled with Kelp
*color for Mumsy

From Colorado, Jane Glotzer wrote ~

Well, this was a very serendipitous tangling week (both you and the Diva challenged everyone with spiral strings!) And, as you can see, I was doubly productive this week...
I am usually such a "filler-in-er" that I often don't see the string as a place for a tangle, but this week's Kelp seemed such an obvious choice when I first looked at the lovely, looping string...I started there...and when I finished, I loved the simplicity. I saw no place for the fabulous Mumsy and Printemps...I thought anything would have ruined the space and flow, so in true Zentangle spirit, I let the tile decide that it was done. (I went back later and added the auras around the petals/leaves and the green color and simple shading.)
I moved on to a second try because I do like those other tangles. In my more typical fashion I started with Mumsy in the! I haven't used it in a while and I love it so much...great tips on your blog, too...alternated that with that one too...anything spiraling...but didn't realize "officially" they only spiral in one direction...I have them going both ways--:) A little black background, a bit of white space, a dash of shading and I love my minimalist and maximalist string thing #85s!!
Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful descriptions
*great contrast between the "minimalist and maximalist"
*superb shading

From New Jersey, CZT Lucy Banta wrote, "I'm back! I missed the last two weeks, and had to get you this weeks before the deadline in a few hours! It's posted on my blog."

Tangled Tidbits - 
*great timing :)
*Mumsy that flows in to Primtemps
*aura for Kelp

From Susan Szathmary ~

Tangled Tidbits - 
*a tangled beautiful spring garden
*Kelp blooming into many different patterns

From Arizona and Sue Agnew~
First, I just want to say that spring has more than sprung in Arizona. It's highs of over 90 this weekend! WAY TOO SOON!
Anyway, here's this week's challenge. I was messing around with Mumsy and remembered how I used to love drawing daisy-type flowers (junior high-ish age) ... and that I always included one that had only part of its petals ... so I tried that with Mumsy and liked it. I "Printemps-ed" the petals, and tried to make the flower unraveling along a Kelp line.

Tangled Tidbits -
*very clever partial Mumsy
*Kelp aura-ed in the same manner as Mumsy

From South Africa, Susan Theron said, "This is my minimalistic contribution. Looking forward to see the other tiles. Also on my blog:  Have a nice day."

Tangled Tidbits -
*alternating light and dark 'leaves' of Kelp
*clusters of Printemps
*very nice shading

K. Bish said ~
Attached please find "Springtime Tempest ". I really enjoyed this tangle, MUMSY is a tangle I have tried in the past, but hadn't had much success until this challenge. I have also played with PRINTEMPS and like it very much. KELP is new to me but, I love it! What a great challenge!!! Thank you so much!

Tangled Tidbits - 
*wonderfully named tile :)
*colorful Mumsy
*bold black swirl for Primtemps

Cathy Cusson said ~
What an interesting week you gave us! The three tangles themselves were no problem. The string was just fine. It was getting them all to work together! What a challenge! Thanks for your work in putting this all together...

Tangled Tidbits - 
*lovely clusters of Printemps 
*pretty Mumsy center and swirls of Kelp

From Spain, Annie Taylor wrote ~

I love spiral strings and this was a great one. I was also totally confident that I would enjoy this week's tangles - heavens, Kelp is very straight forward and Printemps one of my favourites. And Mumsy looked like my sort of tangle. How wrong I was! I couldn't do Mumsy...and whilst there's no failure in Zentangle and I didn't let it get me down, there is no doubt about the fact that I need a lot of practice to get Mumsy right. I loved your Tangling Tips for Printemps and my pleasure with how different I got mine to look this week made up for the Mumsy thing...
I've posted this on my blog.

Tangled Tidbits- 
*we can call that a very pretty tangleation of Mumsy!
*aura-ed Kelp
*superb Printemps - weighted line on the down stroke and a bit of sparkle

Daniel sent two tiles this week ~

Tangled Tidbits -
*dotted string lines
*flowing Kelp 
*clusters of Printemps that compliment Mumsy

From Germany, Joya while still battling a cold, made time for this beautiful tile ~

Tangled Tidbits - 
*thick black stem for Kelp accented with perfs
*Kelp weaves in a around Mumsy
*black background makes the tangles stand out
*wonderful shading

From Missouri, Traci said, "... I'm still enjoying your challenges. Often, my time tangling is the only relaxation I find in the chaos of work and family..."

Tangled Tidbits - 
*sentiments we can all relate to :)
*varying sizes and line weight for Primtemps
*Kelp stems for Mumsy

And now, the tile for honors this week was sent in by
Felicity Strohfeldt from South Africa~

She wrote ~
A Happy Spring to all tanglers in the Northern Hemisphere. Enjoy the birth of new life and spare a thought for us here in the south, as we prepare for our winter months. Adele, your world looks gorgeous. Luckily here on the West Coast the next few weeks will be pleasantly mild and we will continue to enjoy outside “braais” and evenings out of doors.
This week’s challenge was so good! Printemps was one of the first tangles I learnt at my first and only Zentangle class with CZT, Marizaan van Beek, but it was great to brush up my technique using your Tips. Mumsy was new, but this mumsy jumped in and with a little H(Kelp) I was off. The patterns just flowed and Spring seemed in the air. Printemps helped to finish off the abundance of Mumsy and the whimsical splash of Kelp. I loved coming to grips with the shading and I ended off by adding a little extra white with a Hybrid Gel pen.
With this one my enthusiasm really took over a bit. See it on my blog

Tangled Tidbits -
*a multitude of marvelous Mumsy
*pops of Primtemps
*very creative tangleation of Kelp
*dark background and shading give the tangles depth

Congratulations, Felicity!  Thank you for sharing warm spring thoughts even as you face winter in your part of the world.  I have a little something coming in the mail for you.

Thank you to everyone for sending in your wonderful tiles this week.

Many thanks to the creative minds behind the string and tangles we used ~

TanglePatterns String 085 by Cheri Hartwick
Mumsy by CZT Sandy Bartholomew 
Printemps by Zentangle® co-founder Maria Thomas
Kelp by Nancy Domnauer

Check back Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #86!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tips for Tangling Printemps

This week's "It's a String Thing" (click here for all of the delightful details) includes Maria Thomas' pattern, Printemps.

Here are a few of my tips for tangling this wonderful pattern ~


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"It's a String Thing" #85

It's Tuesday, your good news day, and it is SPRING!

Spring has sprung and that is reason to celebrate, especially for those of you still suffering the effects of an unusually long winter.

We begin our challenge with TanglePatterns String 085 by Cheri Hartwick~

Copyrighted image used with permission by

Mumsy by CZT Sandy Bartholomew - a fabulous flowering pattern that comes alive when shaded
           (Click here for my post about Mumsy)
Printemps by Zentangle® co-founder Maria Thomas
Kelp by Nancy Domnauer

Step outs for the patterns can be found by clicking their names above, or by visiting TanglePatterns.

Use as many or as few as you'd like.

Simply pencil the string line onto your tile and tangle away!  Keep in mind that string lines are suggestions and let the patterns lead the way.

Here are the (Not so) Official Guidelines: 
* Challenges are posted on Tuesdays.
*Use the string posted for the week and patterns that begin or contain the letter(s) indicated
* Submit a photo of your tile saved as jpg or scan your tile (300 dpi or higher) and save as a jpg
*Email your jpg file as an attachment to -
*Entries are to be submitted by Saturday evenings.
*Photos and 'Best of Show' are posted on Mondays.

Send in your photos - you will encourage and inspire fellow Zentangle® enthusiasts all over the world.

PLEASE NOTE: It is not necessary for you to have a blog or website to participate.

If you do have a blog or website, I will add a link upon request.  
Please include the site specific URL. 

I look forward to your emails.

Monday, March 23, 2015

"It's a String Thing" #84 Tiles

What do you get when you mix together two border tangles, a grid based tangle, one free flowing tangle, and a gracefully flowing string line?  Absolutely beautiful tiles, that's what!

Let's take a look~

This first tile arrived from Lori Byerly in Washington State who wrote ~
I enjoyed the loop-dee-doo feel of this week's string. Plus I got to use a new-to-me pattern. Lovely challenge.
You can also see my tile here.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*ribbon-like space for Antique 
*escaped orbs from Antique - how fun!
*wonderful line pattern for the darker sections of Arrow Heads

From Germany, Sandra said ~
...thank you for this wonderful challenge :-) I liked the twisting string and the patterns and I was so happy about Amoeba, because it's one of my favourites.
In the last days I was trying to use colored paper for my zentangle tiles and so I used a light blue-grey paper for your challenge.
It was a great fun for me to tangle my tile :-)
In my blog
Tangled Tidbits -
*beautiful white highlights
*Amphora string line looping around a single Amoeba
*reversed light/dark sections of Amoeba

"Salutations très printanière" from Juul in France who said, "Wow,this time,I saw the challenge and tangled it right away...."
Tangled Tidbits - 
*delicate lines
*aura-ed diamonds of Amphora
*pretty shading

Lily Moon, creator of the fabulous Amphora, sent word and a tile from Hungary ~

Thank you for you have chosen my tangle pattern. I'm honored :)
Here's my tile for your weekly challenge. I can't wait the tiles of other tanglers :)

Tangled Tidbits -
*It is a treat to use Lily's tangle and to have her send in a tile!
*curvy and splendidly shaded Amphora (as only Lily could tangle)
*lovely variation of Antique

From the Netherlands, Carmela said ~
Again a beautiful challenge with much opportunities.
I used 3 of the four patterns and i enjoyed it very well.
On my blog
Tangled Tidbits - 
*dark background of Antique
*aura in both variations of Amphora
*delicate variation of Arrow Head

From Cheryl Stocks in Arizona ~
I haven't done one of your challenges in a couple months, but I saw someone else's response posted for this week and I thought I'd give it a go. I like "Amoeba" a lot and thought that would be a pattern I'd work with, but this went a very different and minimalistic route.
For your viewing pleasure:
It's also posted to my Flickr feed.

Tangled Tidbits -
*sense of depth as the width of Antique changes
*sweet and simple tangle

Michele Wynne writes from California ~
I've gotten so behind on my challenges these past few weeks and it was just the inspiration I needed to get back to work. I posted the tiles I missed on my blogThis tile started out as a practice run...trying to rough out the pattern placement and it just took off on it's own. I wasn't planning to use all of the patterns but they just seemed to find their place. I liked the contrast of all four. I ended up spending so much time on it I knew I wasn't going to have the bandwidth to repeat it.
Thanks again for all of the inspiring work here.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*superb shading
*Antique without the channel lines
*darker Amoeba and Arrow Head background

From Debra in Mississippi ~
Thank you again for providing such fun!
I enjoy scrolling through all the wonderfully beautiful and expressive tiles from all over the world.
Again, all the challenge tangles were new for me. It was fun to try each one and add them to my journal.
I thought this was going to be a tough one to use all four tangles on because they are so different in the feel and flow. But, I was determined to try and I am surprised! I didn't think the sharp triangles would work with all the curves.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*wonderful balance of straight lines and curves
*pretty variations of Antique

Joanne Hawes said ~
Here's my tile for this week. Featuring antique, amphora and arrowheads. I really like antique but struggle to see it as anything but a border or a string going through so I'm looking forward to seeing if any new variations come up.:) I also find that arrowheads was hard to get the lines right despite it looking so simple I tried freehand and with a ruler neither worked out well. Maybe it's practice I need :) these were all new tangles to me.
Tangled Tidbits - 
* always trust your freehand :)
*nice variations of Amphora
*fabulous frame of Antique

Talia Maynard wrote ~
Thank you for this challenge. Another complicated string that got the grey matter working! I love the mixture of curves and angles in this challenge and I even had a go at shading with a tortillion this week! Learning as I go as usual.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*variations in the size of Antique
*sections of Amoeba look rounded
*superb shading

From Vicky Brison in Montana ~
Tangled Tidbits - 
*waves of Amphora
*a blanket of Amoeba
*great variation of Arrow Head

From Marie Tvrdikova from the Czech Republic ~
I have missed two previous strings and patterns...but now I am here again with the tile – string 083. The name: Spring :-). The day after tomorrow spring is starting. Well at last!!!

Tangled Tidbits -
*a wonderful nod to spring
*singular blossom of Antique, beautifully detailed
*stipple and shading for Amoeba and Antique
*heavy and light lines for Amphora

A warm welcome back for Ragged Ray in the UK ~
At long last I managed to sit and tangle and hereby offer you my tile for this week's challenge. I've missed it so much!
I kept it fairly simple, choosing single elements of two of the tangles and looping them around each other. I think it lacks a bit of contrast somehow but has a fairly eager spring attitude about it.
Tangled Tidbits - 
*a very "eager spring attitude" in the tangles :)
*entwined simple elements of Amphora and Antique 
*delicate highlights and shading

From Susan Theron in South Africa ~
This was really a challenge for me deciding where to put what in the string. I am not a fan of Amoeba and therefore there is only one and on it's own. Also on my blog

Tangled Tidbits - 
*three pretty variations of Arrow Head
*lovely take on Amphora
*one big Amoeba happy to be included :)

Susan Szathmary wrote about her entertaining journey with this tile ~
This just makes me laugh out loud!
I love the tangle patterns antique and amphora... So I eagerly jumped into a composition with the string pattern, drawn free hand - I plunged in with the amoeba and arrow saving the best for last !!!! HA! It quickly became disappointing and I impulsively took my scissors and voila! 4 pieces ! Take that you terrible tangle!!! On my way to the garbage I had another impulse - a little tape and rearranging..... I just had to share before I give it another go!
Oh the Joy!
A few days later, she followed up with her "uncut" version ~

Tangled Tidbits - 
*aura for Amoeba
*stipple and shading of Antique
*a very light and lovely Amphora

From Felicity in South Africa ~
Anyhow tile 84. A lovely swirly string. Tome Amphora has a greek feel to it and Antique goes well with it, so what to do with informal Amoeba and ever so geometric Arrowhead. First i decided on a ribbon effect, as I suspect many will also, then decided not to use obvious Antique in it. Off I went with Amphora in the ribbon decided to use elements of Antique. Then OMW I decided Arrowhead is too geo and finally let Amoeba spill out of the furls of the ribbon. I’m comfortable with the result.
On my blog...
All the best for the week. Enjoy Spring we've had our first night of rain here.

Tangled Tidbits - 
*a very happy tangle adventure
*border of Antique created with one half of the pattern
*Amphora wonderfully morphed into a ribbon shape
*super shading

From dear Ingrid in the Netherlands ~
All I can say is, that it is what it is. Nice to meet and play with all patterns new to me.
Much greetings from a very rainy and cloudy first day of spring season in The Netherlands. But there is hope; Spring has just begun.
Tangled Tidbits - 
*big and bold Amoeba
*lines of Amphora move from simple to complex and back again
*a dainty border of Antique

From Jane Glotzer in Colorado ~
Fun choices this week with a string that looked quite inviting...
I started with the Arrow Heads in the "background" and as I was working my way down with the dark triangles, I decided to do the lighter, striped versions on the bottom and liked how that came out...then I saw those two roundish shapes and I used them for Amoeba and did a positive/negative take...lastly I combined the final two spaces and had my Antique flow through...squeezed a teensy bit of Amphora in the middle of it all, but without the fun swirls...I played with the shading a bit and I am pretty happy with the final piece...I think it has a nice balance...
Happy Spring to you and all the tanglers around the world!
Tangled Tidbits -
*superb tangleations of Arrow Heads
*shading of Arrow Heads changes the look and depth of the pattern
*blending of Amphora and Antique

From New Jersey, CZT Kath Gregitis said, "This week, I was not sure if I would get around to the challenge, but here it is. The amphora is a bit incomplete, and morphed into something else."

Tangled Tidbits - 
*Arrow Heads and Amoeba contrast nicely with their angles and curves
*just the center section of Amphora - lightly shaded

From Illinois, CZT Sue Jacobs returns, "I finally got a chance to get back to your challenge. Some fun tangles this week!"  (Sue's blog.)

Tangled Tidbits~
*wonderfully shaded white spaces
*bolder Arrow Heads and Amoeba balance the delightfully delicate Amphora and Antique

From Tonia Marie, here and on her blog ~

Tangled Tidbits - 
*sensational swirls of pattern
*tightly knit Amoeba
*light and weighted lines

From my fellow Floridian, Betsy~
As a beginner this was a challenge. But that is the point right? To learn and grow. I love creating these tiles because you can do it without a plan. Just fill in one space and then another and it all comes together. Such a wonderful sense of freedom.
Yes, it is!
Tangled Tidbits - 
*awesome aura for Arrow Heads
*star burst lines for Amoeba
*splendid shading

From Arizona's Audrie Weisenfelder~
When I first started playing around with these tangles, they were in different places.But when I actually started working on the tile, in true Zentangle fashion, they got reversed.
Also on my blog.

Tangled Tidbits -
*tangles flow into each other as they flow with the string line
*a single row of Arrow Heads - what a great idea!

From Cathy Cusson ~

Tangled Tidbits - 
*Arrow Heads in three variations - notice the curved lines in the middle section
*pleasing balance of white space and tangles

Daniel Lamothe wrote ~
This was a really fun tile to draw...I've never used Amoeba before, but it's so enjoyable and produces such a bold result that it's probably going to creep into a lot of my other Zentangles ^_^ Amoeba and Arrowheads were both quite stark and graphic, so I tried to replicate that with Antique by coloring it in. It took a really long time to tangle, but this is definitely one of my favorite tiles that I've ever done ^_^

Tangled Tidbits - 
*beautifully bold tangles
*sparkled centers of Amoeba
*silhouettes of Antique

Suzanne Moshier said, "I went into an uncomfortable place for me this time---all black and white. My Arrow Heads didn't turn out right, but the rest is OK." (On her blog )

Tangled Tidbits - 
*Arrow Heads turned out just right!
*lines of Antique and Amphora blend
*shading adds depth

And now, the tile for honors this week comes to us from 
Magdalene Lee !

She wrote ~
Here's my tile for this week. Lately my strings seem to be disappearing in my tiles – I start out following them but at the end you can hardly see that I followed them! All four tangles were enjoyable to draw, and Amoeba in particularly was super fun.
I've also posted the tile on my blog.

Tangled Tidbits -
*wonderful depth achieved as the width of Amphora and Antique move from narrow to wide
*double curls of Amphora
*Amphora changes as it dips under Antique
*Amoeba morphs into Arrow Heads
*double circles at intersecting points of Arrow Heads alternate light and dark

Congratulations, Magdalene!  I have a little something coming in the mail for you.

Thank you to everyone for sending in your wonderful tiles this week.

Many thanks to the creative minds behind the string and tangles we used ~

TanglePatterns String 083 by Anne Marks

Antique by Kathy Barringer, CZT
Amphora by Lily Moon
Amoeba by Linda Dawson
Arrow Heads by Linda Farmer, CZT

Check back Tuesday afternoon for "It's a String Thing" #85!